Monday, November 25, 2019

Birthday Blues-Just a Bit

     It's my 54th birthday and I had the blues all weekend. Sometimes I get a little low and uninspired. It happened this summer around my work trip to New Orleans and started setting in on my work trip this past week. Saturday in particular was very hard as it would have been my mom's 92nd birthday, and yesterday was the 9th anniversary of her death, not too far after midnight. I missed my kids, all three as  DD1 was gone for the weekend and I didn't really talk with any of them. 

     I kept busy though to try and get out of my mood. I had planned last weekend, and then Saturday was going to pass on going my nephews basketball game. Then thought perhaps I should get out as that would maybe shake up my day. While it was nice to see him play, and  see my niece, his twin. spending the time with my mother-in-law was wearing. Then my sister-in-law and her husband stopped by the game as well and it was non-stop between her mom and herself talking about things and people I don't or barely know. Of course neither of them would have known or remembered my moms birthday or the anniversary of her death, so not their fault, but I felt very alone. Tonight though, I'm meeting DD1 for a special screening of  A Leaugue of Our Own-a mood lifter for sure.

     DH and I went for  appetizer and a shared small deep dish pizza, a gift through birthday perks, after he got home from work. That helped my mood a bit though I let him do most of the talking. We spent a nice day together yesterday as well and made a smallish dent on some shopping. Well, mostly he did the shopping as he had a reward perk through work and decided to not only replace the bedroom TV, but also bought a small one for the kitchen. Small is not the right word though as it is 32 inches, and I think way to big for the space. I didn't tackle things I wanted so do not feel very accomplished. We ate out at Red Robin, free birthday meal again, and Sunday night was leftovers from Saturday. I justified eating out twice as we had quite the birthday deals, so really it was like paying once. That's my story. 

     I have an 8:00 doctors appointment. I've had some recurring gynecological symptoms. Tests so far have been inconclusive, and seemingly unreliable because I've had both positive and negative results. Today's appointment is both retests, new tests and consultation. I feel like I've dodged so many health related bullets-getting diagnosed, but with lesser problematic and manageable versions. I'm worried my luck is running low. That's how I've felt this weekend, though weeks ago when making this appointment, I was feeling positive while realistic. Today I feel less so. probably because of the timing. I guess I just am unleashing all my inner insecurities onto the web page as talking out loud to anyone in my family feels like unnecessary worrying them. Once I know next steps then I'll talk. So here I am. 54 years old, and feel like my best bet to get through today and the weeks to come until I get a proper diagnosis, and if necessary, treatment plan,  is to  throw out all my fear  to my virtual friends. Thanks for listening. Tomorrow will be better. 


  1. Happy Birthday! I am sorry you are so low, but I understand how some days it all seems to much. I won't depress you further with platitudes! As for the health worries, I worry, too, some days. Often my worries are for nothing, but those bad thoughts just come and there is not much we can do about them. Again, I have no platitudes because they worry me, make me annoyed and lead me to clam up. So vent all you like to us.

  2. Happy Birthday - and hugs to you. Everyone gets blue once in a while :)

  3. Happy birthday SAM. I can understand how you feel. My dad died 3 days before my 30th birthday, and this year, on my 54th birthday I attended my sister in law's funeral - she was the same age as me. My uncle's funeral was held the day before.
    I hope you health fears are allayed - I'm back on the treadmill of hospital appointments again myself.

  4. Happy Birthday, Sam I am sorry you are low but you are still so young, wish I was 54. It is hard to have symptoms and no real diognosis as it leads you to think of the worst of everything.

  5. Go do something decadent today....rogue shop with Hubby, go "drink" your dinner, etc. lolz
    And for gosh sakes stay off WebMD!!! ;-)

  6. Happy belated birthday, Sam. Sorry you're feeling low.
    Here's to some positive news on the health front and a fantastic 54th year. xxx

  7. Big hugs to you. And, happy birthday. I'm with Sluggy. Do something indulgent (one day of a freebie) & enjoy it fully. Be it taking a long bath, treating yourself to a massage, buying a nice bottle of wine, etc. Don't worry about the money for one day & treat yourself.

    I can only imagine how hard it is to be thinking of your mom right now as well. Perhaps writing or journaling could help you process some of your feelings?

  8. I lost my firstborn son three days before my 44th birthday. The calendar is a bear, isn't it? No advice, just big hugs your way. If I were near, I'd buy you copious amounts of wine.

  9. Happy Birthday Sam
    You are about a year younger than me
    And our mothers would have been similar in age- mine was born in 1924.

    I have terrible health related anxiety- and have done lots of reading into the links between increased anxiety and the menopause. I am not a scientist, but some of the reading has helped.

    Be kind to you.

  10. Happy birthday - sending you hugs all the way from France. I know it's a bit "personal" but I agree with Mary above. I didn't realize I had started the menopause because I was still getting regular periods and nothing really changed - EXCEPT I felt weepy all the time. I asked my doctor about it and (God bless her) she said if she was married to my husband she'd be weepy all the time too! It was about this time that my husband left me too, so she put me on anti-depressants and they really helped. Don't need 'em now but they helped when I did. Also HRT which I LOVED (again this is really personal but it made me as horny as hell)!! I don't know how you feel about either of those but I wouldn't write them off if you think they might help. And yeah, do a Sluggy, go out and have a blast!

  11. Thanks you all. As I said, getting my whining out inter cyber space was kind of like journaling. Yes, I should stay off WebMD for medical advice, but it is beneficial to at least ask questions. I was right to seek out additional consultation-there is something, but the extent and next steps is still TBD. Other than being crampy today (after another round of poking), I am mind set better and thinking positive thoughts. You are all the best.


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