Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Post Vacation Meal Planning

Well life has gone back to normal. My colleagues appreciated the Belgian chocolate and the German Haribo's I brought back for them all to sample. I was in by 7:00 and had my in-box sorted for clutter, e-mail strings, and action items by 11:00 a.m. It was like I was hardly gone at all. Just kidding. DD2 had her show choir season kick-off pool party Monday night, though it was a rainy bust. She  and her close friends ended up when the official party wound down at another friends with a pool as the weather had improved by 9:30. DH worked both Monday and Tuesday, very full days. DS is back to work as of yesterday and DD1 leaves on a business trip today until the end of the week. Yes, vacation is truly over. I will say though, life at home has an appeal and as much as vacations are a joy, home always has a great sound when the travel is over. 

I know things are back to normal as DD2 already was a bit whiny about there being "nothing in the house to eat". While I had done a quick stop for eggs, milk, bread and bananas on Monday, I ran into the store yesterday on my way home to pick up easy lunch and supper items before doing a shop and sort of meal prep on Saturday. I won't have my four day weekend because I need to work Friday still despite it being my flex day as all three other supervisors are gone. I just swapped for this past Monday, so saved a vacation day. It will be very quiet and I should be able to clear lingering tasks, so a sort of win. Don't judge what I bought, but in my cart went some frozen mac and cheese dinners and pizza rolls for my kid. I also bought garlic bread for the spaghetti we had last night, plus four frozen heat and eat dinners, two garlic pasta chicken, and two stir fry as these were on sale for $2.96 each. Making two together will feed all three of us and provide lunch leftovers for at least one. Next week will be home cooking-I swear. We'll be at the lake Sunday and Monday and we tend to eat fairly healthy there with grilled meat, salads, and fruit. 

Meals this week then will be or were:
  • Sunday-Tator Tots and steamed vegetables, toast and cheese for those that wanted some
  • Monday-Not sure what DH ate, DD2 ate at party, I fell asleep and later made apiece of toast and ate a banana
  • Tuesday-Spaghetti with garden sauce, garlic bread
  • Wednesday-Pork loin, mashed potatoes, green beans (I thawed the pork loin for Monday then forgot about it and DD2 wanted spaghetti)
  • Thursday-Birthday dinner at BIL/SIL for their twins and 15 year old
  • Friday-One of the frozen dishes
  • Saturday-Tuna hot dish or the other frozen dish
I'm slowly working on a couple posts for the vacation recap. I bought a My Passport hard drive to dump all the photos and do some sorting, but I have to download a program first and may need some help from DD1. In some ways, it seems like a distant memory, but once the photos pop up, I'll be transported again. 


  1. Welcome home! The change in scenery will do you, no doubt, a lot of good on all fronts.
    As for meals and food in general, it's not so much about eating healthy, but of eating moderately. People eat far too much; quantity planning, therefore, is crucial.
    Looking forward to your trip adventures' account.

    1. It's good to be eating my normal food again. I'll have to watch portins.

  2. Wel;come back and I am so totally judging your food choices:)

    1. Hey=there were some beg and fruit in the cart too.

  3. No judgement on the after trip shopping. You get a pass for the entire week!

    1. I'm looking forward to fall weather cooking and baking. Still warm here though.

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