Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Boring Lunches-But Grateful

     Not wasting food is more on my mind than ever as I am trying to avoid any additional store stops. Granted, I should have this mind set all the time, and when I work from the office, I bring leftovers for lunch at least 50% of the time, controlling much of the waste. Most dasy  at home my daughter and I first look to the leftovers, either the nights or two before, or a portion that was thrown in the freezer. It's boring, uninspiring, but I' grateful to have the abundance. DH pretty much takes a chicken sandwich, or wrap, sometimes just sliced, sometimes mixed with mayo, celery, and maybe grape or apple, as a chicken salad sandwich. I don't seem to be able to buy enough bananas to get both my other home family members filled between trips, but if not a banana, he'll bring apples or clementine's. 

     My favorite lunch is leftover pizza. The college kid is less thrilled with left over pizza, but likes it more so if reheated in the air fryer as it doesn't get soggy. Some leftovers she will hoard for herself, and I'm not exaggerating. Vegetable tika masala, or at least what I make as a curry, Chow Mein, and any hotdish with a rice base is her favorite. The kid loves rice! She'll happily eat pasta or  Mexican-ish leftovers (taco and burrito fillings and tortillas-not claiming authenticity), and yes, preferred if there is spicy rice to heat up with the met and beans. 

     On the rare occasions when there were not leftovers, and that's often where the freezer portion comes in handy, I've made sure we have other quick items. I'll go for apples and peanut butter or  veggies and hummus, and maybe a sandwich or piece of toast. She's heated up a frozen egg roll, or even cooked up some rice or eggs. I've been hard boiling eggs to have on hand as well, so might grab one with lunch or a snack later. A few times I've turned them into egg salad, or I've opened tuna to mix with mayo and celery, for sandwich fixings. She's not a big sandwich person, but occasionally will have these  fillings, or just deli meat and butter. This is our 9th week of lunches at home, so I forget all we might be eating up. I know we're not going hungry. 

     It seems food occupies my brain. I'm thinking about what to use up, what we are running out of, what I can make with what is on hand, and how can I stretch out my grocery trips, or at least get in and out quickly. I only price dup a few deals when shopping for my mother-in-law yesterday. I was feeling uncomfortable, and had a plan already for meals for the week, so didn't bother with much so I could get her list fast. I hate being so food obsessed, or maybe I'm obsessing about being obsessed! 

     The progress I was seeing the first month of stay at home has stopped in the weight loss arena. I've not gained though, so glad for that. I have that May goal to lose three pounds, but looking less likely as it is already May 13th and nothing more lost. I've tried to keep meals like pasta to just once per week, not counting leftover lunches, and packing in the vegetables and fruit, particularly at lunch. While I might be eating more calories than I need, and not exercising enough, I do believe my actual diet is healthier than it has been since I stopped nursing over 18 years ago. Eating my boring lunches has been part of that. 


  1. I don't mind boring lunches, either. It doesn't sound like you are obsessed to me. It sounds like you have time to be mindful of what you eat instead of just eating for the sake of eating.

    1. I'm not eating much "bad food" but I worry I'm eating much more than my body needs for calories, since I'm trying to shed a couple pounds.

  2. I definitely relate to the food on the brain sentiments! I shopped yesterday and am already thinking about something I forgot and how to tweak things if I don’t get to the store by the time I need it. I did get bscb for 1.89/lb yesterday, eggs for 1.19, zucchini was marked down to .99 for two, cantaloupe for $1, bananas for .20/lb! I didn’t realize they were that cheap until I got to checkout or I would have bought a lot more. They weren’t even “bad” looking. In the old days I would have ran back out to get more bananas and the thing I forgot but that mindset is definitely gone. I also got gas for 1.99 yesterday, the best price around here in years. JoAnn

    1. Since my Mother-in-law is looking at adds and asks me to get her just the bargains or the things she feels she needs, I'll often grab that for myself. I missed the $1/47 gas as we didn't need, and I didn't want an extra stop.

  3. For me, my healthy eating is always thrown off by "anomalies" (work travel, vacations, date night, someone bringing treats to the office, etc). We're definitely not having any of those during quarantine, so my food is entirely plannable & predictable. I've had a few off days, but generally my diet is also very healthy right now as well

    1. Good for you. I think I'm just eating more than my body needs, and am less physical in general. Which needs to be addressed.

  4. Gosh looking at JoAnn's prices makes me green with envy. I just paid €4 (around $4.50) for a cantaloup and 3 zucchini for €4. But then it's always been expensive round here and even then it's nowhere near as expensive as Switzerland. Oh well, can't do much about it can I. But I've said it before, I swear taking my breakfast and lunch to work pretty much every single day helped me pay off my 17 year mortgage in just 7 so I was able to retire. I never did understand what I felt was the madness of buying breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria, all the more so since their food was ok, but nothing special. But then I suppose we all have different priorities don't we.

    1. I've not seen prices as low as Joanne shared, but I agree with her-not running back for more either. I found France pricey, but the quality was so good. Packing my lunch is helping to put my kid through college. Even $100 savings per month over her 18 years before starting school was at least a year out of pocket tuition.

  5. It is really hard to stay inspired with weight loss during this shut down, I am like who cares, bring me a candy bar.

    1. I'm not even really craving more food, I just tend to get more calories than needed as evidenced by the plateau. I'm not snacking all day-too much coffee and diet coke, yes.

  6. I hope everyone's safe and staying safe. I just read that the virus is mutating and getting much more dangerous. I don't want to alarm anyone but it's time to get right with God, cause this is getting downright scary! Stay home and stay safe, guys!

    1. This bot is already doing the rounds. But at least it's not the "death to all boomers" bot!

    2. I honestly wasn't sure-at least it is a polite Bot!

  7. Whatever is left over is lunch and if nothing is in the fridge cracker and peanut butter are my usual non-keto go to. I gotta get back on the wagon soon!

    1. That's why I love the PB with apples-a little sweet, and no extra carbs-which I love!

  8. Food occupies my brain too. I'm constantly thinking about eating! I've gained 3 pounds during lockdown. I've never been this heavy in my life. It makes me very depressed, which makes me want to eat more. lol

    1. Judging from your pictures, your look healthy and well! Maybe more time on your patio and playing with the pets, but I agree three pounds for me feels like a battle this month.


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