Saturday, August 6, 2022

My World in W's

       Another Saturday of summer. This might be a blustery one, so DD1 and I chose not to go to the lake after all. There was a houseful and we both wanted more relaxing. I've got plenty to do at home today if I'm going to be inside. Since restarting my week in W's, I've not had loads to share, but such is my life. 

What’s top of my mind: 

DD2 and friend are road tripping from Pennsylvania. Their safety is top of my mind. Both are smart girls with good heads on their shoulders, but it's all the weird people they might encounter that will keep me looking for updates along the way. She had a 90 minute delay in Chicago but got word her friend picked her up and all's well. 

 I'm also thinking of my friend S and the loss of her dad this past Wednesday. Here her mother has been unwell and suffering from dementia for years and her dad got Ill a month ago, and succumbed quite quickly. It's been a lot on her plate. 

Where I've been:

I already shared about the Horse Track. DD1 ride along yesterday to drop the college kid off and we stopped at a Target, Trader Joe's, and Aldi on the way home.  She was excited to see this boho chair down from $44 to $25. It will be perfect for a back yard. We also found a $2.99 basil plant in a terracotta pot marked down from $10 to $2.99, so cute for a kitchen window. Feeling so tired this week though kept me from both trivia and the concert downtown. 
Where I’m going:
We have tickets to the MN Twins tomorrow. We'll meet at my brother's and car pool. That's my entertainment for the week. Maybe the trivia group will get together Wednesday. 
What I'm eating:

I spent too much on groceries so am bound and determined to curb eating out. I bought some easy dinner items, chicken breast patties for sandwiches, fruit, a pork loin for the crockpot and then to make pulled pork. We just had fruit and veggie burgers last night, with popcorn by the fire. I'll have some oatmeal in a bit, but coffee was my first thought this morning. I spent a small fortune on cherries but they were delicious and I regret nothing. 

What I’m watching:

 I started a Danish television show on Acorn- Siommerfield(?). The coastal scenes are breathtaking. Admittedly, it was hard to follow though as the subtitles were done in a color to close to the scenes, so hard to read. DD1 and I popped corn and watched Paddington 2 last night. Just because we wanted to laugh and just see cute and wholesome for a change instead of rude.

What I’m reading:

I just started a few pages of Colleen Hoovers, Verity. It's our August book club read. 

What I’m listening to:

 Nothing! Well, wind, ducks, are in range and I'm listening for geese. One likes to stop in the pond and hang with the ducks. Just one though.  It's quiet right now but I hear the wind now and again.

What I’m planning: 

 I'm still thinking fall get away but DH hasn't requested dates so I'm in limbo. It's our 35th wedding anniversary. He wants a vacation for real but has done nothing nor said anything. Minimally, we'll go to the cabin when it's quiet and peaceful, maybe not a whole week, but several days. Pup would love that. I'm planning to bake today. I bought the wrong almond milk so will use in muffins, the same blueberry as I made Sunday as they were such a hit. 

Who needs a good slap:

I suppose DH for not scheduling time off. Also DS for keeping me waiting on whether he'll be coming or not. OK, slaps are harsh. I'll give them both a shake instead. 

Who Deserves Knuck's (Fist Bump):  

I'm going to give it to my older daughter for getting through some complex paperwork, and red tape. Also, credit is due for the rocking chair upcycle. While she thought yellow for the chair, she's noodling it longer. Even an inexpensive paint is $6 and why waste the time and money if not sure?

What’s making me smile:

I guess nothing in particular, but all is well this week. No fires came up that weren't doused quickly. My family is safe and well.  Surely worthy of a smile. 

     That's my week. For once, I didn't write a novel, but sorry if these posts in general get long winded. Please add your W's as you are compelled. 


  1. I bought cherries, too. Well, I had Tommy buy some. I never regret cherries! They finally went down in price, but they are still pricey. I love that chair, too, and stop and look at them when I see them. I always want to paint outdoor furniture yellow, but I read that yellow attracts stinging insects, so I refrain. I get bit enough and fight off wasps, so I don't want to invite them.

    1. I didn't know that about yellow. I suppose it might look like flowers. The cherries were worth every penny. So good.

  2. Sounds like a pretty good week Sam. I hope the men in your life get busy with scheduling soon. I'm a planner so that would be frustrating for me too.

    1. I get it with my son. He won't want to miss a lucrative job if there's potential for conflict. DH has summer brain.

  3. Weeks don't have to be filled with excitement to be great weeks (said one of the most unexciting people in the world)
    I noticed Aldi had all sorts of summer item markdowns. Some I would like to have, but we are in a decluttering more rather than acquiring anything phase, unless it is something we can use specifically to make our life better

    1. I too look, but pass by as we need to purge as well. It was just kismet as she really wanted one of those chairs and goodness, a value. I'm liking not having drama for a bit.

  4. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! Arilx

    1. 35 years ago we were such children! I was my youngest's age. The thought of her being married is crazy

  5. Happy anniversary! My husband is also not a vacation planner (either the time off itself, or the vacation), but then has very precise ideas..once it gets too close & is too late too change. Drives me bananas.

    I'm hoping to make fresh tomato paella one night this week, with all of our tomatoes. Sounds fabulous & you can only make it with perfectly ripe garden tomatoes, of which we have many.

    1. Paella sounds terrific, and do you use seafood too? I'd have to take a portion out but the colors and flavors are so vibrant. Now yesterday, he brought up us possibly going to Spain.

  6. The MN Twins are a bunch of bums.

    1. Oh sad! Admittedly I do not know if they are or are not. But, they are not AZ or Detroit so have that going for them. Just good natured sparring.

  7. Congratulations on the wedding anniversary but I don't blame you for wanting to slap your husband, so frustrating that he's not booked any time off to celebrate.
    I've not heard of Sommerdahl (I googled it, you know how much I love Scandi TV) so I might see if I can find it on the Fire Stick thingy.
    Liking the look of your daughter's macrame chair, they remind me of Goa! xxx

    1. It's just booking time in general. He does last minute then it doesn't be work well for me. Her chair will be perfect on a rain free day.


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