Friday, July 9, 2021

The Friday Wrap-Up

     Each Friday, when I remember to blog that is, I try and capture the comings and goings, ups and downs, and general  ways and means of my life through my Friday W's Here's the W's of my life for this week.    

What's top of mind: I've got young people on my brain. It was so great talking with my son and hearing that while things are not back to normal by any means, he's been able to work and see friends when not working. He sounded positive. I've got my older daughter in my head as she lays out opportunities to look towards moving to working for herself in a year, or a bit longer if need be. She still keeps her eye out for houses, but is not forcing a fit when the market is so inflated. 

And my youngest is always in my head as she is home, but hard to think that in just 6 weeks now, she'll be back at school, and fingers crossed, off to Spain after Christmas. Yesterday, three colleagues and myself hosted a virtual wedding shower for our friend and colleague. Her wedding is now a go for July 23rd-third date scheduled, but she has been taking it in stride. My life other than work at home and less social time, has not been put on pause like the young people in my life, so I am  hoping they all can keep moving forward with their life plans. 

Where I've been: Saturday was the first big extended family gathering at my sisters for her annual 4th of July party-this time on the 3rd. When the holiday spans over a weekend, they try and host on the Saturday. We were at the lake cabin a couple days as well. 

Where I'm going: I may or may not be going to do a return for my daughter. We ordered her several bras-tiny bandwidth, large cup, and she needs to decide if they work for her. I struggle with bras and always have do to my large chest, but her being so incredibly tiny, it's even hard on-line unless we want to invest $80 or more on each one. (She just did a try on and all are keepers! Thank you!) Today would have been my sister and her husbands 38th wedding anniversary, after his untimely death last March. She also has a birthday next week so I just texted her to see if she is free for a late lunch (she works until 1:00) or Happy Hour. Tomorrow I'm going blueberry picking with another sister and friend. Later this month I'll make jam as the blueberry  version was a massive hit three years ago. We couldn't pick last year due to restrictions, and the year before we missed the harvest so I am quite excited and plan to pick my weight in berries! 

What I'm reading:  I picked up the summer read book I started several weeks ago at the lake again this weekend, One Perfect Summer. It hasn't gotten any better. DD2 has a stack from the library and I might have to borrow from her borrowed collection. 

What I'm listening to: I've had lots of BBC Worlds Service streaming this week and a whole lot of coverage of England soccer, or football, and their  trip to the EUFO (?) championship. I believe we can watch the US n ESPN on Sunday, but I don't think we'll be home. The other coverage has been on the lead up to the Tokyo Olympics, who's officials just announced no spectators at all will be allowed due to another surge in the Delta variance of Covid. This is not done folks. 

What I've been watching: Looking  for something fluff after the end of the day and early evening, I found The Baker and the Beauty on Netflix. Of course it is contrived and  watches like a   slightly more mature audience Hallmark movie, but if you want fluff and nothing to think too hard about, and a glimpse at a possible version of Cuban American family life, it was worth a watch. 

What I'm eating:  No meal planning again this week. After a massive shop, plus a few side trips, we're already at $234 including take out  Chinese from the HyVee deli, but that included extras for the holiday weekend (Household and H&B included but not alcohol.) I made one of the massive packs of chicken so have 10 cutlets ready and cooked to go back in the freezer, plus a large one to cut up tonight for a stir fry of sorts. We had pulled pork that turned out very well and I'm trying to up the fruits and vegetable game in the house. 

Who I'm paying attention to: Right now? No one but people in my family, friend, and work circles. I have been avoiding the news, other than the updates from when I stream BBC. I'm paying attention to my doctor, who gave me the go ahead to try a new arthritis supplement for 30 days, and we'll see if it helps my joints, which then might help me be able to better tolerate more sustained and progressive exercise and longer walks. 

What I'm planning: DD1 offered me her Saturday next week and we have a list of tasks for the "when are you going to ever stop talking about it and finish it" office. I know I want paint it a serene light blue, but as we want to do frugally, I want to find and see what is available for free paint through one of the places that collects partial paint cans to avoid waste. The room has a closet and door on one wall, and two walls are divided by a shelf mid height, so if I found two colors that could work together I could go that route if not enough of one. Have nay of you had luck with the  recycled/donated paint places? I'm going to see what carpet remnant options might be as well. It is a small room, perhaps 10 by 12, and I'm not picky about what to put on the floor. 

What's Making Me Smile: Spo has this on his Wednesday W's, and I think I need to add it in as what kind of life is it without something to make me smile. Today, working from the porch because it is a perfect 70 degree morning and full of sun. Pup is with me, enjoying the sights and smells (though the  idiot barks his fool head off when he sees people coming and going.)

     It was a pretty good week. I stayed out of any family  drama on the weekend, and just enjoyed the time with people. At work, I feel, knock on wood, that I'm getting caught up and am even going to take at least part of my flex day off, really only on call for urgent needs. That's my wrap up for  this July 9th Friday. 



  1. I watched "The Beauty & the Baker" - I thought it was okay, although I liked all the relationships in it. I just finished watching "The Great Canadian Baking Show" (all 3 seasons on Netflix here) and would watch more. My husband and I both loved "Timeless" (also Netflix) and I would recommend it highly for adventure, history and romance (I love romance!). There are only 2 seasons - it was a network show that was canceled.

    My week has been all mixed up due to my switched work days. I'm looking forward to a semi-quiet weekend to recharge my mental batteries. We're going to a drive-in tonight!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Sam! I can just picture you sitting on your porch with your pup. :)

    1. The latest season (which I think is #4) of the Great Canadian Baking Show is on CBC Gem for free.

  2. I used some recycled paint for my guest room. I had 3 different containers of light brown/ beige plus a tiny bit of pink. I mixed them all together and it worked fine. It is probably not what I would have chosen, but the paint was a buck per gallon and it worked. I might change it someday, or I might not. It is not offensive as it is.

    1. That's my thought too. If it is a sort of blue shade, I'll be satisfied with it. I just would rather not have white, off white, or beige since it will be my office and want a bit of color.

  3. I had breakfast with my mom squad on Wednesday, which transitioned into a trip around Target afterwards. It would have been my mom’s 82nd birthday so I felt it best to just stay busy. Health news is on my mind, something popped up at my daughter’s well visit that we need to follow up with and that was unnerving as well as hearing about the complications of my sister in law’s pregnancy that will possibly have the worst outcome. Work continues to frustrate. HR doesn’t seem to think that I’m valuable lol. They want to promote me but not give me much of a raise and claim that I am currently being overpaid. So I plug on. My son leaves for OBX in the morning, the rest of us leave Sunday for Atlantic City. We come home in time for my daughter’s senior pictures and then she’s off to North Carolina then Myrtle Beach with the boyfriends family. I’m dreading going away. Vacation always sounds fun until I go. I’m awful, I know. And I hate when my kids are gone especially since I know I don’t have much time left with them home as it is. The weather here is grey and gloomy. Matches my mood perfectly. JoAnn

    1. If I ever here from HR or a boss that I am over paid, I would lose it! Well, that is part of the reason I left my last job-suggested tat both I, and my whole team were overpaid when proportionally, we were all lower paid than other parts of the company for more highly stressed and direct mission based work. Stand your ground on that. I'll send good thoughts for your daughter and sister in law.

  4. Sounds like a very good week, Sam. I like staying out of family drama too. The weather sounds wonderful there. Good for you for sitting on the porch enjoying it.

    1. I learned, slowly, that his family all have narcasistic tendencies and when they feel slighted in the least, they create drama.

  5. Our youngest B was tall and skinny with a large chest. Imagine 105 pounds with a 28 DD. When we went school shopping it was 4 new bras and all were about 80.00. Hubs would hyperventilate. But I would ask him if he wanted her to go without? It was by far the most expensive part of her outfit. Luckily she was the only one we were outfitting at the time. So I feel your pain. I love that your daughter is coming to help you finish things. I sometimes need that motivation. Plus working with someone is much more fun.

    1. My daughter is short, 5 ft-maybe 1, so really needs the support as well for her posture.

  6. It sounds like it's been a great week Sam. I haven't ever seen any recycled or donated paint places around here but I have bought cheap oops paint (something that wasn't mixed properly I guess) from the paint store. As long as you can find colors you are satisfied with why not?! Have a great weekend. :)

    1. I'll have to look around. That will be a few weekends away once we get everything out and cleaned, so I have a bit of time.


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