Sunday, May 22, 2016

I'm on Someone Else's Band Wagon-Health Week

I  fail in epic proportions when I try to join challenges and restricted or preordained behavior weeks. Giving away a thing a day for Advent the Christmas before last was helpful in doing some purging, but i did not follow with the rigor of the intent. Likewise, Penny Golighlty's Tenner Weeks (read more on her blog site) left me feeling like it just didn't fit my spending style, though I embraced the concept of doing more with less in full. Her current challenge though, Jump Start Health and Beauty seems like something not only that should be doable, but I really should do. Who doesn't need a little self care and pampering? 

Penny's been doing  a whole month of Jump Start from finances, to wardrobe, and now to health and beauty, so wander around if you feel a need to be challenged. As it is the unofficial start to summer this weekend, we'll be at the cabin Friday-Monday, so I'll likely miss a few "days". Still, I am challenging myself to embrace the week in full. Tonight, I'm going to concentrate on the Day 1 focus, and have a good relaxing soak in the tub. 

I know I've used this picture before, but it is
lovely self indulgence at its best.

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