Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Positively Tuesday- To Good Health


      The little bit of snow has pretty much melted so it sure is a November kind of November- little sun, colors gone from trees, dark nights and mornings. I get a case of the blues each November, but am intentionally trying to combat with activity and focus. On Tuesdays I try to reflect on the simple pleasures, the joys, and the things that just make me smile. I'm happy for my reasonably good health, remembering that it was two years ago I had another scare. I've had another "clear" follow-up, despite being behind by 20 months, and there is no change to the abnormal cells. I'm also happy my blood work doesn't show magnesium or Vitamin D deficiencies, nothing a supplemental won't help.  Happy health news as a start, he's a few more good things for the week, always in no particular order.

  1. It was fun seeing friends again at trivia, even if just three of us, and J's daughter. Now if only we could get better scores.
  2. Out of the blue when my daughter and I went for coffee, a colleague from work stopped in. She and her partner were on route out of town and coincidentally stopped for coffee in my small town at the same time we were there. I have not seen her outside of Zoom, MS Teams, or WebEx since March 2020. She works at a partner agency and is someone I enjoy working with.
  3. Having coffee out with my daughter, as we both had Thursday off, was fun. We just chatted about ideas and family stuff. I had a gift card so it was a cheap outing.
  4. I got to watch my great niece compete in her state highschool diving meet thanks to streaming video. She did great and finished 5th in the state! If she makes it next year, I'll drive to see her live her senior year.
  5. It was actually quite fun making lefse. My MIL had a couple passive aggressive digs at my expense, but I chose to ignore. As I suspected, she was weather worried and wanted to have someone with her, though we were ahead of the snow, which ended up being minimal anyway.
  6. I brought two of the vegan banana bread and my SIL's and MIL said it was moist and delicious. I didn't share it was vegan until after they tried. It was nice to hear them say that they have tried more vegan foods and enjoyed what they've had. Often with family, my daughter's food is snubbed at first, but once they taste, people seem amazed at what can be vegan. This is both sides of our family. By helping to introduce more vegan foods as mainstream, I feel I'm supporting my daughter.
  7. Live music Saturday afternoon and drinks with friends is always a highlight and simple pleasure. 
  8. Seeing pup enjoy the first bit of snow was a gray morning day brightener on Sunday.
  9. Sunday was also a day with no cooking thanks to leftovers. As I was gone most of Saturday, I got all my "have to" stuff done, ran errands, had lab blood draw, and still had time to get work- work done. My productive day was helped by not having to cook.
  10. The work project I didn't finish before vacation and procrastinated was finished at 8:00 last night. I hit send, brushed my teeth and went to bed. Knowing it's done makes me immensely glad.
     It's starting to feel cold down in my bones. Pup loves his cold weather walks; things must smell different. I even slept all night under a sheet and light quilt. I helped my sleep with a Tylenol PM. I have to drive into the office today, but will do midday as I need my double monitor for the morning meetings and there will be little traffic if I wait. Traffic is not a joy but it will be nice to see my supervisor colleagues and boss in person. I hope your Tuesday is positive.


  1. I am glad you enjoyed some company and had fun. Isn't it liberating to finish up a piece of work and be done with it? Today is a chilly and windy day over here too around 50 degrees F, 12 degreec C. A bit depressing to be sure. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Our wind is howling right now. I'm not look into forward to leaving the house to drive into the city.

  2. I love that moment of finishing off a work project. It's always such a relief & so satisfying.

    My joy for the day was watching Sam score a goal in one of his last games of the season, and then just enjoying all of the soccer. These days will be gone before I know it, and it's really fun to step back & watch these young men grow up right before your eyes.

    I also enjoyed seeing Nick ref a few games. I don't stay (he wouldn't appreciate that), but he's quite confident as a ref. The confidence can be ...ahem...irritating in other settings (don't teenagers sometimes always know they are right?!), but it works well in this case, and sets him up to be confident & good at his job.

    Hope you have a great week.

    1. Good in your boys! Exciting end of the season for Sam. Yes, confidence as a ref is a benefit.

  3. I'm going to butt in and say please don't use the Tyelenol PM on a regular basis. Long term use of it (benadryl) is linked to memory issues later on. I'm convinced it (along with my mom taking paroxetine for the past 20 or so years) is what has caused my mom's memory issues. Even her doctor said do not use the "PM" meds on a regular basis for a long period. She was taking one, often 2 almost every night for who knows how many years.

    1. Oh yes. This was a one off. I take Tylenol infrequently already but I got no sleep Sunday night and needed to sleep sound last night. I'm not big on self medicating overall.

  4. Hey any good news on a health screen is a positive.

    1. It sure is. I was not fancying being a pincushion again.

  5. Vegan cuisine would succeed more if thems advocating it promoted its taste over its virtue.

    1. That's partly why I didn't devulge. It was just tasty bread. I'll call the vegan Mac and cheese, pasta in a butternut squash sauce. Sounds quite posh.

  6. I got 4 hours sleep Tuesday night and am yawning at 10:30 -m. I hope we both sleep well on Wednesday night.


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