Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday and Not Meal Planning


     Reverse psychology. If I don't say I'm meal planning, maybe I can get some order. Today starts my meal cooking week, and I haven't gone grocery shopping other than a couple Kwik Trip stops, a Dollar Tree stop, farmers market and biking to the store for a few things on Friday. I'm rounding up as I can't bother with change-national change shortage you know, so all total, we've spent on Household and Grocery is $61, and Take out $13. Not too bad heading into the final day of week one of the month, which could keep us on track to stay at $300. DH will need lunch items, and other than tomatoes, bananas, and a few grapes, we have no fresh produce. I still have quite a bit of meat in the refrigerator. I mentioned yesterday about having burgers and a pasta salad for lunch today. As I posted so late yesterday, I'm setting the timer on this for noon. No clue if we will want supper. My  sister is having a get together, outdoors, and we may go there, but will eat before hand if we are hungry. We tend to eat late at the lake for lunch, so often just have something light Sunday nights anyway. 

     What has been working is coming up with a list of ideas for meals Here's my non-meal plan for the week.

  • Cottage pie
  • Cheddar Apple Sausage balls with biscuits and gravy and  diced potatoes
  • Krispy chicken sandwiches with potato wedges (I'd love to find the red bag chicken again, but will settle for homemade)
  • Burritos or bowls with rice, and either black beans or refried beans
  • Turkey bacon BLT's, with tator tots and or onion rings
  • Cheddar and bacon Rice crust quiche with steamed vegetables and quick bread
  • Tator Tot hot-dish
  • Turkey Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and  corn
  • Lasagna

     That's a week of meals with a few to spare. We may follow, we may not, but I have a few ideas to look up if it is nearing 6:00 and I am stuck or didn't plan ahead. What sounds good for your house this week?


  1. Your list sounds yummy and Fall appropriate. Enjoy!

    1. It's chilly today-a 20 degree temperature change from yesterdays high. Perhaps some fall meals are in order.

  2. I will put out a package of chicken and one of ground beef for this week. Today, I am going to open a huge can of pork to use and see how it is to eat. I have heard it is delicious. I have lots of vegetables to cook.

    1. I've never heard of canned pork. Good luck.

  3. tater tot hot dish is one of the urtext recipes from my Midwest youth; it always makes me smile to have one.

    1. When my daughters friend from the UK came for a visit four years ago, I had her over for a Minnesota themed meal of wild rice soup, tator tot hotdish, Snickers salad, and Betty Crocker brownies for desert. She loved it.

  4. Replies
    1. Well, we'll be fed. I need to look back at your posts and actually try the things I said I should, You have a good ideas.

  5. Your meals appeal to me. I found ground beef for $2.29/lb.,so bought about 12 pounds. Ground beef will be figuring prominently in future meals
    Last night we had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and salad. Tonight I was tired and didn't care,so made canned crescent rolls wrapped around cheese nd salami..don't judge. The rolls were $0.25/can,kids were all out and about and I didn't feel like cooking. They were a hit, though. I was tired because I picked a gallon of blackberries and baked scones and a pie. Tomorrow we will have grilled New York strip steaks, coleslaw,baked beans, pie and homemade ice-cream. Slow cooked pork with sauerkraut served over mashed potatoes is on the horizon, (boneless sirloin chops were$1.59/lb.) Beyond that is anyone's guess. I do plan on planting more Romaine lettuce this week, as well as picking the last of the blackberries and making a batch of jam. I feel all over the place with meals!

    1. I'll never judge what comes out of someones kitchen-and especially not anything wrapped in crescent roll dough! As I was pretty anxious last night after the lake day, it was nice to just have leftovers form last week-enough for the two of us.


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