Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Now It Feels Like the Holidays are Over

      I have kept all the Christmas  books my kids received and even replaced one or two that wore out. I have a nice basket I put them out in each Christmas, except this one. As they grew, it was part of our tradition to pull some of the books out and read one. One was a big book of short  Christmas stories and I always remember the one about Christmas being every day. Wasn't that a child's wish? In this story by the end of January it was wearing thin, and eventually people were in rags, and eating nothing but Christmas cookies because there was no money for anything else. It has been a long while since reading this, but I think I'm sharing the gist of it. Some cultures and families  celebrate January 6th the Kings day, as part of their celebration, the official 12th day of Christmas. Well even that has come and gone. My household is quiet again with DD2 back at school. The dog is starting to feel better after what we think was part dog flu, part eating something he shouldn't have, and part  holiday stocking chews we will never give him again. Yes, Christmas and the surrounding holiday hoopla is truly done. Just like the story ends, it's how it should be.  

     Now what? I don't want this to be another boring Sam wine about hating cold winters (though it is 2 degrees this morning). I started the week with two outings in my evenings for the week, and now I think I may go to a community meeting tomorrow night, and thinking of Improv on Friday. My sisters birthday is  tomorrow as well and there's talk of happy hour Friday and the big Vikings second play off game. Life is going strong after the holidays wrap up, and that will be good for my morale. 

     We have to sort some mess out with insurance as DH went rogue on his health care a bit, and didn't think about network and out of network. We are going to have a much bigger out of pocket cost than we should have. It needs to get straightened out this week as he has a colonoscopy scheduled and an additional round of follow-up tests in a few weeks. January always feels like the season of  health care stress in my household as the little changes in plans come to fruition.  

     I'm trying to put some order and cycles to my blogs. I'd like to get more cooking and more time management posts ad more that are thoughtful and perhaps a few that might be useful. For those that have read and commented this week, I really enjoy the conversation. To get started, feel free to share something  you are looking forward to this month or something new going on in your life. Let's get 2020 started out refreshed.


  1. I have two work trips this month - one to Tokyo & one to Tucson. The one to Tucson is intentionally designed to be about longevity & health, so I'm looking forward to that. For the international work travel, I'm trying to take a two pronged approach this year. 1) make it "work" for me. I have a goal to achieve status on the airline we travel on personally, which will make our personal travel easier & provide perks. 2) M & I discussed joining each other on one international trip a year, as he will likely start traveling infrequently as well. This would allow us to visit a few international destinations that wouldn't ordinarily be in our budget, and make work travel feel a bit more like a fun benefit.

    We shall see. Trying to switch mindsets. I'm also planning to not drink on my next work trip, for health & weight reasons. Honestly, this will be a huge challenge, but I'm tired of work travel resulting in a pound or so of weight gain, when I make 6 trips/year. I spend the rest of the year working it off.

    1. That would be ideal if you can combine. I go on so few trips now, it is not worth trying to figure it out, but when I went to DC it worked out a couple times.

  2. What is new in my life for 2020? I retired in July after nearly 39 years in Operating Rooms as a Registered Nurse. A wonderful career.

    Now my regular work is quilting for my community. I joined a newly forming Charity Group 2 years ago. There is so much need.

    I look forward to your continuing Blog.

    Cheers to a wonderful 2020!

    1. What a wonderful career and a deserved retirement.

  3. I would die at 2 degrees, not because of the cold, but because I would have to wear socks and shoes. Right now, I have on sandals and a short knit dress that is a little too low and making my neck

    1. Yep-must wear shoes. I about froze a toe this morning letting the dog out.

  4. I am looking forward to eldest son's morning class ending at the end of this's a month long College 101 class, and he's not a morning person.

    1. Doe she drive himself or do you do that?

    2. We drive, as he has two classes following. He prefers DH to drive, because parking is almost non-existent. Also, DH rarely says "no" to stopping for a bite on the way home.

  5. And you said you don't go out much! Ya see, you're never home (and good for you too)! What's new for me - nothing much I suppose but I am enjoying getting back into a routine, plus I'm quite stoked about getting fit and losing weight (we'll see how long it lasts though I guess right)?

  6. Nothing really new. I am getting back into the swing of craziness with young kids. LOL

    1. Kids sort of bring the new every day though, don't they.

  7. Wow 2 degrees thanks for the update I need to get plane ticket for my 85 yer old aunt and get her out here for a few weeks. She lives outside of Bemidji. I need to pull her out of that cold for a while.

    1. We have a heat wave compared to Bemidgi-She woke up to -8 I believe!

  8. Hi Sam, what's new with me is that after reading a few blogs for several months, I'm starting to comment! I'm anonymous because i don't have a blog and it looks to me like if I comment as Gmail my email address will show to all. (Happy to share privately, tho). I'm still figuring this out! I really enjoy your blog, you insights are spot on. Please keep posting, I'll comment more now. -Celie on the Wis side of the big muddy.

    1. Anonymous and nice are fine! I like that you added your name though so it is a little more personal as I understand you wouldn't want to broadcast your e-mail. I think you can set up just a user name with Gmail to use for these kinds of forums, but I'm no expert. Happy to have you comment!

  9. Ouch, I am sorry to hear about extra medical costs. After having a several day headache (mild hangover NYD plus the flu) I then put my back out two days ago. I am sitting on a hot pad as I type this. One health thing I am doing is drinking more water versus liquids with other things in them. Pure water is free and is so healthy for us. It can't possibly hurt me lol.

    1. Oh no-back pain is the worst as it impacts everything.

  10. I am looking forward to work being a little busier and not having yard work to do for the next few months

    1. I'll complain about yard work in May, but right now, I would love to see a lawn mower.


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