Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday-Late Start

     DD1 and I were supposed to go blueberry picking this morning but one of the gals called and learned they were picked out. That's disappointing, but then we decided whoever wanted would still do a drive and lunch. That fizzled out as well, so I slept in, and am just now sitting down to coffee after a bit of tidying and finishing one and starting another small load of delicate laundry. It's DH's birthday and instead of a blueberry pie, he is going to get a strawberry cake. I have a lot to get done this weekend anyway, so while I'm disappointed in missing out on blueberries and the fun, I should take advantage of the extra hours and be productive. I'm making lasagna, birthday boys request for supper instead of going out. We didn't buy DD2's computer so I think we'll head to Best buy for that after dinner. 

     I'm going to make the  cake vegan and will make pasta prima vera along with the lasagna-lots of leftover to head into the week that way. DD2 and I will head to Aldo. While I live right around the block from a grocery store and the Aldi is 15 miles up the highway, I know I would spend nearly twice as much on groceries as other than loss leaders, it is pricey. I need a lot as we have not done a proper shop yet this month and have run out of staples. I have to think about veggies and how much to buy fresh because I'm tagging along with DD1 on a shoot at a nearby towns farmers market tomorrow, an assignment for her work. I love a good farmers market and I guess this one is many of the same farmers that do the huge Saturday St Paul market. I hope that means Saturday picked and not Saturday leftovers! Sometime this weekend we will be eating sweet corn, with extras to  remove and freeze for my fall corn chowder. I'll probably get that at the roadside stands of family friends. 

     We're not going to the lake at all this weekend. DH's sister has some of her husbands family up and the crazy uncle has been up to his nonsense in the  old grand parents cabin, so I'd like a weekend free of drama. My other sister-in-law and her kids are planning to use the other cabin Monday-Friday, and then DD2 has friends coming up for the weekend. I'm a bit worried his stupidity will linger into the week and next weekend. If it does, we'll just have the kids sleep in the garage loft where there are plenty of beds, and with air mattresses if needed in the game room of the main cabin. This latest feud is because of two different calendars and him throwing  anything of my MIL's family off the shared cabin property. (You know the property  that s owned in partnership by MIL's family!). I guess same sister in law's husband got into it verbally with him as he united our family's paddle boat form the dock of the shared cabin. My BIL retrieved it across the lake where it had drifted, went into the main cabin, and later came out to it being untied again. Apparently he doesn't think anything should be tied there since we have our own dock.  It is completely  irrational behavior that I have done well to avoid so far this summer.

     DD2 had one of the many "lasts" of summer, a Indian food outing, followed by a pool party and sleep over at one of her good friends. As mentioned, next weekend is her time at the cabin with friends, and that week, many of the friends start moving off to school, her on the 25th. I have just enough time to finish this cup before picking DD1 up who is tagging along with me this time to Aldi. She thought there were blueberries on offer cheap. Maybe DH will get  a little pie after all. 


  1. Wow, you do well to avoid going to the cabin. Nothing is worth a weekend with a crazy uncle! Sad though isn't it.

    1. It really is. My youngest grew up with his grandkids, and his son, who has tried to avoid the drama, was like an older brother to my son. He's ruined decades of family fun, of what no one knows is his intention. It lt started after my father-in-law died, so I think there was some really old issues that never came up and he is choosing to try and bully my MIL.

  2. I don't envy your encounters with crazy uncle. Aldi's usually had cheap strawberries down here. I have no idea where they come from.

    1. It is so weird. It will only get resolved in either a civil law suit, a criminal law suit if he does anything that causes physical harm to anyone (like when we highly suspect he tried to short circuit the electrical) at the new cabin and there could have been dire consequences if there had not been a strong safety feature) or is death.

  3. I am sorry you can't use the lake without unnecessary drama, but it is just not worth the hassle.
    Hope you found some inexpensive blueberries.

    1. $1.39 for I think a pound? Not sure of the size, but I bought 4. It might not be enough for jam, but maybe mixed with other berries for a bumble berry sort of jam. Fortunately, he left mid day yesterday we heard, so I think this week will be drama free.


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