Saturday, May 16, 2020

Sam and Writing-An Applicable Throw Back

     Back in the summer of 2015, just my second summer after I even started blogging. Natasha over In the Writer's Closet, did a wonderful thing. She created prompts for anyone that wanted to join with her to write about whatever the prompt was. It could be just a blog entry, a short story, a poem, or a recollection. She varied the goals-sometimes, encouraging a twist to the prompt, like write for no more than 10 minutes. With nothing popping in m head this morning. I took a peek t see if maybe a repost form those years might be appropriate. This one kind of jumped out at me, With spending so much time at home, my closed door issue hasn't gotten any better. Perhaps though, this is the kick I need to do something about it. Note the glib "meeting up with a friend whenever I want..." 

     Life five years later is not so glib. So here is the post, originally posted on my Sam and Writing blog, which may have a collective 20 views and hasn't been touched in years. I have a few more regular readers than I did between the summer of 2015 and when this ended in February 2016.I don't thik hte Rise and Write link is valid any longer, but i now there ar eother linking tools. If you take a poke around and think I should go back and dabble, prompts included, let me now in the comments. 

Not really a door of the post, but cute kitty.


Write about a door – wooden, glass, heavy, tall, Dutch door, garage door or a magic door (Open, Sesame)…

OPTIONAL: Work on your fiction and share. Read more about Rise and Write here.

What's behind the door?

     I have little envy of the Real Housewives of any where. Their lives seem chaotic and filled with ridiculous drama that if not scripted, which I highly think it is, you couldn't make up. The weekend get aways at 5 star hotels and personal chefs-who care! I can meet up with a friend, a real friend, any weekend for a walk around a neighborhood and a stop at a coffee house, and sit down to a homemade pasta dinner. No, if there is anything I envy is the always immaculate and spotlessly clean homes. Of course these homes are camera ready at all times, and come with cleaning personal. I would love to live in a house in which I do not feel the need to keep certain doors closed at all times.

     I know most people have the room of doom, the clutter room, the space with a head case. I seem to have many of them. Closed doors are my friends. I can spend a whirlwind fifteen minutes and get my immediate walk in space tidy enough that I don't want to crawl in a drawer if my mother in law shows up, but if she opened those doors, I might burst into tears. Those doors are meant to stay shut, unless I or a family member open them. A few months ago, we wrote about door knobs. Like my door knobs these are basic house grade doors-nothing unique. But when they help hid my clutter, or my unmade bed and dirty laundry strewn shamelessly about the room, they became my ally.

6 minutes


  1. I like that post. It would be interesting to be part of a "captive audience" and have to come up with say 10 minutes of writing on something like that, but I'm afraid my mind would go completely blank until around minute eight!

    1. Maybe I'll start with a prompt a week-perhaps n a Monday. I'll have to look into the linking thing, which was kind of cool.

  2. Replies
    1. If it ever gets finished, the prompts were the start of my book, a woven collection of short stories.

  3. what a fascinating exercise to write something.

    1. Natalia is so creative=and it was fun to get to know her and her husband Justin through the process that went on for many. many months!


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