Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Positively Tuesday-The Paths We Follow


It was a frosty path regardless 
of the route Saturday morning.

     Good Tuesday morning. For my Canadian friends, I hope you had a lovely long weekend celebrating your Thanksgiving. Our weather was fall in all it's Minnesota beauty. We had frosted overnights followed by glorious cool fall days but with plenty of sun. We may get a final blast of summer today. I'm going to soak in each one as I can. As Tuesday's suck the life out of me some weeks, it's the day I try and recap the joys, simple pleasures, or just smiles in the week. Everyday we get to choose how we face the ups and downs; we choose the path we follow. I'm trying to keep this in mind as I balance the curves in my personal roads. 

Tuesday: I've learned I'll always do the long walks with the harness, but the puppy didn't get freaked out by the ducks today. I can't blame him- sometimes they freak me out. It was another perfect October day so I was able to work outside a few hours. 

Wednesday: I talked by text to my daughter in Spain. That was nice to hear things are going well. No trivia that night, but I played a little on line game while the dogs played.  

Thursday: This is a hard one to find a positive. DH had the dogs goofed up with coming and going.  He's right, we have to be able to just get life done, but it made my work day more difficult. I was feeling pissy because he got called into work right about the time I was logging off for the day, which changed my evening plans. But, I ended up having a nice conversation with my neighbor, then yet another walk, a sniffer walk, with the dogs. My annoyance wained after that. 

Friday: Work was chaotic, but I got through yet another round of audit drama- and new drama! Why some people want to look for problems just to feel self important is beyond me. I felt good that I facilitated a resolution that knocked the trouble maker back to her corner. DH brought home pizza and boneless wings which we had after a long walk with the dogs. We settled in to watch a little TV. It felt good to relax, all four of us. 

Saturday: I intentionally stayed out of the house at least four hours after putting grandpup in for his snooze. My sister texted about a bake and craft sale so I stopped to see her, before getting my Covid new booster. I got all my errands ran then also carried in and put away cold stuff. Admittedly, I fretted a bit in my head how to do these things. Then I figuratively slapped myself and said, he's a dog not a human infant, and just got on with my day. The weather was perfect. I even watched a cheesy fall Hallmark movie. 

Sunday: The day started with the grandpup sleeping until almost 5:00! With my daughter here, she got up and took care of his needs and I slept in. A Vikings win, a pasta made with my daughters tomatoes and peppers for lunch, and good outside time before she left with the dog made a nice afternoon. We had  30 minute call with the college girl too. We went to DHs mom's for a bit before a nice dinner out, just the two of us. Sunday bliss. 

Monday: My daughter reported that her pups check up and shots went really well. He's healthy, being fed what he should, and...is about 10 pounds heavier than thought. He's going to likely be 60 pounds of healthy companionship. But, considering what his first few months of life might have been like, this makes me very happy. We visibly can see how much his overall wellness has improved. 

     I'm sorry all I seem to write about is budgets, dogs, and work woes. Hopefully the dogs balance the work woes and the money thoughts will balance themselves. I was remiss in mentioning yesterday was World Mental Health Day. The biggest positive is my loved one has been able to access a therapist, and will also be getting a consult for medication. Seeing the need for help and getting it, for the people you love or for yourself is worthy of adding to positively Tuesday. I'd love to read your positives for the week. 


  1. Your comment about feeling less ticked off after a walk makes me think I need to get out walking again. It does absolutely no good sitting in the house because I'm too lazy to go out, and if I don't get out in this glorious weather than more shame on me!

    1. That's the mind set I'm trying to maintain. Walk out my work stress. Walk out puppy energy. Walk out the bag of red licorice I devoured Sunday when I was stressed!

  2. So glad to hear your loved one has access to help.

    As for me, I had a last minute trip to Portland, and got a chance to have dinner with my parents on Friday, saw my nephews/BFF & her daughter, & got a chance to do an unexpected race on Sunday. It all was incredibly fun & so nice to catch up. I got upgraded on my flights both ways, both flights were on time, M covered all of the (many) kid activities. My big highlight is that my mom, at 70, can still join an impromptu 10k with me & love it. It was her first 10k, and she had so much fun. She's an inspiration, with her health.

    1. I am too. It's a scary situation for me, and knowing she's going to get help is a lifeline. Your trip sounds terrific and dang, your mom rocks!

  3. I was trying to think about what positives I could come up with for the week. There weren’t many. I worked a six day stretch, didn’t see my daughter much even though she came home for the weekend. We did do a corn maze/haunted wagon ride but I’m not big on really scary stuff (and it was freezing). At least it was some family time. Then I woke up to the news that my sons friend died in a motorcycle accident last night. My daughter is also friends with his sister. The boys graduated together, as did the girls. There are so many class of 20 and 22 siblings, not sure if it’s just a local anomaly, but these kids all know each other and their families. So sad. Just 21 years young. Old enough to know better, but young enough not to choose it. This will be the third funeral my son goes to this year. My heart is very heavy today. JoAnn

    1. I'm so sorry. That is the saddest, hardest news to hear. Don't feel bad about seeing so little of your daughter. It's always the same with mine, so I try to cherish the moments I get.

  4. Positive: DH celebrated another birthday yesterday! WA doesn't observe Columbus Day, (don't get me started on Columbus Day) and we granted youngest permission to stay home. We transferred the house title, with close coming tomorrow, went grocery shopping, then I came home and made fish and chips for the entire family, with cake afterwards. It was our first time all together at the table in our new dining room, which is MUCH smaller than our old one, but, and as DD said, "Our test run, now we can shift some furniture to suit us." All in all, a good day. Your post makes me realize how much I miss crisp, frosty fall mornings. Ice and snow though? ::Shudder::

    1. After your year, his birthday deserves a big Minnesota Happy Birthday! Saturday I was very bundled, but oh did it feel good to walk in the cold air.

  5. Saturday night into Sunday morning was our first frost. I'm glad you had a number of positives for the week. My big ones are eye doctor and dentist are done for this year.

    1. Ours was Friday into Saturday. Her peppers seemed to survive. I need a full check up, my Omeprazole won't refill without another full physical. After last dentist, I'm not in any hurry.

  6. I have a positive from today. A friend from Ankara was visiting her son and we met for brunch at 11 a.m. this morning. Ended up chatting away till 4. p.m. It was a very good day. Your grandpup is adorable.

    1. That's a terrific positive. I love brunch, and brunch that goes to happy hour even better.

  7. I always feel better if I go out for a walk. My positive for today is that I've been able to go back to work after Covid. Arilx

    1. I'm so glad your better. With my booster, I hope it means I'm safe, or safe from a bad dose.

  8. My positive is that slightly smug feeling you get for helping a total stranger with a flat battery In the supermarket car park. He was a huge scary looking guy but was very appreciative, goes to show you shouldn’t always judge a book by its cover. Megan.

    1. Good for you! I e been an emergency caller but not the person rendering car assistance.

  9. Ducks, geese, they can all be meanies. LOL

    We need more Mental Health awareness in this country and to stop acting like it is something to hide. Bailey and I tell her other this all the time.

    1. These ducks take over the path. It's frightening to see someone suffer, but not know how to help them heal their mind, or at least cope. Im so thankful they're getting help.

  10. Jre I just returned from a quick trip to Door county WI. So beautiful and the leaves/fall colors!!!. Yes here in NW Mn and some close state parks near me are amazing too. If you haven’t been there it is so close to the cities! So beautiful and the tourist towns and apple/cherry places…… I saved way more by staying at the Peninsula State park overnight about 20.00 and it was so beautiful. (For a tent sight).
    I’m home now eating a slice of cherry pie and later yummy cheese and crackers. Not all travel has to be far or expensive. FYI I’m not a “camper” type but I have a SUV and have a IKEA toddler bed at home with a wonderful foam mattress that is just my size. For the few camping times I go (my kids have campers so I join them occasionally) I car camp. It’s very comfortable but even for us older people a small tent and a good blow up mattress can be a great economic way to travel. All state parks are amazing.

    1. I really do agree. It might be a long while before we can tackle a travel bucket list, but local trips can be just if not more fulfilling. While we went to Europe to celebrate our 30th the summer after, for the actual anniversary weekend, we spent two nights in Grand Marais. It was like being in New England!

    2. Jre Door County towns do feel just like New England.

    3. I would like a long weekend I'm Door County.


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