Thursday, December 9, 2021

December 9th-Thrifty Wonderland


     First, I'm so excited to get to hear my daughters concert one more time, but  in the cities at a fantastic venue. It looks to be  a full house, masks and proof of vaccination required. We've not gone anywhere yet where that is required, so plan to get there early for parking, and the process. This is not thrifty, tickets, parking, gas, but likely this will be the last Christmas concert for my daughter if, fingers crossed, she's in Spain next year. Also after  s*%t  show that was 2020, I'd have mortgaged my house for this opportunity. The college has to cover the venue costs, the coach buses, hotels, and meals for the students and staff, so every penny is needed. Apparently the concert in the cities is a big deal for the alumni to her college. Neither DH, our other kids, or I are alumni so don't know much about this, but I know a work colleague who did her undergrad there was at the concert two years ago. 

     Non-thrifty tickets aside, I've had some good low cost and free cheer to start my December. 

  • Our daughter got two guest tickets for the concert last Saturday so that saved the $44 we would have otherwise had to spend-and we put that towards tonight.
  • The hotel did still have a very adequate, if not  gourmet, breakfast to start our day in Sunday.  We ate a bit later than DH normally does, but as I can't eat right away and we both wanted to lay in bed a while, this worked well. This meant we did not need to stop for anything on the way home.
  • We also had plenty of leftovers and stuff in the freezer to fill us up once home.
  • On Monday, my daughter and I went to Sam's Club and popped over to Kohl's for me to round out my Christmas shopping and burn my about to expire Kohls cash. I found 20 ounce rounds of Presidents Brie Cheese at Sam's for $6.99, a terrific price. ($8.97 Walmart for 16 oz., and $5.99 for 8 oz. at Target). I also priced frozen meatballs at just $2 a pound for a 5 pound bag, but will compare to Aldi on Saturday before buying. 
  • I used the Kohl's cash, buying three gifts for the grand sum of $4.49. I was mistaken though on the pajamas I bought for my mother-in-law, and the were not on sale. What is never not on sale at Kohls? She is hard to buy for as I mentioned last week, but she should like them.
  • We got some very fluffy snow on Tuesday. I let pup really have a good snoop around on his walk. I chatted with  a new neighbor girl and one of the girls from next door who was helping her shovel her driveway. They both wanted to give Pup some love.
  • That same day I got a text from a friend that she had an extra ticket to the highschool Band and Orchestra combined holiday concert. It was wonderful. I was contemplating going anyway, but her text sealed the deal-and I got to visit with her before it started, and in between the set-ups. Seriously, if you want to hear some good music for cheap entertainment, pay attention to your local highschool and colleges. I was rushing to get there, but made it on time.

  • I've earned another $5 Target card through MS Rewards. Since I still have no idea if my son will make it home, I think I will order through Target something I think he'll like and just have it delivered. If he does make it home, I'll ask him to bring it along and I'll open-if it arrives before he leaves that is. 
  • Made massive batches of both soup and goulash and we've been eating those. I made a Kwik Trip stop for a few essentials, but basically, stretching out another week of grocery shopping which helps me use what we have while making space for my holiday food.
     After the concert tonight, we have nothing formal on our calendar until Christmas Eve. I'll concentrate on  finishing a few decorating touches and gift wrapping this weekend, maybe a few treats if I power clean my kitchen first. I've got my vacation/change of flex days sorted as will have two full days before Christmas Eve off, plus two days and New Years Eve off the following week. I don't have to feel like anything is a rush rush, and that is my favorite kind of thrift-having time to spare. 


  1. So happy you get to go to the concert! Sounds like a fabulous experience for everyone. Like you, COVID makes me appreciate many things, like being able to go & see the kids play high school soccer. There were many missed moments during the pandemic, and it's good to have a few of them back (adapted, as possible.)

    We are volunteering for a soccer tournament on Saturday, then the boys have a game. I'm planning to make my Christmas bread on Sunday. Otherwise, I might try a few more elaborate dinner recipes, but that's all we have on the calendar.

    1. It was lovely tonight. My MIL really enjoyed it. Have fun with the boys soccer weekend.

  2. Enjoy those concert Mama, they end too soon. My singer is 40 now and has been a practicing attorney for 15 years, it seems hard to beleive.

    1. This might have been the last Christmas one. I'm going to miss it.

  3. Over here (I'm talking UK and France - can't tell you about other countries) music isn't really a part of high school at all so you are so lucky. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time at your daughter's concert!

    1. It's the first to be cut in times if budget crisis. We're trying to hold onto the orchestra and the free individual lessons given at the highschool and middle school- which will make music only for those who can afford private. I've been doing letter writing and I no longer have kids in public school. It's a fight I'll help with.

  4. I am glad you got to go to the concert! I am not ready to go to any public events. Mailing Christmas cards is my goal now. Well, addressing them is the goal.

    1. All had to show vaccination status, 100% mask wearing. I don't think there was huge risk, but who knows.

    2. That would not go over in Alabama. Asking questions is an invasion of privacy, you know. It makes me sad.

    3. So I originally posted a flippant response. "If people didn't want to show vaccination status, they were free to not attend. Choices", but I'll elaborate. The venue is private and the college is private. These are 300+ student musicians, directors, and staff putting themselves into a close space with literally thousands of people and both college and venue did what the thought was in the best interest of their college community. It was clear on both the college and the venue website what the requirements were to attend a live event, so no one was caught off guard with either the vaccine requirement or the masking requirement. I'll add her college has had no outbreaks, have been able to go in person to classes all year, and activities have pretty much resumed. You can call it an invasion of privacy, but I call it safeguarding my child and her still being able to do what she loves.

  5. So happy you got to go to the concert. *my* world, DH, the second week of November, had a stroke. I'll spare the details, but after 6 nights in the hospital he was released home where, within 10 minutes, I realized he was unfit to be. Lots of phone calls, two nights, and finally got him in an (excellent) in-patient rehab clinic, where he spent 15 days. He's home now, homebound, with PT and OT coming, and, save the loss of balance, I'd never know anything happened. No words to express how disgusted I was at the hospital for releasing him straight to home, nor those to express my gratitude to the rehab team. It sure makes Christmas seem a bit more magical, let me tell you! House coming along, but, wonder of wonders...front porch not designed. Called superintendent to tell him I needed zero entry, and turns out he, (because he stopped by on one of the two days DH was home after the hospital and saw how he was) said "I've already been out there and taken measurements and drawn something, not sure how we'll do it, but we will do it."

    1. Meg, I am so sorry. I was going to put a shout out to you tomorrow as I hadn't seen any comments and you are usually so great at jumping in and participating. I am so glad you fought and advocated for him to get the care and rehab. You know my DH had a TMI 10 years ago and was scary enough. He's fortunate to have you in his corner.


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