Tuesday, October 21, 2014

On the Road

I'm in a new city I have not been to before; Oklahoma City to be specific.   I had delayed flights, but the time in the  air passed quickly as I sat next to a conversational man. I rarely seem to sit by people that want to talk as much as he did, but it was a nice change.  He had adult children of  similar ages, and I could relate to many of his stories.   I had an interesting cab ride from a blue haired cab driver.  She was not elderly, but did have blue hair, and all her cab friends and the cab line attendant called her, "The Blue Haired Lady".  She was disappointed at first with my destination, as she had planned on my ride being the last one of the night, and had hoped it was a nice good fare.  She had in her head I was just a bit down the strip from the airport.  When she figured out my hotel was actually downtown, and would be a nice tidy sum, she became quite sociable and gave me lots of little tidbits of information about surroundings and points of interest on the route, her thoughts on Uber in Oklahoma City, and some nice places to stop and have a beer tonight.  

My room is quite nice, and much larger than needed for one person.  It has  Neutrogena  products in the bath, so I am happy that I didn't bother packing my own. It has a Keurig coffee maker, so another nice little bonus, with a supply of  coffee and tea.  I know the horror stories about why you should never use a hotel coffee maker, but I ran several cups of water through the brewer, and quite honestly, I can't live with that much paranoia.  I like coffee makers in my room, darn it!

I'm to meet up with colleagues for a little bit tonight, and left my room number, but haven't found anyone yet, so able to fit a quick call to home-all managing just fine, and do this post. I have some work things that have to be done before tomorrow morning, to make things stay smooth in the office.  Remote access is a great technological advancement, even if it does sometimes lead to me working ridiculously more hours than what my salary and "schedule" reflects. We have room in our meeting agenda for a nice dinner out tomorrow, followed by a trip to the Oklahoma City Memorial, a tribute to the victims of the 1995.  Many of those victims were helpless children and the staff that cared for them. My oldest was in kindergarten, the middle in preschool, when this act of evil occurred. It should be a particaulllry poignant way to end our day of  meetings.  I hope to learn a bit more about  the city in the next couple days.  The ride to the hotel was informative. The Blue Haired Lady did give me her card if I wanted to book a ride back on Thursday.

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