Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wednesday Already and Looking Towards the Weekend

     I appreciate all the comments from my last post-way back on Saturday. We'll all be just fine adjusting to this new  empty nest. Sunday until this morning was a blur. We got DD2 moved. Like an army of efficiency, a group  of smiling student athlete and volunteers, staff, and alumni helped unload cars and take things right to her dorm room. She was there a good 90 minutes before her roommate, so she picked one of the two identical closets and a dresser and unpacked most but  her books and bedding as they still needed to finalize the desk and bed set up. She got set up for her campus job in the dining hall and we went and grabbed some lunch off campus. Her roommate was there when we got back so after the loft was installed, they both were able to make their beds, but they have a lot of organizing to do, but so little time to do it. The orientation would officially start at 4:00. We were welcomed to the "sending them on the Journey"  program, which choked me up a bit, before being given instructions to say our goodbyes by 3:30 so our students could start the mental shift before 4:00 when they met into their small groups. The schedule is packed right through until Wednesday night. 

     We've had a few texts back and forth, but mostly  things either of us forgot, or a question from her. We hope to talk to her on Thursday after she has experienced her first day of classes. DD1 once again  modified her plans so she could be back in town to get pup for his walk since we would be well after 8:00. That girl is such a gem of support to me. The MacBook cover we ordered from Amazon got delayed a day so came while we moved her in. Her best friends sister moved to the same campus on Monday and they were willing to bring it along. They didn't see her since she was off campus on a service project, part of the orientation, so left it with their daughter to meet up with DD2 at some point. Their daughter is a new driver-jut got her license this spring and bought an old car and will have one. Our daughter is friends with her as well as the sister, so most likely they will coordinate car pooling for school breaks. 

Back at work on  Monday and it was chaotic. My new hire the one that learned she as pregnant right as she accepted the job, than later learned she is having twins, was put in the hospital last last week and will be until they are born. No one told me or the other managers in the division so I came blind into the situation. It's a HR mess. The options we have to support her will leave me without having anyone to do the work through January, so it will fall mostly on me. We have the option since her position is a temporary unclassified with a firm end date (it would have to be renewed should the funding come through), of appointing someone else to complete the terms, but to do that, we have to end her position, and even though she has little to no accrued time to be paid, the employment status might make a difference as to what benefits or insurance she may have access to. I won't have a chance to meet with the HR consultant that handles these matters until Thursday. There are several other fires that are not quite at full blaze, but the embers are sparking.  Time away from work should make you feel rejuvenated, but this week I've felt the weight of life. 

     I don't want this blog to be a whiny place. I'll get these work troubles sorted in due time. The team I have in office is phenomenal and no doubt will rise to the occasion. I want the new employee to focus on her and her babies health, and trust things will work out for funding so she has a job to come back to, or if not, she'll have other opportunities that fit her life well. I don't know who is in for Trivia tonight. I told the group I'm going to be at the brewery regardless, even if it to help H behind the bar collect empty glasses!


  1. It's great that you have DD1 around in the area - I'm sure you're both a help to each other. And, great news that the move in/transition/drop off all went well!

    1. My older daughter and I will have time to spend together-but I don't want to overly lean on her. She's still trying to get connected with old friends and meet new people having lived away from here for the past 10 years.

  2. What do you mean you don't want it to be a whiny place? That is all I do, I need a whiny friend.... whine.....How are you really doing with no kids at home. Please whine.

    1. So far, it has seemed like summer camp. I don't think the reality that she most likely won't be home until near the end of October has sunk in.

  3. Did you say a whine or wine place? Whine or wine away!
    I know life is different at home and it sounds like work is a lot different than expected too!

    1. I don't even know what to do about the work situation. I'm a total ass hat manager if I think about the business needs alone, but yet, we have an obligation to do our work well, and I can't have the burden fall only on me.

  4. Gosh you have a lot on your plate at work don't you. And I'm sure your colleague feels guilty too but of course her and her babies' health comes first. Good luck sorting out extra help though!

    1. I don't want her to feel guilty-I'm sure she has enough worry with losing much needed salary. We'll figure it out, but there are no easy routes.


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