Friday, September 13, 2019

Craving Some Sun this Weekend

We have had a very rain and cloud heavy week. The commute in and home yesterday was hazardous with big puddles and flooding on exit and entrance ramps. Tuesday was warm, but it still had a haziness-I really hope the sun decides to come. It is supposed to warm back up, but I hope not overly warm for Veg Fest on Sunday as walking around with lots of people in the heat makes anything less fun. 

     My flex day Fridays are goofed up, so I had a hold on today's calendar but I am actually working. This means a whole day other than a 30 minute conference call to catch up on all the work that has been backing up. I have to go to a meeting in northern Minnesota on Tuesday, so am leaving late Monday afternoon so I arrive before dark, but will drive home on Tuesday. I don't mind driving in the dark when I know the destination, but I'm not trying to find my way to a remote area hotel without being able to read signs clearly. I'm using a company car, so I'll have to make the switch when I get back on Tuesday night. This little trip means  I'll be backed up again next week. The start of the school year is so busy and will take until mid October for the norming to start. 

     I'm still sorting out medical appointments and took my fourth super dose of vitamin D. I can't say I feel any less fatigue yet, though with the windows open and the bedroom cool-but not air conditioner cool, I have slept more sound. Last night I was trying to watch an episode of  British Baking Show and could not get beyond the first round before falling asleep. I woke up, went back to the beginning and fell asleep again, waking up to the next show in the series. Granted, I took my melatonin early at the same time as the vitamin around 8:00, but it isn't a sleeping pill for goodness sake. Pup does not like any lightning or thunder, so I've had a scared pup on my face the last three nights. Maybe I haven't been sleeping as well as I am imagining. My knee has really felt the persistent dampness.  This body need an overhaul.

     Speaking of overhauls, DD1 has had a recalled part on her car on order for over a month now. They have been giving her a loner car, first, a big huge crossover vehicle with room for 7 passengers. She hated driving that feeling like one of those irritating young women that insist on having big vehicles with just themselves in them. She's now in something bigger than her practical crossover, but less over sized than the last one. She misses her car. Funny how we can get attached to  non-living things, but when people spend a lot of time in cars, it is something that needs to feel comfortable. I love my car. It hit 100,000 miles and I am planning on it hitting 100,000 more. My last vehicle got to 180,000 before I got this one, but then DH drove the other for a couple years, Neither my daughter or I care about fancy or new, but we do like our own cars. 

     Since I fell asleep so early last night, I am up and writing early this morning. It is very dark out still and will be into the morning hours until daylight savings and we push the clocks back. I think I might make myself a decent breakfast, read a few blogs I'm behind on and get in the office early to then leave early. If there is any sunshine today, I want to nab a bit of it. Enjoy your Friday. 



  1. I'm with you. I really couldn't care less about cars as such but I do like mine and feel pretty safe in it. I get decent speed out of it on the motorway too, unlike the smaller car I had years ago. And poor you, falling asleep all the time. That doesn't sound right does it. When my brother came over for the wedding every time we looked at him he had fallen asleep - I mean literally, 10 minutes after getting up he would sit down and fall asleep. My friend said to get his thyroid checked but that was ok apparently. I don't know, in his case, if it is a serious case of boredom with everything or just being seriously overweight. It was more than weird though.

    1. My car has a lot of pep for being a mid size. I could easily be driving way too far over the speed limit and not even realize it as the ride is smooth. My thyroid is fine-last night was more unusual than other nights, but I was out on Wednesday and up past 11:00.

  2. I am not a car guy either and will drive one until financially pushing it off a cliff is about as good of a deal as selling it. Mine does need a little loving right now, and when things settle down with Mom and her caregivers and I don't have to be there every morning for 3 hours, I will get the car tuned up and raring to go. I have about 150k miles on it right now.

    1. I let clutter collect again, so a clean out and vaccuum is in order, but we had a tune up and tire rotation and she is back to swell.

  3. I haven't even hit 30K miles on my tiny purple clown car. And yes that includes a trip through the Midwest in 2014 and multiple trips(20 maybe?)from PA to VA. We drive our cars into the ground and then donate them to charity so they can be auctioned off for parts.

    1. At that rate, driving into the ground will be 2039!

  4. I hope you get that sunshine this weekend. Send some of the rain our way please. We have been having oppressively hot and humid days this week. Yesterday the schools kept the kids inside for recess as the heat index was 105. Not really that usual for this time of year here. Today I was out and about running errands this morning and the real feel at 10AM was 94 degrees (actual temp was 84. That is how humid it is). I love my van but I have a feeling we are due to get a new "used" one soon as mine is at 234,000 miles and I think Bill's is at 220,000. I put so many miles on it running kids places. It is what it is. Have a great weekend!

    1. It's sunny right now at almost 8:00. Cars get us from point a to b, and hopefully safely. I don't ever want my family in an unsafe car, but if it is safe, I could care less about the miles.

  5. I hope you get a little sunshine my friend. I am not a car nut either. As long as it runs and I am safe to drive I am good. Although I can drive a big truck no problem and also a tractor and a front end loader. Those were the days.

    1. I grew up with an old clunky tractor-never mastered it very well and only used myself as a necessity.

  6. Hope you have a good weekend Sam and that the sun puts in an appearance.

    1. The rain may be done and I think sun is here for the next couple days.

  7. Hope you get some sunshine. You can have some of ours! We are having unusually warm September weather - it was 100 yesterday. Ick. Way too hot, and not at all what i was expecting. I didn't check the forecast & flew in from Boulder late on Thursday night. I was so surprised it was so hot yesterday & tried (and failed) to go for a run mid morning.


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