Monday, January 14, 2019

My Baby is 18

It happened. I know she'll be my baby forever, but technically, I am the parent of three adult children now. Every time I think of her, this is always part of the image that comes to my mind. 

 I hope for a world for her filled with more smiles and laughter than tears. And when those tears come, I hope she knows how much she is loved. 


  1. Gorgeous! Happy 18th birthday to DD2

    1. She is and always has been a little dolly.

  2. Happy 18th to your daughter and welcome to the world of all adult offspring.

    1. With her still in high school, not different yet, but the age things just feels so different. A friends daughter turned 21 yesterday as well-now that feels like an adult.

  3. Replies
    1. thank you. She had a night of studying for finals, but I made curry and brought her chocolate.

  4. Aww what a cutie! How old were your other two when she was born. Mine were 12 and 14 1/2 when third was born- they were great babysitters too. Now she's amrreied with a baby and 4 year old! time really goes by too quickly- we need to make the most of it. I was always a SAHM and when youngest turned 16 and started driving, I started working outside the home. That way her transition into college wasn't so hard on me. Maybe hobbies for you? I keep telling my older daughter that- grandsons are 14(freshman) and 16 (junior)and will be gone soon.

    1. My son was 12 and daughter was 10. We didn't plan so far apart but I lost a few babies in between, then was sick for a year. I'll find more things to keep me occupied-read my post today-lots of things to keep in good repair!

  5. Such a touching post... Happy Birthday to your Baby! My baby just turned 16, how fast they grow...
    Happy New Year, Sam, to you and your wonderful family!

  6. No longer children but always our babies. I'm excited for what the future holds for her.


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