Saturday, August 1, 2020

It's August! Saturday This and That

     Good wishes on this perfect August morning. We have a lot  calendar wise on our  minds this month with DH's birthday, his mom's 80th birthday, and getting DD2 packed and moved back to campus. I have a lot I want to get done in the house today, and get an overnight bag and provisions as DH, pup, and I are heading to the cabin when he gets home from work as no one else will be there. Of our daughter has to work later today and tomorrow. His mom might come up on Sunday. Why so empty and why do have this good fortune?  Well, not for good reasons. 

     His sister used the extra cabin earlier in the week with friends, but was planing on leaving this morning. We had made the decision that the main cabin was not going to have extra people coming and going this year. She had an unfortunate incident where she got stung by something and the bite caused cellulitis. She ended up in the ER herself and then had to avoid going in the water for several days, so decided to cut their long weekend short. On a good front though, her grandson, the baby born 9 weeks early, is getting to come home this week. However she still will not be able to see him for a bit because of this friends week. I imagine my niece is being very strict about quarantining and letting people be with him.  I'm very happy for them though-little guy is doing so well.

     While DH was learning all this on Thursday when he was there, he got a text from his brother wondering if we were going to be at the lake on the weekend. When we said we were, he said they would not be there then. His son was at a basketball camp and a few days later, they received a letter that their son was in direct contact with someone who tested positive, a coach in his small pod. He now is getting tested Monday, and will get results later, so fortunately are taking it seriously enough to not potentially expose others until the results are back. Then later, they learned their older son also had close contact with a positive case, so will be tested as well. If his mom is up, we will wear masks and keep six feet arat as I don't know if she was with them since his exposure. I hope the test are negative-that is a buy family and having to have the whole family  in quarantine, or also get tested and wait, would be stressful for my SIL. 

     I dug out a few of the old magazines and will bring them along. A couple are Shape, and will hopefully get motivated again to add some exercise and more movement. DH wants country style barbecue ribs for the grill tomorrow I think I'll make a pasta salad, and cube up the remaining watermelon, but we'l just get sandwiches for tonight. I hope my little bottles of Pinot Grigio are still there-it's been three weeks, so maybe not. I'll run and buy a bottle! The house is pretty much upside down, so needs a very good tidy this morning, and laundry has piled. I'll give myself the morning to  play on the computer, getting little jobs done in 10-15 minute increments, then do a power push after lunch to finish the rest. So many areas need a deep clean, but that is not happening this weekend. 

     As for the Spending Diary- I will share updates, but in a minimal way. I feel a need to track for myself, an exercise to keep my math geek brain engaged, and to see again where we might have stupid spending holes to fill. I had comments that folks like this kind of content, and if it's not their thing, they just scroll on by. I hope you all have a pleasant weekend. 


  1. Wow it seems like covid has hit nearer and nearer to you, but I suppose with a big family that's to be expected. I'm glad you were smart enough to stay safe. Now is not the time to relax your guard!

    1. Nope-no relaxing in y household. We released school guidelines and basically whether schools open, open hybrid, or social distance will be base don what communities do as a whole. If case counts stay low, then schools will move forward, though a few large districts already made th call to hold off at least through September and start distance.

  2. That is scary that so many of your contacts have been exposed. Stay safe no matter what.


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