Friday, September 27, 2019

Loving My Quiet Mornings

      Besides the fact that I'll drive home in the dark every night from work once daylight savings kicks in again, I'll also lose a bit of my morning darkness and solitude. I love that it is 6:37 and I have just a small light and a candle burning while I review  in my head what to accomplish today and write this post. My flex Friday's are goofed up-today is my real one and I am taking it, having worked two Fridays in a row, plus last week I had three mega days. Yesterday I was at my desk well before 8:00 and didn't leave until past 6:30. To think that used to be my regular working life everyday, plus hauling work home, makes me wonder what the point was of doing that. I wasn't accomplishing  curing cancer or any other great returns to mankind, just burning myself out.  I don't mind long work days on occasion and I'd rather finish a task to completion than let it linger. 

     Pup is good for me though. Because I know he needs to be walked, the only night I'll work late is Thursday. I could Friday as well, but DH still gets stuck quite often later than the 6:00 closing time so I wouldn't want to do that without being assured he would be home. Plus, on Friday's, it is a ghost town by 4:30 and once it is dark, I'm not too keen on leaving the building with no one around, unless I parked in the front of the building by the main entrance. In my past job, the reason I had so many late nights was really due to ego work for my boss. Now when I work late, there is need and purpose and an end in sight.

     There's a little glow from the dining room glass doors as the sun is starting to peak up. The weekend , starting today has highs of just 63-perfection.  I'm babysitting my great niece tonight and maybe I'll go over early and take her and pup to one of the parks for a nice long walk. She has energy to burn so keeping her physically active makes the night more fun for us both. I'm also going to bring some craft stuff and supplies to do some baking. Her brother may be home as well, but he's an independent middle schooler and does his own thing for the most part. My niece enrolled him in a charter school in a neighboring town where hopefully he can get his needs met better. The trauma of losing his dad two years ago is still present and the traditional school setting was not working, nor was home schooling by my niece. I hope this small, individualized program keeps him moving forward academically while supporting his mental health needs. He has friends and enjoys typical teen boy stuff, but the traditional classroom setting just was overwhelming. 

     I'm trying to decide if it is soup weather yet. I have everything I need for a big pot of chicken noodle soup or pasta fagiole. We do need toilet paper-how did I let that run so low-so have to make a run out. I'll probably just stop at the dollar store, not the best quality but will do, as I need a stack of greeting cards and that is the best place to buy them. I'll go after I see what I already have around the house for crafting and baking. I'm not too sure what the rest of the weekend will bring. I have a memorial service for my friends mom and I'd like to go to the high school marching band show on Sunday night. They are winning awards left and right and my friends son, plus all of DD2's friends still in  high school are part, one is the drum major. The in-betweens of these two activities are free and clear. I guess that about wraps up this post. I need to get the coffee pot on now. 


  1. I love that you have this time to yourself, to just relax and think.

    1. My internal clock won't let me sleep past 5:00 apparently, so I might as well use to do something for myself.

  2. I never had time to just sit and relax when I woke up as I always had to hit the floor running thanks to my horrendous commute. I quite like the sound of that though - I might take to reading in bed for a while when I wake up now. It's a very peaceful time of day isn't it!

    1. I can get showered, dressed and packed for the day fairly quickly and leave the house by about 6:50. that time between when I wake up and have to start moving is pretty precious.


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