Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Carving Bits of Time

I owe you all a final post from the trip-hopefully by Saturday morning and I can put that one to sleep. I blame my slow Internet speed as it takes so long to upload pictures. I've struggled with time for other content, but I've missed my morning ritual of typing a few words to share with you all. Work is so busy right now, no one seems to be able to think properly let alone join together for lunches. We are all working towards a November 9th deadline, but then, a new round of projects start just before we break for the holidays and we need to gear up for that. Well, idle minds are the devils playground or something to that effect. We will all be as holy as angels if that is the case!

Everyone seems to be getting colds as well, in the office and at home. DD2 gets a very dry nose with all the blowing and yesterday during a test, she got a bloody nose, while wearing a white shirt. She's done with her massive show choir choreography training, so now back to regular two day a week (for many hours) plus her vocal jazz two day a week. I hope this weekend she can carve an hour or two of fun. 

I'm helping DD1 do her final pack at her old apartment and move on Sunday into her new place. Maybe we can have a nice dinner somewhere. On the way there we'll have nearly three hours to chat, but we're driving different vehicles back. Several of my nephews are meeting us to help her unload. Her place is really cute-a bit dated, but she likes that about it. She also likes that it is a house and not a standard apartment building, so while a rental, she likes she can make it more homey. She's been busy getting curtains up, moving a few things over that she had here, plus still learning the ropes of her new job. She's also trying to find time to reconnect with friends from high school and others that live in this area.

DH has been slow at work which makes him stay even longer it seems as he is doing marketing and outreach. He also has been very accommodating with other people's schedules, making sure he doesn't miss his own opportunities for a sale. I know that is the nature of his business, but it makes carving out time at home difficult. I had a free pizza rewards to use up at Green Mill with a minimum of $10 purchase. though not part of our budget, I took him out Saturday, just the two of us, for pizza, wings, and beer, the time sorely needed.

This has been my week so far. I have an evening meeting and DD1 has plans so left ravioli for the others. DS has a credit from last Christmas for Sun Country but has to use by November 14th. He and I have looked at airfares this week  since the credit is in my account. We're hoping he'll be able to come a few days before and stay a day or two after  Christmas. Trying to carve a bit of family time is getting more difficult to do.


  1. I know your children are not totally fully-fledged but by golly that tires me out just reading it. Mine are both off and out so I have had time to unwind but it really is full on until that time isn't it. Take care of Sam too.

    1. The older two are more than launched, but time to time still need their parents!

  2. Sorry to hear everyone's getting colds. Isn't it like that, though? When you get really busy is when you tend to come down with the sniffles. I guess it has to do with less sleep or something. Take care.

    1. I'm hearing my daughter cough and cough as I type. She should be able to get caught up with some sleep this weekend.


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