Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Positively Tuesday-I Get By With a Little Help From My (Blogging) Friends

     Whether it's blogging directly as I try to do, or reading and making comments on others blogs, I will tell you sometimes you all are what feel like a lifeline. I can put  things out  on this page or in comments that I don't feel like I can say within my family without making them worry or feel bad, or worse, blow me off.  At home and work, I'm supposed to be the voice of calm, to keep everyone else in check. If I blather on here, you all actually chose  to keep reading, and then made time to comment. I thank you for that. I'll still tap into the resources available to me, have a 1:00 time scheduled today to talk and walk through some options.

     What else is positive about today? It's the first day of our districts hybrid school model. I've already heard the school buses in the neighborhood. No sign of the teenager a few houses over int he cul de sac that runs wildly from her house to catch. I don't know the rotation though and she might have a distance learning day-or maybe she was at the bus stop on time, or maybe was drive to school. My heart goes out to all the families and teachers and food service, and support staff, and drivers, and administrators trying to make this school year work. I'm thinking positive thoughts for them-and hoping my e-mail and voice mail didn't explode over the weekend.

     I'm positive about the rain we had overnight and lightly yesterday. Our grass was getting a little parched. I hope they get some in California as well. We had a pretty good cool down-I'm wrapped in a sweater right now and I put socks on my feet. While it's not sweater wearing weather for a while, nor am I ready to pull out my cozy slippers, I like the change in weather to start a new life season even if I am not personally sending a child back to the school. DD2 called last night. She is resigned to what happens this year either way. Like colleges all across the country, hers has a case count that is growing despite  precautions on campus that  can manage. I know it is off campus activity that is where it is spreading most likely.  She needs to decide by tomorrow if she will switch her computer science class, which she says is  interesting, but  more than she wants in a match requirement. I'm positive she'll figure it out. 

     What all this is to say is I'm feeling less anxious today, as I figured I would after a day or two. Summer season of all of us at the cabin is done now, most likely, but as was suggested, and I know is the right call for me, I'll just avoid. I may need to avoid DH in my own home as well if he decides to go up there when others are around. I'll get help that's available, but my fears mya spill out here once in a while and I hope that's OK with you. Thanks for helping me keep my Tuesday's positive. 


  1. K'm sitting here with a blanket on and I love it. The cooler weather feels so nice. Hearing a school bus reminds me of many things, it's a welcome sound for sure. I love our blogging community too. It's a lifeline where we may not have one otherwise. I hope you have a good day, Sam.

    1. I'd prefer a few more weeks of summer, and no doubt our cool patch will let up and we'll have a few more really warm days-usually do in September and sometimes even October.

  2. I've had to put socks on a couple of evenings too - although during the day it's lovely. It's nice to have a break from the heat though isn't it. And I'm glad your anxieties have eased a little. As you say, not going up to the lake place with the entire family will help!

    1. I just needed to calm my nerves down a bit. I feel bad about missing so much of the fun when you see others just living life as normal, but I need to do what works for me. I have socks on again this morning.

  3. Glad to hear you feel more settled. I too, love Autumn. I feel bad so nostalgic for the northeast this time of year...lasts until their first snow. Our temperatures are some of the hottest all summer. Mid 70's, with 90 predicted for Seattle by Thursday. Also, the winds yesterday brought in the smoke from the California fires...our moon was orange last night due to the smoke. Pretty, but sad. I am sneezing to beat the band to boot. Anyway, we are 100% online for school
    Our district was dreadful with communication, not alerting us to the start date until 3 days prior, with 48 hours notice of time slot to pick up books/Chromebook/hot spot/any other supplies. And, there is now a wait list for hot spots, and Chromebook chargers...but not Chromebooks..
    Go figure.
    Elementary students have 90 minutes mandated meetings, but they are recorded, as they know parents may be at work, and kids in daycare where
    they cannot be online during the day. Can you imagine
    picking up your 7 year-old at 6:30 after you've been gone all day at work,and coming home to plop them on a screen for 90 minutes? Add dinner, bath,and you are looking at 9 p.m. before you get that one to bed. There's been pushback for paper packets for that group for this very reason. In the current model, my neighbor's highschoolers are now in essence, teaching their 3rd grade sister...I am sure they are not the only household with this scenario..I would have her over here, but our internet can barely handle the load as it is with these three online. I am not at all impressed with our district's administration.

    1. Our biggest kerfuffle for school in Minnesota was the promise of free child care by the schools during the school day for children of essential workers on hybrid or distance learning days. Well, there is suge capacity issues, and people arguing that they are essential but don't qualify. It is a mess. I have not heard too many issues-yet-about school problems other than the stress of managing both types of schooling. What to do? It's a pandemic and guaranteeing the rights for an education, which always has had equity issues, is just exasperated. I hope your school year goes well despite the challenges.

  4. I would keep dh home for my sake. Tommy wanted to go to church, said it was his business, not mine. Yes, it is my business because if he is ill, I will be ill, too. So, he stays away. I am serious about not contacting people who have contacted people with no masks!

    1. I know, but hard to control another person right? He seems to think his mom is being very careful-when I see she is obvious not at least with her other sons family.

  5. Hi Sam, It's nice to "meet" you. I can so relate to my blog being like a lifeline sometimes. Glad you are finding some positive things in your days. It sure does get hard sometimes these days. Glad you aren't feeling as anxious as you were previously. Nice that you are getting some cooler weather too, this summer and continuing on in many places the heat has just been brutal. I'm in Florida so no relief here yet, hopefully soon. Have a great evening :)

    1. Thanks for visiting MArtha and I will pop back to you as well! I have visions of maybe being seaside some day, well, maybe just lake side. I experienced in short bursts summer int he south and it is not for me. but loved when our vacations took us to Florida in February, March and April.

  6. I too am thankful for my blog friends. I do not share my blog on FB as they are two separate groups of people that I like to keep separate, lol, although I have some very dear, longtime blog readers as FB friends as you know. It's so weird to see kids up north just starting school now because we've been in session since mid August. I'm ready for a fall break! lol

    1. I keep them seperate as well. I feel like I am "anonymous" here, though share enough about myself, real life, that people can still get to know me. I have a few blogger friends, present company included, that I cross into FB with and hope real life will let our paths cross as well.

  7. My blog has been a lifeline for me too, SAM. Getting dressed, creating outfits (of real clothes!) has helped me keep my sanity and my anxiety in check.

    I'm sending good vibes out for the schools - my area is expecting to see a spike in cases after all the kids go back here. Scary stuff!


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