Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday in September


The start of my daughter's heat-
 15 minute increments.

       Before leaving for my daughter's run yesterday, I watched some of the 9/11 memorial services, and joined the moments of silence. Twenty years and the country is in such a volatile shape, but maybe we'll all remember that there was a day when we all stood together. Yesterday felt for a few moments, there might be hope for that. I can only live my life, but I hope, as one speaker, the brother of a flight 93 passenger said, that I'm worthy of the sacrifices of those that died on 9/11 and those who have since.

     Today we're gifted another beautiful September day. I'll be doing nothing heroic, but trying to bring my piece of life some organization. We might get rain later and the day is cooler, but I've plenty to do inside and outside. It was fun spending the day at the run, but things were left for today.

  • Meal plan
  • Finish remaining laundry
  • Change bedding
  • Clean bathrooms 
  • Dust and vacuum living room
  • Clean the refrigerator 
  • Weed rocks 
  • Plant a few more hostas 
  • Make cookie dough

     NFL Football starts today, at least for the  Minnesota Vikings. DH will want to watch that, but we'll get plenty done before and after (and during.) Nothing on my list will take long so I'll watch church sometime today. I'm waiting to see if surge in cases goes down/doesn't grow before we go in person again since services are only indoors. I might run to the store for a couple basics, but pretty sure I can make a plan for meals with what's here. I'll get pup out for a good walk and play too. 

     How are you spending your Sunday? Whatever you do it where you go, I hope you find blue sky's and smiling eyes.


  1. We talked about 9/11 at dinner, & I still, 20 years later, find it impossible to get through a discussion without crying. I assumed it would get easier to discuss. I haven't found that.

    We also have more gorgeous fall weather today. I'll be going for a run, watching a soccer game, & going to a wine tasting with M. Oh, and cleaning the house. ;-)

    1. I'm sure our parents or grandparents struggled to talk about hearing if Pearl Harbor, too. Terror us not explainable. I hope your run and wine tasting was fun.

  2. Your Sunday sounds a lot like mine! I just rolled out of bed and enjoying a coffee and a donut. It’s a breezy, beautiful day. Going to open all the windows and doors and air the place out. I have a list of things to do as well, mostly paperwork, emails etc. Two or three loads of laundry, probably a quick run to the store for odds and ends to start the week. Fruit, yogurt, creamer, detergent, pet food. I need to vacuum and dust as well, trim the bunnies nails, wipe down the bathroom and watch some bits n pieces of the Steelers game. We’ll see how much I get done. I’m already off to a late start but it was so lovely to sleep in! JoAnn

    1. We had homemade blueberry muffins made with my stash from the freezer and coffee on the porch. People will crab today about the bad calls and the non fumble, but the Vikings played like highschool kids!

  3. I like the chore, make cookie dough, best of all. Wish I were closer!

    1. And that task I didn't get to. I needed vegan butter.

  4. The last four days have had beautiful, blue skies. It is still incredibly hot out, but on Saturday evening, I was surprised. The outdoor temp was neither hot nor cool. The difference?--low humidity. Today, I felt a bit better. We got the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded. I made hotdog chili sauce instead of buying it in the store. We had it for dinner, I froze another meal of it in a pint jar, putting hotdogs and cheese in the jar. And, we will have another meal from it later this week. I feel this is cheaper and better for us than the canned stuff. Of course, adding a hotdog to anything makes it tasty but not necessarily better for you. lol Now, I am crocheting a blanket for a doll.

    1. Your homemade sauce sounds good. We just out chili in ours.

  5. No sunshine yesterday but always smiling eyes! xxx

  6. I bet your smile comes through masks and all!


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