Saturday, June 30, 2018

3:37 and I'm Wide Awake

I've got no clue what is bringing on my latest bout of insomnia, but I am once again in a cycle of sleeping for a few hours, then waking up in the middle of the night, wide awake. I read and commented on a few blogs, started a load of towels in the wash, and did a bit of household admin. Maybe I'll make myself tired and can crawl back in bed for a few hours. I try to fall back to sleep, and often it works. I do math in my head-figure out cost calculations, or budget planning, my version of counting sheep. Sometimes I'm just so wide awake that trick doesn't work. Tonight is one of those times. 

Fortunately, I have no place I have to be in the morning. I plan to focus on getting my house clean, laundry done, and household admin-which now I have a start on. Weather is 50-50 chance of storms.There was some rumbling a while ago, but it doesn't seem to have started. We have a grad party for the older daughter of our friends, the sister of M who stayed with us a couple years ago. This is our last grad party, I believe, though part of my admin today is sending cards out to the couple graduates that we didn't attend their party due to other conflicts.

I dropped off some yard/camping chairs last night and helped a bit with things for the party, but she is playing the it by ear due to the weather forecast. They have the garage prepped and ready with a couple tents to  line up out the door for weather protection. I hope they can use their patio and yard. Since moving back after the fire reconstruction, they slowly over the last two summers have been doing some yard work plus creating outdoor photography space (she's a photographer specializing in families and very young children) and it is truly gorgeous. The house itself is an old basic house style, probably at least 150 years old, now renovated with a mix of tradition and modern conveniences. It is not one of the large old houses, but compact as old houses in towns often are, definitely tight for a family of six, but they make it work. Hosting a grad party open house though, not so much. 

A positive thing, I don't feel like I will suffer the effects on either end when we travel in August as my body is already used to operating outside of my time zone. I must be getting out of my funk at least a bit. I've not really had a melt down with the work situation and I can find the bright side of insomnia. Fake it until you make it, right? I might start some menu planning for July and the holiday week ahead. There's a lot of drama with the crazy uncle and the cabin next door, but if it is going to be hot this week, I'm willing to ignore family tension and enjoy the 4th of July at a cool lake with DH and DD2. 

I'm going to get the lights washed now that are in my bathroom hamper after moving the towels to the dryer. Aren't I being efficient with the time? I hope for those of you in the US, you're reading this many hours form now and got a good nights sleep.


  1. You posted at 4:08, but I don't know your time zone. I started reading this about 4:15 Central. When I cannot sleep, I figure if I get part of the next day's work done, I can sleep during the day and not be too far behind. Of course, I don't have anyone here and usually no place to be up and gone early. A few nights ago, I read until I was bleary-eyed and lay down. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was wide awake...grr.

    1. I'm central time one, so you were up when I was. Unfortunately, I rarely can get a nap and when I do, I end up feeling worse.

  2. I suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia quite a bit. I find a solution works for while and then it doesn't, My current "thing" is knitting for half an hour before bedtime, really plain, dull knitting. It seems to work as half n hour of working through little thoughts which I haven't had time to think during the day, things which flitted into my mind but didn't get addressed at the time. A sitting down, repetitive task seems to be just the thing.


    1. I understand=things might work for a little bit, then I'm back to days of weird sleep cycles.

  3. There's so much publicity to excercising and gym work - none to sleeping. I usually sleep 6 hours daily, and that's less than the recommended 7-8 hours. I try hard to improve that as I'm aware of the extreme importance of sleep for metabolism and overall health. There's a lot of written stuff on the subject, but people just ignore it.

    1. My lack of sleep, good sleep, is significantly part of my poor mood and general feeling of not being well. I just feel tied all the time, but when I can sleep-night, my body does not cooperate.

  4. Oh, we should have chatted with each other - I was up at well and that was AFTER taking NyQuil....sigh. Maybe our bodies have just adapted to getting/needing less sleep? Who knows!!! You are much better than me though, I just come out and read I do NOT get a head start on chores :)

    1. I figure that way, if I do fall back to sleep and can sleep in, I'll at least have something to show for the time out of bed.

  5. IF I go to bed before 2:30 i do just ilke you do. I sleep 2 hours than I am wide awake. It is a pain but if I wait and go to bed insanely late I can keep at least 4 consecutive hours.
    Have a wonderful cool 4th!

    1. Do you ever then find yourself dozing sitting up then at 7:00 at night? I fall asleep at off time, which is not particularly smart,or potentially safe.

  6. I hope by now you have gotten better slumber.

  7. Oh I know this world. I nod off watching TV in the early evening. It's hard to wake myself back up to stay up more hours, so I end up going to bed really early, like 7 or 8. Then I'm wide awake at 1:30. I try to get a little more sleep, then up for good at 3. It's a vicious cycle. Naps don't help. They only make it worse. I've been this way for years. :-(


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