Saturday, September 3, 2022

The W's

     It's the weekend, but as I've been off work, it's felt like the weekend each day. Ugh, I don't want to think about being back next week, so let's not. Here's my W's for the week.

What’s top of my mind: 

      My family. My son is here! We've had a day and a half to catch up. 

Where I've been:
       Shopping with my daughter including a good wander in IKEA. I'll recap what we did as a family next week.

Where I’m going:

    We'll be at the lake, but also meeting up with my family to see my son and say goodbye to my daughter.

 What I'm eating:
     Seems like a lot of chicken dishes. I had tortellini Alfredo ready for Thursday once back with my son, and decided to do the chicken on the side. DD2 isn't the biggest meat eater either so that worked out better. I've been in a PB and j sandwich mood too, enjoying the blueberry jam I made last month.

What I’m watching:

     I tried the House if Dragon's. It likely won't be my cup of tea. It's been too nice to watch TV inside anyway. 

What I’m reading:

     Nothing yet. I'm not sure what to think of Verity. It sure was a talk worthy book.

What I’m listening to:

 Labor day weekend music through the years on one of the local radio stations. It's nice getting variety from the rotation of 10 songs. I like Sia, but I swear it's a rule that I can't turn in my car radio without hearing "Unstoppable". 

What I’m planning: 

    Still not planning, other than to enjoy the weekend.

Who needs a good slap:

   My daughter's insurance. She was quoted that her car insurance would drop with bundling. Then, gets notice her car is going up October 1 as annual renewal rate. She will be shopping around. That's a complete bate and switch. They gave some song and dance that everyone's rates are increasing, it's the costs of repairs, etc. But, they didn't know this the end of July? 

Who Deserves Knuck's (Fist Bump):  

   Delta, for getting my son here safe and sound and in time, actually a bit early. I've never seen the pickup area so busy, even at Christmas. DH said he heard labor day weekend is now the third busiest travel weekend. Where he gets these things he's heard, I have no idea. 

What’s making me smile:

     My family, once again for the answer. We're all together and I am happy.

     Life happens and things change in a blink of the eye. I'd like to slow down the good moments, preserve them a bit longer. I hope your weekend and week is memorable. 


  1. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, filled with love and laughter!

  2. I'm so glad your son made it safe and sound and that you all get to spend time together. Enjoy making the memories!!

    1. He was happy to be home. He bonded with his cousin's ( grew up together and very close) friends kids by throwing them in the water.

  3. I hope you have a glorious time with your family. Nothing else matters right now!

    1. I'm responding so late. I tried to put work aside in my head.

  4. I’m so glad you’re spending time with your family! My DD comes home today and I’m super excited! I love when the pop stations do throwback weekends. One here calls it the Party Pod and it’s all 90’s rap/jock jams/guilty pleasure music and it’s awesome. Someday when you’re bored, look up why Sia is problematic, in regards to a movie she made. Although I do like Maddie Ziegler, her and her sister went to elementary school with my kids. Made Dance Moms way more interesting ;) JoAnn

    1. Enjoy her time home. Mine never came home for labor day - too far.

  5. My wife and I love a good visit to Ikea. We have purchased book shelves for my study and a TV stand and shelves for our living room and we love the way they look. Our closest Ikea is 3 hours away, so we don't get there often.

    1. It's just a fun way to spend an hour or two, but not come away with stuff is hard.

  6. Very happy you are getting the family time together! I'm trying to make it through a very jet lagged weekend. I'm grateful I have the extra bonus day, and don't have to work again until Tuesday.

    Otherwise, Nick informed me yesterday that we are hosting a big pool party tomorrow. We've been asking the kids to make use of the pool, so I guess he's saved it all up for one big gathering. ;-)

    1. Oh wow! Enjoy all those kids and laughter.

  7. Have a great weekend with your family!

  8. I'm glad Delta got him home without a lot of hassle. I am sure you will take lots of family pictures of all your children together at one time. Tommy has Traveler's for house and car. I have it for my car and both of us find it to be cheapest around. Plus, no hassles with claims. Have fun this week.

    1. I'm happy to say they made an error. She is getting the lower price.

  9. I work in the casualty insurance industry, and it's a matter of they are raising their rates due to the increased parts expenses, shortage of labor, and items impacted by the pandemic.

    1. There was an error. Hers did not go up, in fact went a bit lowers. That was good to know.

  10. Most of my torn out recipes from food magazines involve chicken.

    1. How do you arrange them after cutting out? I need a better system.


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