Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Super Speed Blog Post

I'm still battling fatigue so sleeping as many extra minutes as I can, but not getting my morning writing time in. This will be a fast blog post. We're almost half way through the work week-it feels longer. I have a work group meeting this afternoon that I have to facilitate. Normally something like this would use an outside facilitator, but the timeline didn't work to go through a contract process. I've still got prep to do for it so want to get in the office early.

I've anther big project due on Monday. I have one staff that I can't adjust work for while the new staff is on her parental leave. History is the department just sort of inherited her. She s good at ushering  contracts through, and is good at monitoring details, but for new projects, or projects that require  adaptability or thinking beyond the current status, she just folds. She doesn't track conversations and raises basically nonsensical points. It sounds terrible, but beyond the contract stuff, we basically created a job that while  needed, it is not essential compared to other tasks and duties, to keep her busy and stay out of current projects. She lets the work fill her time, stretching out each aspect of it. We think at one point in her career she was good at her job, but had a series of battles with supervisors, not wanting to do what they expected of her and thinking her job was something else. Letting her go is not an option and for today, I do need to use her for note taking in a small group. Yikes-I'm a little worried. 

I'm not sure if I am going to trivia tonight. After the big class reunion, which I didn't attend as we were out of town, the team might be ready for a break. I'll see how the day unfolds. That is my day ahead and my post for now. Enjoy your Wednesday. 


  1. Crikey you have a full diary don't you! And I think we all have colleagues like the one you describe don't we. Good at what they do and nice enough but never going to step into the 20th century, let alone the 21st!! It's probably just as well I left when I did because I might have become "that one"!

    1. She's a good example of someone that just sort of fell into her job, but never kept her skills up to change with new needs. I think she also got burned by managers that made promises and didn't deliver, so now has a bit of a chip on her shoulder. She did step up yesterday in the meeting and was a good help.

  2. I find it odd that corporate America will keep someone around that can only do a finite set of skills. But it happens all the time. Poor you.

    1. She also might be in the wrong type of work-she really should be in a 100% compliance role. I've worked her job to be about 50% compliance, but wow, she goes down to the micro point on things.

  3. Replies
    1. I think it went as well as I could have hoped. There are two more session by the end of October to bring this part of the project to a close.


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