Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Positively Tuesday with a Morning Walk

Soon I’ll do morning walks because will get toasty by midday. Not this morning with the thermometer reading 30, in the sun. That’s 30 degrees F for my Celsius readers. That glorious sun though! Definitely worth the cold nose and cheeks. I took a couple phone pictures of a couple angles of the pond and the open park. You can perhaps see the touch of the playground off in the distance, with the play equipment sort of blocked by snow barrier. We usually meet a few rabbit friends on our walk.This guy was feeling photogenic, but I still kept a distance, so had to crop it later. 

Here’s the weekly lilac progression, which has been slowed with the cold. Once bloomed, I'll attempt to post them all in order. I hope you have a good Tuesday.


  1. Replies
    1. It's a rather humble neighborhood, but there are pops of niceness on an early walk.

  2. May be I shouldn't tell that over here it was 26 Degrees Celcius today. Just last week it was like 5 and I was wearing a heavy sweater.

  3. Aahh I love to see rabbits. Where my sister lives in England they're all over the place and yet here, which is pretty rural, I've never seen one. It's really weird. And well done on getting out there walking!

    1. I know they live under our deck, and that bothers me about us getting rid of the deck for a patio. I'm going to struggle to get my weight goal met, but trying at least more walking to improve my mood.

  4. Replies
    1. All phone-I pint and click, but some turned out nice.

  5. It's good to get out and see something different isn't it. Arilx

    1. I am going t be adventurous and go for a real wander this weekend. I might even drive to a park out of our vicinity.

  6. Replies
    1. They are cute, but the same ones that I know will eat up my garden if I don't get something t protect it.


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