Sunday, October 19, 2014

Accountability and Accomplishments

Sometimes the hardest person's expectations to live up to is our own. I was feeling woefully unambitious on Friday, but had convinced myself to be energized for the weekend.  I made myself a to do list, and here is how I fared.

 Here was my motivational check list for Saturday:

  • Wake up early; do not linger in bed and waste away precious daylight
Sort of successful.  I was up and had bread made and two loads of laundry done.  I then spent too long on a post for this blog, reading other blogs, and soon enough, it was after 11:00.
  • Walk a long time, slow and patient and let pup sniff away
Pup and I had a good walk, though just around the park and pond by our neighborhood.  It was a sunny day, and though the temp said 47, it felt so much warmer.  He drained himself making sure the whole neighborhood of dogs know he was there, and was pretty tired and thirsty by the time we got home.
  • Purge at least one shelf, cupboard, or closet-determine if for sale, donation or throw
Managed one small bag collected from my daughters room of laundered clothes she will not wear again. Forgot to send with DD#1 when she went by the charity shop to donate, so it is still sitting in my entry.
  • Clean and organize pantry, fridge, and freezer-there is something causing an odd smell somewhere
Found the smell-weird concoction left in a bowl, and the lid was off, mixed with a flat beer smell.  I didn't get the whole refrigerator clean and tidy, which meant I still have the next task on my to do list as well.  
  • Take a picture of my food waste so I hold my self accountable next time to use what we have
See above.
  • Bake!!  
Mastered this one-down to the final little loaf of bread and one saved for father-in-law. If I hadn't run out of eggs, this would have been more successful.
  • Wash bedding and get it out on the line so I can sleep with sweet smells of fall
Someone was burning leaves again, and I can't get my gumption up to call them out on it, so the smell would not have been lovely and fall, but damp and smoky.
  • Open a bottle of red, and marvel at all I've accomplished
Sort of accomplished, but with a beer. We joined a few siblings for a happy hour beer at the local bar and grill, and can't beat a $1.50 draft.

On the extra side, we got a few birthday and Christmas gifts purchased thanks to extra 30% discount at Kohls,. The covered large frying pan my daughter wanted was on sale on it's own, plus in a set of cookware., appealing as she also said she doesn't have a good macaroni or spaghetti pot.  We ended up getting the whole set-spendier than we had planned, but if having the right cookware from the onset in her apartment means she will be that much more likely to cook instead of take out food, I think it was a  good investment.  Other gifts were also for her, and my son, whose college dorm room, and cheap towels bought after their graduation are probably getting a little thin.  We picked them both up two sets of a towel and wash cloth, in a decent quality store line we buy for our own everyday use, on clearance at 60% off, and another 30% on top of that, making each set, under $4.50.  They're grown-ups now and practical gifts will be appreciated-I think. I'm pretty good with a calculator, and purchased just enough to get the bonus $10 Kohls cash for every $50 spent, which will also be applied in short order to gifts for others, as I have no need of anything for me or for the house. 

All in all I am not going too feel guilty about what wasn't accomplished or pat myself on the back for what was.  I'll add to my list for today, to tackle once home from a birthday lunch.  My contribution to the Chinese food menu is beef and broccoli, and Napa Asian Salad.  I hope both are a hit.  Hope your weekend is going splendidly.


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