Saturday, October 2, 2021

Saturday Schmatterings-New Month, New Thoughts

      Good Saturday morning to you all. I use Saturday as a dumping ground for things, sort of  an admin catch up day for my blog and a grounding for the weekend. It's a non cohesive "schmattering" of stuff.

Birthday Shindig

       I'll be off in a few hours to haul food and a cooler to the park along with a few outside games to keep all busy and having a good time. Fingers crossed the rain expected is light, and doesn't disrupt the whole day, though we are under a  pavilion. It should be a fun day with lots of food and laughter. I hope we get a good turn out from my brothers old Minnesota friends. It took some effort to track a few down to help spread the word. 

Farmers Market helped me out with this 
gift as I have yet to make jam.

     I created a care package goodie box for his gifts. It's filled with local jams and salsa, plus  treats like crackers and chips to go along with them. My brother is a minimalist and will be working his way back to Florida by means of campgrounds and  friend visits, and this should be a welcomed addition to his meals as he travels. 

 Friday Shop and Other Care Packages

     My daughter and I had a good time shopping at Trader Joe's and a few other stops. There might be duplicates as I shopped for my brothers gift, her care package, and myself and at times an item fit all three boxes. She's getting a few pumpkin treats and the vodka sauce, palak paneer and naan she requested. There's a few frozen things I'll grab right before we leave not pictured. I bought two packages of clearanced mini cupcakes for her to share with her friends-they had a best buy date of yesterday so put in the freezer, but I think they will be eaten  by the end of night. At $1.00 per dozen, I couldn't bake for twice that! 

The mini cookies and pretzels have been wowed over on YouTube.

Not a small carbon footprint, but the chips are a rare treat for her

     We found some more of the Indian flavored Lays potato chips and an Indian ready meal at the grocer as well. My daughter remembered the small noodle packet from her time in London, and so we put that in the cart as well. She said a lot of the aisles reminded her of shopping, there, especially when she was with her friends from India and Pakistan. We decided that the price of the huge bags of basmati rice was such a good deal, we'd get a bag and share between our houses. She has lots of storage in her kitchen, much more than I do, so I'll fill up from her.  Here's the bulk savings. Trader Joe's price: $4.49 for 2 pounds (looked on line). Indian Grocery store: $9.99 for 10 pounds. I love rice as does my daughter and in the fall and winter, we eat a lot of it. 

Ibotta, Fetch, and other apps

     I may or not keep the apps on my phone. I'll give it a go at least for the remainder of the year. I appreciated the feedback on how you all use them.  JoAnn-I'll be using your code for Fetch so hopefully it makes a difference for you. I had my daughter do the receipts last night-she earned a total of 100 points I believe.

     I spend far too much time on the Angry Bird App. I will pull it up as a wind down, and pretty soon, 15 minutes has passed. It's being deleted after the road trip tomorrow. There is a solitaire app, but I can just go to a website and don't have to tie up space. I play the harder version, where three cards are shown at a time. 

Blogging Ads

     Something changed since  I last allowed Adsense on my blog and I can't change. I am sorry for the way the ads show, but I can't move them as I could before. I'll see  if I can putter and change. I want to give it a fair shot as it is kind of nice to see a little  money connecting to the blog. I got positive encouragement to put them back on, but let me know if it becomes unreadable. 

Blogger Meet-up

     I went and finally scheduled a Zoom Blogger Meetup. If you are interested in participating, send me an email at and I'll send you the details. I picked next Saturday, October 9th, 1:00 Central US time. I was hoping to schedule not too early so those on the US west coast might join, but not so late that anyone from out of the country wouldn't be able to  come on. I also have something going on in the morning so needed to avoid before 12:00. I'm open to different times based on feedback. Grab a mug and consider joining. Even if you do not blog but have been a regular participant on my blog, you should feel welcome. Heck, even if you pop on sporadically and happend to see this, you're welcome. Come as you are and we'll see if our virtual friendships can translate to real life-at least via the computer. 

     There might be some changes coming but I'll say no more until more is known. Perhaps nothing will change and I'm being like one of those click bait stories to try and get your attention. There will be a story though, I promise. Enjoy your weekend! Likely no post tomorrow unless I get good  service on the road. 


  1. Hope the party is great! Sent you an email about the meetup. Fun!

    1. It was a good party. I'll get the link out.

  2. Ooh, changes, how exciting. I'm not bothered by the ads at all - I hope they net you a bit of revenue, Sam.

    That's a bit too early for me to Zoom, and that's my birthday, so I'll likely be standing in line for brunch then. :) Enjoy - I love meeting other bloggers!

    Take care and hope you are enjoying your weekend!

    1. Happy Birthday! I hope you get to spend it with friends and be treated to loads of fun stuff.

  3. I hope you have a good time at the party. The ads do not bother me at all, I have them on my blog too. I hope you can get some revenue from them.

    1. We'll see, There is an odd thing popping up telling me I need to fix something, but heck if I can figure out where.

  4. I never see any ads on your blog, but I complained about something, not ads, and this guy put an ad blocker on my computer. Sometimes it is a pain.

  5. It would be lovely to join up on zoom, will send you an email. The ads are OK, & a few extra $$ is always nice.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I a our time-so early Next one, if this goes well, we can be a bit friendlier to your time zone. I'll get the link out.

  6. Aw thanks for using my referral, I appreciate it! The ads don’t bother me in the least. I’m off next Saturday but will be helping my kiddo get ready for her last Homecoming so she’ll be getting my undivided attention ;) My dad was sent home from the hospital Saturday afternoon. The cardiologist said any further tests could be done outpatient. I really hope they didn’t just send him home because they needed space for other patients but no matter what, my dad is happy to be home. My son picked him up, got his prescription at the pharmacy, got him dinner and kept him company for a little while. What a good kid. They have always been close. I’m off to work in a few minutes, my day 6. I hate Sundays but today shouldn’t be too bad, fingers crossed! I hope you have a lovely weekend! JoAnn

    1. I'm glad he's home. I'm sure if he has what he needs, he'll get better care from you all at home.

  7. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    What a great birthday care package full of good things to eat. HOpe your brother had a fun surprise party. Your daughter's care package looks yummy too. I have never seen those chips before. Safe travels and have a great time at the concert.
    I have no problem with the ads, and I hope you can earn a little extra with them.

    1. I guess these were a different chip than the last ones. I'm sure they'll have fun trying them out.

  8. Hi Sam, that blogger meet up sounds like fun. I've sent you a mail so please count me in. I'll have to check if 1 pm is 7 or 8 pm here and pray that my wifi is better than it's ever been before, but I will so look forward to chatting to you all!

    1. I have to look up those things. Perhaps you are 6 hours ahead of us? Yes, double check. I'll get the link out.

  9. I regret not being able to attend the meeting; I would love to see and meet others.

    1. I hope it goes well and it is not a one and done!


Join the conversation. Your comments are welcome. Dissenting and different opinions are welcome as makes for good conversation. I moderate comments to be sure I read them all and stay ahead of the spam. Advertising products or services without permission will be deleted, as will anything that may be harmful to others-read promotion of debunked "experts" and conspiracies. If you're a blogger, feel free to include your blog URL.