Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Positively Tuesday-Not Feeling It so Much

     I'm not feeling so positive this Tuesday, but will try and fake it. I'm very tired after working our agencies booth at the Minnesota State Fair, a massive time suck to get there through park and rides, four+ hours of people, people, and more people wanting their free stuff, and the navigation back to the park and ride for a 40 minute drive home. Some people love the fair so much, they go annually and more than once. This is a work obligation or I would have passed. I had good company as my boss worked as well, and I think we did a good job making the trivia game fun. I made a joke on Facebook about not turning down a cheese curd or mini donut if someone would visit me, and DH's cousin came through with a nice fresh donut. That was nice of him. Still,. I feel like I was shorted a three day weekend-next year I will try and register for a shift early and try to miss the final weekend of the fair.

     Today is the first day of school for most of Minnesota. Since we no longer have school age kids, I have no part of it. Of course, as my work has a school year pattern to an extent; things change, but on the personal front, I feel left out. DD2 was in a group picture with four other girls posted on her college Facebook account so I got a little taste, but this morning I'm already seeing the 1st day pictures by friends with kiddos at home and it has me a bit teary. Readers have asked how I am doing. I miss her a lot, and have had relatively little interaction, mostly informational texts on questions, since last week. We talked Thursday night when she shared she was having some challenges adjusting, but it seemed more stemming from being overwhelmed and tired in her first few days than the school not being a good fit. I guess the fact that I've not heard much at all since Thursday other than about returning some books to the book store and an issue with her cell phone (all by texts) means she has enough keeping her busy she's not thinking about home. It's the double edge sword of parenting. We want them to have wings and do well flying on their own, but not forget us and maintain a little of their roots at home. 

     I was happy DD1 decided to come with us Sunday to the lake. She and I spent some alone time together up in the upstairs game room away from others for about an hour. She and her dad went on a walk. It was so loud there-DH's family all likes to talk at the same time, each ready to talk, but not really listening to anyone. I look forward to some nice fall Sundays there with less people. Tonight I'll do some meal prepping and getting the rhubarb I bought Saturday cleaned and chopped for future jam making. If it is nice, Ill take pup to the dog park or a long walk by the river-he loves both so much and is a good break away from the house for him. 

     I know I'll get into a new pattern and life will take on a rhythm again. Kim said it was OK to whine a bit. Anne said to feel free to have some wine with my whine. I might start buying those four packs of wine bottles to let me imbibe, without drowning my sorrows to the end of a full bottle. My stock is a little too convenient right now. 


  1. Good for you for choosing to be positive amongst all the negative. This helps you endure and not succumb to it all.

    1. You know, the negative is me, and my mind set. Things in life are overall good, better than good. I guess having people in your life that makes you feel sad when they are away is a blessing.

  2. You will get through this, it is hard at least it was for me. Imbibe my friend and don't be afraid to complain. We are here to listen.

    1. I think I'm finding nice walks with the dog by the Mississippi river walk, or the park near our house that has waterfalls has been just what I needed. The wine will be there though.

  3. I understand that you miss the baby of the house. It will take some time to get used to it. Once you start hearing about her achievements and that she is doing fine, you will relax. It is Ok to feel a bit blue now and then.

    1. We had a 15 minute call last night. She is learning there is so much about college that is different form high school, some in good ways, and others will be challenges, but she seemed upbeat. That helped.

  4. Without having been through it myself, I think it's totally normal to have a period of adjustment & to sort of "force" yourself to be positive while you're going through that adjustment. Likewise, I tried to be very positive about driving Nick all over the bay area this weekend, when I wanted to be sitting by the pool & drinking a glass of rose'. It's all about the seasons of life, isn't it?

    Here's hoping the adjustment is as easy as possible, on both of you!

    1. Driving kids everywhere and in between is exhausting. I will slowly find a new pattern. I'm already getting a bit more exercise, and so far, am not pigging out on junk food, so there's that.

  5. This is going to take a while for you to adjust, but you will. Learn it is OK to have some you time.

    1. Yesterday just felt a bit harder with it being first day of school. I will adjust and find new things to keep me busy.


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