Saturday, September 12, 2020

Days of Our Socially Distanced Lives V2

     The last 36 hours or so have been unremarkable to say the least, but soon after I hit publish, we'll be walking out the door, umbrellas in hand just in case, to the marching band show. Until then, Here's a recap of what my regular life entails. I've now done two editions of Days of our Socially Distanced Life, beginning on a work day and a weekend day, which pretty much are the same week after week, with a few nuggets of variety thrown in on occasion. I'm trying to spend more time documenting with pictures. 

September 11

     I woke up very early and tried to fall back to sleep, but no use, so at 5:50 just got up. I sat for a few minutes with coffee n hand and just gave a little prayer, a moment, to remember events 19 years ago. Other than blog world and tweeting my blog post, I stayed off social media for the day as well. I don't need my moments of respect and reflection tarnished with shallow memes and  accusations that by not copying and sharing certain posts I am unpatriotic. I don't need this day to be turned into excuses for racism. 

     I wrote and posted my W's post and had more coffee and unusual for me this early, a bagel with whipped cream cheese. I woke up so hungry today-I guess cutting out snacking at night might do that. After a quick shower, I dressed and took pup for a little walk around the park and pond, visiting the duck families. 

A flock of geese flew overhead, but I wasn't quick enough to get a decent picture but you might be able to make out their V formation. The ducks were up and busy doing their thing in the pond. They ignore pup and he pretty much ignores them. We came back for his breakfast and by then it was time to log in and I worked pretty solidly until 1:00, when my meetings ended. 

      While eating my leftover soup, I clicked the link from Seaside Simplicity's morning post, to find  prudent Penny Pinchers 150 Muffin Tin With just two of us, making up a dozen and sticking extras in the freezer would work for us. I also took advantage of a light in-box and took pup for another walk. Have I shared one of my work spaces? If I am on meetings, I'll work from my dining room. Other times I'll work from the chase part of the couch in the living room. Last Saturdays flowers are still doing OK. 

     Somewhat work related, I road Penny to the mail box by our grocery store to send a colleague a check for my portion of a going away present, then worked until 5:00. I did grab a snack, don't judge, while reading through e-mails. Supper was homemade fries in the air fryer, and Gyro sandwiches from Aldi. The evening was a few YouTube videos while folding laundry that had accumulated in the dry basket and load of towels. I threw another load in as well, with half being hung up and the other in the dryer, later folded as well. It rained most of the night-I wish I could send some out west. 

September 12

     I woke up early again and gave up trying to fall back to sleep and stated coffee at 5:30. I got a start on laundry with a load of dish towels with some detergent and oxyclean in the wash. We go through so many towels as with me home all day, I am constantly wiping down  places in the kitchen. Pup was taken out and fed, though he was grumpy-wanting to stay asleep longer I am sure but he will be wherever we are. It was still rainy so I opted for the dryer for most of the laundry-I hope tomorrow is nice so I can do bedding and line dry. I got caught up on personal e-mail and signed up for the next three weeks of outdoor church, which will be done in our parking lot with folks bringing their own chairs. 

     My mother-in-law makes the best refrigerator pickles and gave DH a jar when he stopped over to do some paperwork with her on Thursday. She also gave me the recipe, finally after three decades of asking!. With more laundry going, I ran to the farmers market in search of cucumbers  and stopped at the grocery store for bananas, celery and mustard seed, plus  pectin for jam and jelly. I bought pups dog food as well so I would be good for the month since I was already in the store. It's the same price as big box stores. I was in luck at the farmers market and not only found cucumbers, but these gorgeous red bell peppers and little red potatoes. Then as I was leaving, the cheese stand beckoned to me! This was a pricey day, spending $69 between the store and market. If I want to still hit my $400 or less target, I'm left with only $66 for the rest of the month, and we want to go apple picking. Challenge on!

     The pickle recipe will be shared on Wednesday. Mine are snug in jars in the refrigerator. I put them in the big jars I had as I saved the smaller ones for jelly, but seeings how I have almost eaten the entire pint size jar she gave us on Thursday. these will go fast. I'll put in smaller jars as I have some available. I was busy all day with these domestic chores, while keeping an eye on the weather for the marching band show.

     I got pup walked before a quick and early supper, which was the leftovers Gyros along with the meatballs and mushroom gravy from Wednesday. I had made double the fries last night so I would have leftovers intentionally. It looks like the night will be cloudy, but it's a go. So we are about to head out the door. It's cool but not raining. Likely we'll just come home once over and watch something on the screen. That's the latest. I hope I didn't put you to sleep as you followed me on my last couple days.


  1. Hi Sam, have fun tonight but please play it safe and be careful out there. Thanks for the shout out! I hope you found some muffin tin recipes you will enjoy. Sounds like you are doing well on your goals. Yesterday was grocery shopping day for me, I spent $170. but saved $63 between coupons, sales and BOGOs. It was my first spending this month and I should be stocked for the rest of the month other than a few fresh veggies toward the end of the month. I can't wait for the pickle recipe! Enjoy your evening :)

    1. It was outside and people were more than 6 feet and all masked. It was a nice evenr-kids were awesome.

  2. What is in the blue bowl in the photo after the flowers? The tomatoes look really nice. I could make a dish and put two or more helpings into a muffin pan.

    1. Cheetos! Those are red bell peppers, not tomatoes.

  3. I enjoyed this post. I actually went out to an early dinner with DH and youngest tonight, which only reinforced why I hate going out to eat. The food was lousy, service equally as bad, and when I got home, our little dog was whining for a walk--exactly NOT what I want to do the minute I get in.
    I keep reading about the air fryers--I didn't hop on the Insta-pot bandwagon, (or the bread machine, or the Ninja) but the people I know who have air fryers swear they don't know what they did without them. Thoughts?

    1. The air fryer works really well for us since we are a small family of 2 or 4. We've really liked for things like hot wings, egg roils, and items that are so much better int he oven that microwave, but so wasteful to have the whole oven on. I rave about the air fryer homemade fires, and that is what I use it for the most. You just can't go too deep, which again, for a small family works. I feel bad I am not supporting local restaurants more, but just am not yet comfortable around other people in such small settings-definitely not indoors.

    2. Well, this was my first time in this particular restaurant, and believe me, if this is a typical day for it, it deserves to be shuttered. BLECH. I should have known better. I can't remember the last meal out I have actually enjoyed, either due to food, service, other people's ill behaved children, screaming, whining and running around, or a combination of these factors.

  4. My university was close to a wild fowl reserve, and flocks of geese and ducks were often to be seen heading there to overwinter.I live about 30 miles from it. I doubt think I've seen or heard any for years, nor seen a murmuration of starlings doing their thing. I hadn't thought of it until I read your post.Maybe I'll see some this year.

    1. Last year one of our big nature centers near us did a fall raptor release. I doubt it will be open to the public this year as it was so crowded, even though outdoors. It was a site to be seen! I love our little pond and seeing the ducks. I hope you do see the starlings this year. I don't know birds very well, but I love to see them in flight.


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