Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday Schmatterings-Weekend Free

3 little mums to replace the dead trio. (I need to weed-again)


     Good morning. Today may be a perfect fall day if the weather gnomes are right-65 degrees and full on sun. I have nothing official on the calendar today or tomorrow so I guess a free to me weekend. I hope to actually accomplish something over the next two days. I just mixed up the PB Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies that went over a treat last spring. The dough is chilling as I think cookies bake better with cold dough. I used flax seed egg and dairy free butter so my daughter  will eat them, and I intend to bake just enough for now, and freeze the rest in little scoops ready to take out over the next few weeks a little at a time. She has friends staying this weekend, heading to the Renaissance Festival today, but I think I'll drop off a dozen for them to have tonight. Shh-I have a key.

     I was planning on gong to one nephews football game but that got cancelled, but his younger brother has one as well. I'll go to that early this afternoon and make a stop at a Target just for looking around. I need nothing and do not plan to add more fall stuff, but I just like to see how thing are organized. Is it just me though, has Target gotten to be a bit on the higher price side for their odds and ends in homeware? I think I've seen sale prices at Macy's that are comparable, or even less. Still, I drive by at least three where his game is and it would be inconsiderate to not make a stop. I haven't been in one since August 19th, when we stopped to restock underwear and socks for the college kid. When I was working in my office, I was in Target at least once a week, even if only to pick up a snack, or a good wander for a stretch break. We are looking to buy a new set of flatware, so I can compare prices so a legitimate reason to stop. I'll also take a peek at what they have for tall and narrow bathroom cupboards. 

     One reason for going to my nephews game is to help my mood. At times I feel disconnected and isolated mentally beyond my immediate family. DH's family has their own little clique within  the extended unit, and I'm on the outside most of the time. I'm trying to stay engaged with others as that does help this feeling  fade. I'm excited to start up the book club meetings again for the same reason. I had two meet ups with friends that first week after  my kid moved back to college, and since then other than the Trivia peeps, I've not seen friends. Boo hoo-yeah, I know others have been much more isolated than I have.

     I got my groceries for the rest of September. You all know I like a good challenge. Well, after deciding to be honest to myself and  include all of DH's side shops and take and bake pizza, I had $48 left in my monthly budget to meet my under $300 target for the month. Some of you commented that my challenge was incredibly easy, you regularly feed yourself and one other for $50 a week. Others thought it was possible if I had a good stock pile. Well, I was somewhat in between. We definitely had food stores, but  not a good stock pile after the college kid helped herself to my pantry. I could easily make meals that would nourish us, but not necessarily what we wanted more. I wanted to split the difference-still have favorite foods some times, but also embrace humble eating. Long story short, my receipt yesterday after thinking through what we needed, and items that needed replacing, I spent $47.97! October is positioned to just be a regular month-not a splurge, but not a challenge. I did not do any meal challenges beyond the Dollar Tree $5 challenge in September. I still think it would be fund to shop with $9 cash, and then make three distinct meals. 

     I had a bunch of coupons for health and beauty items we normally buy so went over budget in the household, and H&B, technically, but I am stocked up on shampoo and conditioner, and two rounds of coloring my hair likely through the end of the year. This was also the month I had to stock up food for pup, so next month we will not need his massive bag of dry food, just the canned stuffed we give him on top of the dry. This was not a Sluggy worthy shop, but I did save $12.50 from the pre-coupon tally of $47. So my October challenge is to combine with September and see if for both months I can be under $150 in that category. I need some challenge to keep me disciplined. 

     That is enough schmatterings for now. I've a load of  laundry to switch out and folding to do, then bake two dozen of the cookies. I bought three little mums I want to pop into either my hanging basket or another planter base, but I'll keep them in their little pots. Whatever you do and however you spend your Saturday, I hope it is a good one. 


  1. You are doing things to make you feel better and to get out and that is good.

    1. Yes, and I was less anxious, low, not myself by this morning. Now the hot water issue is making us annoyed.

  2. A free weekend is so great to have every once in a while. We just got home from yard sales and I need a nap. Lol

    1. I hope you got that nap. I'm looking forward to some fall sales but looking for only something to use as shelving in office.

  3. Those cookies sound delicious. Nick makes a fantastic chocolate chip cookie recipe. I don't ask for them often, because I will eat all of them at once. :-)

    I'm heading out shortly to a soccer tournament, which will go until the evening. I remind myself that these days are fleeting!

    1. This is why I freeze the right now. There if needed, but I won't overeat.

  4. Those mums are such a pretty shade. I drive past a house that has a very purple one and it’s a color I’ve never seen before, I would love to know where they got it. Our school visit was great today. The kids are out to a fancy dinner now. I took a little nap, treated myself to a Whopper, lit a Honey Glazed Pear Cider candle from Aldi ($3.99 and worth every penny!!) did a load of darks, and then threw the big blanket from the couch that everyone uses in the wash as well, with some college football on for background. Going to spend 20-30 minutes doing a quick once over the house and I’m pretty sure we’re still having a fire tonight. Tomorrow I’m going to wash the beds, meal plan and make a grocery order and put some Halloween decorations on the porch. I understand how you feel being on the fringe of the family. I wish things could have been different with my in-laws but the reality is that life is a lot less complicated without them and it’s their loss. I feel the same way about Target also, I used to have so much fun shopping there and now not so much. Daughter wanted to pick up a gift and a card last night and we didn’t even spend much time in there. JoAnn

    1. They are a brightener, and ended up putting them in the aluminum planter. Now to weed. I bought some popcorn to bring to my sister's and clearances bubbles for a family thing. Not too much Target damage.

  5. A 25% savings on dog food is great. Their stuff can be pricey.

    1. Yes- but he's particular and gets funny if not his favorite.

  6. Your Saturdays was more interesting than mine, which was mostly chores.

    1. I think not. Target wander was the excitement.

  7. I hope your mental health improves. I try to be outdoors as much as possible when I need a little help with mental health. Seems being outside is a good reset. I am the crazy neighbor that sets up a tent in the back yard. I like being bug bite free and still feel like I'm enjoying being outside!

    1. I am getting my head back. Outdoors is a good clearer. If the tent works, embrace it.

  8. It would be very inconsiderate not to stop by Target. I am quite sure they miss you when you are amiss and don't visit.

    1. Not much shopping but I got a good look around.


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