Monday, August 27, 2018

Skewed Internal Clocks and Frugal Blog Bingeing

Once pup was retrieved with a good play, we had a make shift bite to eat of tator tots and frozen steamed vegetables from the freezer. DD2 did her laundry and I crashed by 9:00. Now though my clock is pretty off kilter-added to insomnia and I've been awake since 3:00.

No time like the present to get reacclimated with the frugal blogs I read. No time like the present to shift mindset to savings mode. I believe we stayed in and probably under budget. I'll reconcile as the week goes on. Today will be about making the gear change from holiday to real life. However, keeping holiday vibes are essential now that we ignored work and home for two weeks. No point in separating only to be stressed again. Spending time catching up on life in the thrifty zone is on my to do list.

I'll menu plan, but have to make a grocery run. There's little in the house. Since Saturday is already September 1, I'll light shop and plan simplicity for the work week, starting September with a household and budget challenge and menu planning and prep. Simple living is my motto for the week. I'll have more news, some exciting, and some vacation highlights and stories  to share in the coming days. Until then, I'm going to catch up with all of you, and maybe get my Midwest clock working.


  1. Glad you had a good trip and safe journey home. What a bonus to have come in on, if not under, budget too, looking forward to your updates and further travel stories.

    1. I lied-in tallying, I am actually over but not too bad, and for issues that were well worth spending some money on.

  2. Hope you have returned home refreshed and renewed.

  3. Welcome home Sam! I think keeping things SIMPLE is the way to go your first week back; you don't want to overdo it as you get used to the time change....and WORK! Plus you've had two weeks of eating out so some simple meals will no doubt be welcome to the digestive system :)

    1. The menu will be plain and simple and loaded with fruit and vegetables. I need it!

  4. Welcome home. I can't wait to hear your news.

    1. I'm still processing, but will recap this weekend.

  5. I'm glad you and your crew made it home safely

  6. Welcome home! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures! :)

  7. I hope you had an amazing and memorable trip that recharged your batteries.

    1. I was recharged-then the trip home took the life out of me.

  8. So glad you are back - can't wait to hear about "our" trip :)

    1. Well, we were overwhelmed with the Louvre-fantastic, but too much, and it was not the highlight.

  9. Just don't let the wonderful memories of the trip get skewed by the frantic "back to life" pace most of us set for ourselves. I look forward to seeing the trip through your eyes.

    1. I'm still overwhelmed to think about recapping-perhaps this weekend.

  10. With school back on and earlier bedtimes for the boy, I feel like hitting the hay when he goes to bed... I need to get out of that mindset.

    1. Nothing wrong with an early bed time, but I know what you mean. I feel like I lose time going to bed early.


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