Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Dreams and Ambitions

I couldn't answer each of the comments from yesterday individually. I didn't have the heart, but please know the kind words are appreciated. For DUTA, yes, we can all try and eat well, exercise, reduce stress, but sometimes good people just get a bad deal with their health. I'm sure you meant well by your comment, but have to admit, I was left a bit raw. Sure, A probably did take on more than most humans, but also made many life choices that countered her demanding work schedule. She and M made financial sacrifices, he being a stay at home dad for most of their children's lives, true partners to each other. 

Her message to us all, because she had to communicate via a mass message as there are too many of us who love her to reach individually, was one of appreciation, dreams, and hopes for all our futures. Her dreams were that the world continues to be built for equality and equity. That the under heard and under valued have voice. That kindness is the trait most appreciated. Where love  dominates hate, and simple living with appreciation for what we have is what drives ambition. Thank you all again, and poke me often when I forget these are the most important dreams  I should have.


  1. Catching up here and just read the previous post. Such sad news, but your friend's message is a very powerful, positive one and so inspiring considering what she is facing. I think we all need to be poked often with a reminder of what's most important.

    1. She is completely wonderful and has inspired so many people. I truly mean I need to keep my mind focused on the positives and the joy, and when bad happens, rally with my circles to support each other. I also need to keep fighting the good fight for equity so all can have good lives.

  2. We need to remember what’s important everyday and I sure as hell try because we’re all leaving this wonderful place at some point all be it in different ways and some of us sooner than we’d like and no amount of exercise or good nutrition is going to make one jot of difference.I am aware ( before everyone reading this jumps on me for dissing exercise and nutrition) how important self care is and I’m very good at it lol but for me thoughts and actions are the most important and your friend appears to have had those in bucket loads. When it’s time to go it’s so much harder for those we leave behind but I’m thinking by the time it’s our turn we’ll be ready for it. Keep your chin up Sam xx

    1. I hope I didn't sound bitter at the previous post comment, as she is right that treating our bodies well does make whatever time we have better quality. I know that in just losing a few pounds. I want to enjoy my life, but will miss those that leave before me so much.


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