Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Positively Tuesday-Life Will Be OK

     This post is me, talking to myself. Feel free to listen in. I decided this past weekend after my whiny Personal Decisions post on Friday, enough wallowing already. I really do not have any control over how other people respond or do not respond to the safe guards and recommendations. I don't have any control over what  state, national, and world leaders do, though I can tell you I will act in November with my votes! I don't even have control over my day to day confusion and mixed emotions. I only have control over how I respond. I don't care if I get a glare or a rude stare when I shop or go into enclosed spaces wearing a mask. If someone asks, argues, belittles that choice, I can either respond, or not. I'm choosing to because I think it might be one part of helping to not spread if I unknowingly am a carrier. If they choose not to wear one, I will keep my space 6 feet or more from them. I'll continue to smile at people behind my mask, as I think peoples eyes, their cheek bones, and mannerism are also evidence of a smile. 

     I'm going to continue to get as much outdoor time as possible, inhaling deeply,  looking for the sunrise or sunset. I'll continue on walks to push myself the extra 50 or 100 yards, tiny step by tiny step building my endurance. I've been doing well overall, not binge eating crap. I've had some wobbles like finishing the last of the Doritos instead of just a small little bowl, or eating the broken cookies from the  plastic tub, which if full cookies would have probably been four or five. I'm drinking more coffee than humans probably should and have added a Diet Coke a day back. Yet, a few Dorito days and cookies aside, I am mostly snacking on things like fruit and veggies and hummus. I've indulged in small amounts on some of the Trader Joe's specialties, but savoring over several days and not at one sitting. I'm drinking water throughout the day and 5 of 7 days, cooking from scratch, with the help of the crock pot and air fryer. 

     I'm going to keep doing my job to the best of my abilities. Even with virtual work, there have been a steady stream of leadership changes, some that are unsettling. I keep getting more added to my plate while trying to remotely support those that report to me. Again, I can't control how all these changes and decision are being made-just how I respond, so thankful for every day that I am able to keep working full time. I am in control of how I respond to leaderships changes-by offering my skills and letting them know I can rise to support the collective needs. I'll support the next generation of the work force, those who are where I was 20-25 years ago in my first management positions.

     I'll think about plants coming up in my messy unkept garden space-I can't even call it a garden. I know I'll do the minimum needed, and fingers crossed, I'll have a few vegetables by the end of the summer. Produce stands and farmers markets might operate differently, but I'll be there, as there is nothing better than making a dinner with food that just the day before or even that morning was still growing. I'll watch for signs that the perennials I have been gifted by friends and family will take root, and stabilize, with hope they come back next year. And I'll enjoy the lilacs. Life will be OK. 

April 30

May 6

May 13

May 20

May 26


  1. As you say, we can only focus on making our own good choices right now. And, supporting other people (at election time) who will do the same. I have given up news almost entirely, and don't bother with Facebook or things like it. It drains me of energy to read.

    I'm focused similarly right now. My goal is to get the kids over the line with all of the crazy online school rules (more than one missing assignment means you automatically fail a class??) & doing my own work. Meditation, working out, chores around the house.... those are things I can control.

    I also focus on our financial plans, as that's (mostly) within my control, and reminds me to plan ahead & take advantage of this time with fewer expenses.

    1. That's a great added point about focusing improvement or goals where this lifestyle change might add life improvements. For me, it's not money because my husbands income is down so much so any savings form entertainment, gas, etc. just off sets, but I can get more time focusing on my home, reading more for pleasure. thinking ahead is important as well.

  2. I have given up on expecting others to follow what I consider safe practices. I wear my masks.(I made several so I can even coordinate with whatever I decide to wear and like you I am still smiling. (Since I live in the south and we speak to complete strangers when passing them I assume they know I am smiling as I greet them)
    I really don't give a fat rat's fanny what anyone says about me wearing one, just like they don't care what I think about them not wearing one. But if I had a cartoon thought bubble over my head they would see the words "selfish a-hole" in it.

    1. I'm really baffled over why the wearing of a mask is so controversial and associated with free liberty. I think those that dispute the science behind are going out of their way to find evidence that masks do nothing. What the heck do they think is being worn in surgery and when they even have gotten their teeth cleaned?

  3. Wonderful post and spot on! Sometimes we need to vent to get on track, that was your last week post.

    1. It was a vent-and guess what? MIL did send me her list Monday night, s I guess she isn't as ready as she was saying to be going out to public places. If se stays within her family and circle of friends and takes all the precautions, I guess she feels comfortable.

    2. Perhaps you being careful made her think about her being careful a tiny bit more

    3. Maybe, and I am hopeful other family members are understanding a bit more as well, and we can be a team-and enjoy the wonderful family space together safely.

  4. I wear a mask and smile. Sometimes, I wonder if people know I am smiling. I feel sorry for anyone not wearing a mask, wondering why they do not understand the problem.

    My only goals are--buying and cooking nutritious food for the two of us and keeping Tommy from being exposed to the virus, keeping him well. I did lose eight pounds and we are not bored.

    1. I'm definitely not bored in the sense of nothing to do. I guess I'd describe it more as a yearning to be out and about and not be worried about my own or others safety. I feel sorry for anyone those not wearing masks and are asymptomatic are coming in contact with.

  5. I too am wearing a mask when in public and I will for a long time. You can't control others stupidity, but boy do I want to....

    1. I can't say I don't mind wearing a mask-it is a bit stuffy, but it keeps me from shopping. I get my list and I am out. I don't wish bad things on anyone, but I sure hope no one being anti-masks doesn't learn they were the direct source to someone who gets the virus and doesn't get over it. I'm literally appalled at a high school friend/family friend who lost this mom three years ago, and his dad is 81, literally refusing to wear a mask, ever! he see's it as a civil liberty issue-nt a health issue. Principles-gag.

  6. In PA it is the law you must wear a mask out. A store will not let you in and almost everyone is wearing one. When I saw pictures from the weekend with people all crowded together I am glad we only to out for food shopping and that is not every day or even week. People smiling saying if they get it so what, unfortunately others will suffer. I only feel bad for the children of these morons.

    1. I'd say it is about 30% wearers here-but some stores are requiring. I haven't heard public disputes, just on FB and other venues people saying they will not wear.

  7. This was a very uplifting post. Thank you. Celie

    1. thank you! Now, I should read it a bit more for myself.

  8. I don't wear a mask when I'm out unless I'm around people and can't keep my distance. Obviously I wear it in shops and so on but I haven't heard or seen anything about people being nasty about whether or not you wear a mask. I was at the Post Office today and all but one man was wearing a mask but nobody made a comment.

    1. Outdoors on walks, in parks where I am more than 6 feet apart, I don't either, but inside it's becoming my new norm.


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