Friday, July 26, 2019


I'm still quite fatigued but the last few nights, when I am asleep, it sure has been sound. DD2 went to the drive-in movie on Tuesday night with friends. About 30 miles for us is one of the last remaining drive in movies in the country, so a treat to do at least once a summer. This is a three movie show, Lion King, Toy Story 4, and  Men in Black. They only stayed for two but it was still well past 1:00 when she got home. I didn't hear her at all. At 3:30, of course I had to wake up to use the bathroom, and the outside light was still on. I was puzzled as I couldn't imagine that they decided to stay for all three, but I didn't see her car keys either. Worry bee that I am, I poked my head I her room and did a quick on off of the her light. Yes, sound asleep. The same thing happened last night, though much earlier. DH and DD1 went to the new Tarentino movie. IT wasn't even late, but I had gone to bed at 9:30 to read, fell asleep, and until I got up this morning, had no idea he was in the bed. 

I wish it would start translating into not being so worn out during the day. I'm trying to get a bit more light during the day. It helps that my new office area is closer to large windows and we are quite near the outside table area. I've tried to step out for fresh air at least once a day. I have only two meetings on my calendar so should be a productive work day getting caught up. We haven't finalized the logistics but either all three of us girls are going together a bit later or DD1 will go after work and we'll join her. DD2 is juggling some friend plans and it is silly to have multiple cars there. Food will be simple-lots of fruit and veggies, hummus, veggie burgers, tortillas and salsa. DD1 was going to bring a vegan potato salad. I'm bringing my computer, but for my own writing=not work, and a couple books. 

Every night this week has been perfect. Yesterday was a little hotter, a little stickier than earlier in the week, but on the deck, as beat up as it is, in the shade, it was absolutely perfect. I sat outside with the dog and my daughter for a long while before the bugs invaded life. That is the plan for the next couple days. Take some walks, swim to cool off, warm up again in the sun, then find a spot in the shade to cool off. Here's to a wonderful weekend to you all, whatever you choose to do with it. 


  1. Maybe you should talk to a doctor about the daytime tiredness even when you sleep well.

  2. Your plan sounds wonderful & very peaceful! I'm picking up the kids this afternoon, & looking forward to two very dirty/tired/hungry campers. I've missed them! We'll be chilling at home this weekend, and likely getting in the pool & the boys will likely be doing lots of sleeping.

    1. We were rained out Sunday so left early, but that was nice as well since we had a calm Sunday evening. Saturday was perfect.

  3. I hope the lake is blissful. Nothing like reading, writing and swimming to refuel the body and spirit.

    1. I ended up not doing any writing, but read a whole book.

  4. Sounds wonderful, and I think you should have your thyroid checked, you are at that time of life *snort* where that can go wonky.

    1. Checking all possibilities is on my list.

  5. You know you're tired when you don't even hear your kids come in don't you. That was one of the reliefs when my kids moved out actually, I no longer permanently had one ear open listening for them. And yes, taking some time just to "chill" is wonderful but the bugs are having a field day with me too! Don't forget to look after number one though too - you have a very full schedule!

    1. It was unnerving though to not hear her come in.

  6. My guy has been informed that while he has no curfew he is to 1) Inform us of the time he plans to be home and 2) Open our bedroom door and poke his head in to let us know he is home.
    Oh, how I remember that summer before freshman year--waiting to head off to dorm life. I recall more than a few nights lasting until close to dawn as my small gang realized we'd all be on to different things. My guy took a summer course at his college this quarter--Botany. It fulfilled a lab science, and only ran from 7/1 - 7/24, two nights/week, but three weekends in July were field trips, from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday AND Sunday. He earned an "A-," but given his enthusiasm, and how much he learned, I'd have been thrilled with even a "C-" He's enjoying the remainder of summer until fall quarter starts. With our settling in to the new place, DD leaving for Europe a mere week later, it's only now that we are feeling we can relax. DD's Europe trip was worth every penny, and DS is truly enjoying his experience at this community college. Here's hoping full time status this fall will be just as enjoyable. Younger kid has received the short end of the stick, as he can't drive and is at the mercy of DH's and my schedule, but DD has been great about inviting him pretty much everywhere she has gone this summer.
    Glad to be back online and reading your updates. Feel better, and enjoy your restful weekend.

    1. I was wondering how the move went. It sounds like you are through the hassle and now nesting.

  7. I hope your weekend was a good one.


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