Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sunday-Revving Up for the Week and Months Ahead

     DD2 goes back to school on Tuesday because that was how the car pools shook out. It would almost be more convenient for me schedule wise for her to go back Wednesday and drive her there myself, but I'll get something worked out. I may need to go to work, then come back and get her, and go back to work again as I have a 9:00 meeting, and then a 1:00 meeting with  meetings  between 10:30 and 1:00 which are not crucial to be at. I may be able to skype into the 9:00 as well and if so, that would save me time back and forth. Campus has funny meal service until Thursday when classes resume and the dining hall reopens, but I think the grill is open on Wednesday. She should be able to get meals there and on Tuesday night or maybe they will just grab something on the road. She is being sent back with oodles of snacks as both DD1, her God parents and I included food items with gifts. 

     I spent yesterday on the house, took down the tree and boxed it back up. I decided to keep the white lights out around my wine rack and the fireplace, at least for now. I rather like the glow they provide and as I am slowly developing the  winter blues something fierce, I'll take light where I can get it. Pup has had a severe constipation problem, but I think it is on the mend. However, he got some  poo in his fir from all the straining and then sitting on it, and I've been battling getting it out, while battling him. Not pleasant, but he goes to the groomers next Saturday (had to reschedule from yesterday as he was so poorly). So I keep disinfecting towels and blankets that I've covered couches, beds, and chairs with in case he jumps up. Probably entirely too much information on my dog, but that is life. I'll keep him on the  little pumpkin puree supplement per vet guidance with the canned dog food. My guess is it will be hard getting him back on his dry so we'll have to transition slowly, mixing the two in small meal portions. 

     For human meals, I am still very uninspired but took the recommendations to make enchiladas. Those will be supper tonight and leftovers. I've got stuff for a crock pot pasta prima vera-same thing a meal and leftovers. DD2 has plans for the next few days with her friends and sister, so I'm just planning on her reheating if she isn't around for the actual meals. I'll miss having her around again, but I know she is ready to get started with the new semester and is excited for her classes. We'll see her on February 23 for her concert, a long back and forth trip, and then she is home the following week for spring break. Really, she'll be back home for summer in under 18 weeks. 

     Book club is tomorrow. I read quite a bit yesterday and will wrap up the book today. We are reading Celeste Ng's, Little Fires Everywhere. I haven't finished it so no spoilers yet! So far, supposedly we will have six people coming, but that was supposed to be the count last month and there were three of us. People are weird. If you don't want to  be in the book club, just say so. Our Trivia group is back in action on Wednesday. My flex Fridays got goofed up with the holidays, so I ended up just applying this past Friday to the 27th. My next one will be the 17th, which is the Friday before a three day weekend, giving me two weeks to try and start norming in 2020. 

     I went to the Show Choir preview  show last Thursday and admit, I am totally going to miss being a show choir mom this year. The first competition are out of state ones for just the varsity group (that DD2 was in the last two school years) and I am not mom friendly enough to tag along with other parents that might be going overnight. I'll go to the local ones, two in February, and one in March. My two good friends that have kids in the prep group are chaperoning two of them. I'll probably jump in and offer to help steam costumes as it gets long to watch all the shows from other schools and that will give us catch-up time. January is going to be a long month. All I can say, is I hope it keeps being relatively mild because the long walks outside are necessary for my  mental health. Maybe I'll take up snow shoeing. 


  1. I can understand you wanting to leave some of your lights up. I took my tree down and I always feel the house looks bare and dull afterwards. And I think I'm going to take my friend up on her offer to go snow-shoeing with her in February. Just gotta go out and buy them first (Lord help me - never done it before)!

    1. There a few regional parks that actually rent snow shoes at a very low price. I am also thinking of getting a pair of ice skates. I had some and then I think they got in a box for donations by mistake, with DH thinking they were an old pair of one of the girls.

  2. Snow shoeing sounds fantastic. I like the idea of renting & trying them out. It's nice & sunny here today (although, not warm), so it's helping with the thought that we all return to work & school tomorrow. Always a hard transition!

    I'm planning on making a chicken curry today, and then the rest of the week we'll eat a variety of things. My husband is the hardest to plan for, and he's baking a salmon tonight that will likely feed him for the rest of the week. That means I can be scrappier with leftovers & filling in with freezer items.

    1. I've even just been trying to do deeper snow walks in boots as a change up. It is good exercise! Eventually though, the snow will be past my waste! I am slowly added new things and making up batches of new lunch things for DH. I hate the smell of fish, and I am even cooking that-must be true love!

  3. We had some torrential rain, but now it is sunny, high 40's, so steaks on the grill as planned. I have about 1/2 of a rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator, (Costco on Friday, which means chicken for dinner) which I will turn into either cottage pie or chicken pot pie later in the week. There is also leftover turkey tortilla soup--New Year's here sees a roast turkey breast, and leftovers were turned into a slow cooker soup. The plan for the week is to survive our new schedule for the quarter!

    1. Rotisserie chickens are off our menu-I read the salt content and need to skip that convenience, however, a whole bird is actually pretty easy, if I take the time and put in the oven, and so versatile.

  4. We're leaving our tree up at least another week and then we'll replace them with small twinkle lights just to keep some cheer. Doesn't need to be holiday cheer :)

    Hope you enjoy Celeste Ng's book! I found it both riveting and deeply touching. No spoilers!

    1. I'm not sure what I think about the book-discussion worthy.

  5. I for one like reading about the daily doings of my blogger buddies.
    I too plan on keeping up some of the more neutral lights for whimsy sake.

    1. I'm in good company with the little white lights-resolved. My life is pretty dull, but I guess there is comfort in the ordinary in the world of chaos.

  6. I kept some white lights up too. It does make a nice warm glow at night. Waiting patiently for the days to get longer. Honestly, I would love to just sleep through winter like a bear. I went back to work yesterday and my co-workers and I are so not into being back.


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