Saturday, September 11, 2021

Saturday Schmatterings-It's Going to Get Dirty Before It Get's Clean

      I'm daughters driver for a mud run type event today. I had thought about cleaning the car yesterday afternoon and taking it for a good vacuum, but I'll hold off now. I think it will get a whole lot dirtier! She's done a few of these though this one has an added obstacle course. She has to be there at least an hour before her heat, so we are leaving by 10:00. I got up early to get a few things done before I leave to pick her up.

     My September budget is being messed with. This event is described as 50% festival, 50% race. Well, I'm on the festival side and the  different food trucks will sure be calling my name. I asked sister to come along, but she's meeting up with friends for the Fireman's annual Booya, and then they are grilling at her house. Is it horrible to say that she, even in Covid, has a much more expanded social life than she did before her husband passed away? He didn't keep her from doing things, but he just was a bit on the  non almost anti-social side so she cut her experiences short, or skipped them altogether.

     I have no idea when we'll be back to town-perhaps by 4:00? DH had a gift card and wanted dinner out last night. I have leftovers, ciabatta bread, and chicken ready for something for supper- noodle hotdish likely. I haven't menu planned or thought about menu planning for the week ahead but this past week was different than planned. I'll leave that for tomorrow morning. We need a few fresh items, and I think this might be a week to plan a couple challenges, either the 3 for $3.00 each, or the $5 Dollar Tree.  DH ate up a good chunk of my budget with his rogue shop as did I with having my daughter pick up a few Trader Joe items. What better week to implement a budget challenge than when you want to stay under $22 to keep on target for the month? Of course, I have ample other food in the house and if I didn't step foot in a store, we  could still feast. 

     I'm off soon after I swap out the wash, get that hung on hangers, and pop some towels in. I've got my water bottle filled and a few granola bars to sway me away from  too much temptation, but let's be honest, I'll get something from a truck or two. What's the schmattetings on your Saturday?


  1. Oh just go have some fun with your daughter. Laugh ,eat don't worry about your budget, or your waist line. LIFE IS SHORT>

    1. We'll, there was a food stand but not the many food trucks. It ended up being a food bust, but a fun day.

  2. I typically grocery shop only once a week, as it forces me to plan and budget better. At least once a month, I skip my weekly shop (saving us a bunch of $$), and we eat what's in the freezer. I'm always amazed that we have plenty to live on for at least a week.

    I'm in soup and stew mode again - making chili, soup and planning for freezer food.

    I think it's cool that your daughter is getting out more - how horrible to lose her husband so young. :( I know if I am first to go, my husband would go out more - he is much more social than me and needs people around him.

    Happy weekend, Sam.

    1. My sister lost her husband last year ( at 59). My daughter is not married. Daughter did the mud) obstacle course run, and I invited sister to come along. Sorry if I was confusing

  3. I agree with Kim and hope you had a great time! My eldest sister has become much more social since her husband died. She'd go every day to sit with him in the nursing home, and I'm sorry to say this but his passing seems to have freed her. It doesn't mean it's not sad the husband died, just that sometimes the survivor moves on more smoothly than anticipated. Celie

    1. Fun day, but the food was quite limited so we didn't spend beyond parking.My BIL was quite young when he passed unexpectedly. I'm happy my sister's friends stepped forward in her life.

  4. I hope you had fun with your daughter and that you enjoyed some food truck food! My weekend is being filled with trying to get laundry caught up, taking Rebecca to find a homecoming dress (we found one at Goodwill for $2.49!), running to Walmart for a few things, and date night with take out Chinese tonight with Bill. Tomorrow is our first PSR class at our church for this year. I am teaching grades 5/6 this year. Then after church, the kids and I will go to the grocery store, before coming home to more laundry and getting ready for this week ahead. Busy, busy, busy.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Unfortunately, food was just a snack shack- no food trucks and nothing my daughter could eat, but she had banana after run and ai brought snacks. It was a fun day though. What a great find on her dress. Homecoming was not a dress up thing in my kids school.

  5. Have fun and eat at least a bit from the food trucks. Are you covering the car seats so she can sit on something? Today was my birthday, but I was so tired.

    1. She had a big towel and was more wet than muddy as final obstacle plunged her in water.

  6. Laundry; gym; paperwork. I lead a dull life.

  7. I'm glad your sister is getting to enjoy a wider social life. There can be nothing worse than an isolated, lonely widow (or widower)!

    1. Both my sister's who are widowed are pretty busy people. We all though make sure their included, especially this sister as she never had children so we are her only family.


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