Friday, March 19, 2021

The W's of my Life Right Now

      I said it last week but I'll repeat. What a week. I've now hit my one year work from home mark-at days end. The work did not slow down, and I think hearing people say we are planning to go back to work when people have been busting their butts all year is annoying. In some ways, I wonder if we were in the office, would the amount of work and the speed of some things rolling out happen? Of course, it was at the expense of some of us working a whole lot of hours above our schedules. Today is the official last day for our Big Boss, but really, since the announcement was made, she pretty much was not present in any of our meetings or settings and the new Big Boss, has  been transitioning even though technically her promotion starts April 1. Well, she was second in command anyway. They are both talkers-I had to laugh having a check in with one of my team the day after the new Big Boss had a Transition meeting, and she literally gave her life story as background for her motivation and inspiration. E said, "Well that was something. I didn't expect to be in the delivery room with her mom."

     Monday I almost hit a breaking point though, to be honest. I mentioned that I did the Bible study, but really, I was managing my work computer and texts, and half listening on the bible study zoom. I didn't stop working until after 10:00 as my old boss had to present first thing in the morning and I was on call to answer the behind the scenes questions. In the last hour, the strategy and talking points changed, and I had to prepare new rationale for her, and get data prepped for potential questions. That same day, I also received three rush proposals to review, and a financial plan to create a draft by 12:00 Tuesday. I work fast, but this was becoming insane. I spent some time Tuesday, doing a bit of delegating a few things on my list, and  reprioritized to after vacation a couple others and felt much better by the time I logged out on Tuesday. This weekend I just hope to get rest and recuperation, fresh air,  and giving my head a break. I will end my babble and as I've been doing on Fridays, share what's going on in my world in the form of my Friday W's. 

What's top of mind: This, above.

Where I've been:  I met friends at a county park last Saturday and we are going to try and make it a semi regular meet up. I am out of shape! The trail was not particularly hard, but more than my local walks, and it was longer than I've been doing. I need to build up better and for longer durations. I went grocery shopping  Tuesday at 5:30, then finished up work  once home. 

Where I'm going: My daughter is busy all weekend-and I'm gad for her to be able to see friends. We haven't finalized our friends walk, but fingers crossed that will be a go, and maybe a beer outside if the weather is conducive. Otherwise, as I said above, this will be a rest and fresh air weekend, so maybe a litter walk, picking up sticks and twigs for the fire pit (though they might be really wet and won't burn yet). Imagine a year ago having an event called "litter walk" and "picking up sticks" as highlights of a weekend, but both good plans.

What I'm watching: I wanted just mindless fun watching Saturday night, so pulled up the first Pitch Perfect. Hints of it remind me of my daughters show choir days, and now that she is in a college acapella group, I couldn't help thinking about her again. Talking to my daughter though, she laughed and said there are no big acapella rivals that she is aware of!  I also watched another couple episodes of Moving On from BritBox. 

What I'm reading:  I like this  book I picked up as it has more than recipes, but helpful information on transitioning to a more plant based, if not full vegan diet. I do seem to feel better when I minimize my animal proteins and increase my  whole foods-who'd have thought, (she says to herself with sarcasm.)

What I'm listening to: Don't give me a hard time, but I absolutely love Taylor Swifts latest music and she is releasing a lot. I've always been  pleased with her work-my girls liked, particularly the youngest when she was in  elementary school. While the songs were pretty basic teen, young adult drama kind of things in her early day, nothing was offensive, I was fine with my girls' and their friends singing along out loud. Her stuff now that she is in her 30's is mature, spirit filling, and a bit more raw. I like it. 

What I'm eating: This weeks menu was planned, and scrapped for whatever worked day to day. Taco Tuesday was a go, but I made a big crock pot mock lasagna on Wednesday instead of rice hotdish and Monday was so unmemorable with all the chaos, not sure what was eaten-maybe sausage meatballs and the potatoes I had overcooked. Sunday, we calorie splurged on Concrete Mixers from Culvers. DH wanted fries so bought them as well. I did not even think about supper. It's been an unmemorable food week with take out, too many treats, and just grab and go. I will do fish and chips tonight though-breaded from the freezer. I'm starting to think about Easter and what we'll eat. I suppose a ham of some sort. I'll send my son a Grub Hub code, and we'll connect with him. 

Old picture, but my spuds look like this so need to use tonight. 

My crock pot was put to use this week-this is not my crock pot though.

Who I'm paying attention to: I don't want to think about all the hate, but I can't turn a closed eye to what happened in Atlanta. Again, the outcome for the perpetrator, the murderer, the white perpetrator and murderer, was so different than the results for our BIPOC Americans. Please don't even try to comment with any rationalizing of this. If anyone thinks there is not systemic racism in the way the criminal justice system works and how life is valued in the US, I can't understand you. 

What I'm planning:  I got reservations for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts for a week from Sunday! I am so excited!. We also have the women's walk my daughter reserved for her, DD2, and myself that evening. That sort of kicks off  my vacation week since Saturday will likely be helping DD2 get laundry done, clean the house, and relax! I am in countdown mode now-eight work days until vacation. 

     Nothing has gotten slower at work as the week progressed, but after my near meltdown Monday night, some ruffles got smoothed, and I started getting through a few of my virtual piles on my desk. Today I have just two short meetings-I'm ignoring that it is supposed to be my flex day off. I plan to knock off the rest of the lingering things, and head into the weekend fingers crossed, not thinking about work. However your week went, please play along with any or all my W's. 


  1. I'm glad you're aware that you're in danger of burning out (even if in slow motion). You're right though, I think people probably do get more work done from home because they never log off! But I had to laugh at your colleague's comment about the new big boss though - ha ha, it was pretty spot on wasn't it!

    1. E can be pretty blunt, but has a sense of humour and was spot on! Today will be an ignore work day, then I should have a better energy level next week.

  2. It definitely sounds like you need a nice weekend off Sam!

    1. YEs and will allow myself some play time today!

  3. He was having a really bad day... well, yeah, that totally explains killing a bunch of people. And, I'm convinced that people of color would have been described as having a really bad day. (/sarcasm)

    It's sounds like work is really intense right now. I'm hoping you get a much needed break & opportunity to relax this weekend.

    We had a haphazard menu this week, with all of us rarely together at the table due to conflicting practices. With Sam in high school soccer and Nick at club soccer, our schedules haven't been lining up. Tonight, we had leftover chicken curry & it was delicious.

    1. I get angry thinking about what was sad by the police rep! DH has been getting home later and later. I tried to time last night to eat together, with nice hot food for him-then he was 90 minutes late.

  4. Boy you deserve a weekend off my friend.

    1. I will agree! I now have an official meet up with friends and decided DH and I, weather permitting, will be going somewhere for picnic tomorrow.

  5. I hope this weekend brings you some peace and relief from you hectic work week. I think the bad thing about working from home is the tendency to continue working after hours.

    1. I almost feel guilty when I power down-strange I know because when working in the office. I wouldn't be expected to stay in the office until 7:00 or go home and log back in.

  6. I’m outraged about what happened in Atlanta and what has been happening to the AAPI community for awhile. It’s been grossly under reported, and horrific, often targeting women and the elderly. I point the finger towards one disgusting orange idiot for stoking and that fire. I know it’s small but every time I see a post on social media that refers to Covid as the China virus, I report it. This world is so messed up. With all the happiness of friends and family getting vaccinated we heard of a positive case close to us. We were around them before they showed symptoms or tested positive and could have been contagious or we wait. And they were less than forthcoming in sharing the information with us. Like they were almost hoping we wouldn’t find out or something. Which is why I don’t believe the pandemic will be over any time soon. Their doctor actually told them that it probably wasn’t Covid and not to tell anyone until their test came back. I’m sorry, what??? I’m torturing myself with ifs and buts. That’s whats going on in my miserable world. JoAnn

    1. Because of having so many Asian friends and colleagues, I've been aware,lus one of my daughters besties at college, her roommate last year is 1/2 Cinese and has shared some horrible verbal assault. Your close contact is to put it bluntly, a selfish and uncaring git. Why not say they suspect possible Covid and let people know so they can get their own testing and not be worried. The stigma around testing is ridiculous!

  7. I feel better when I eat plant based too. And it is a money saver as well, both good things. :)

    1. This book is a nice one-I have dried pinot beans, and I thin this is a good week to get them cooked and use in chili, plus freeze some for refried beans for burritos or enhciladas since my daughter will be home. She loves both. I'll go less bena heavy than my last bean and cheese version.

  8. I want a new crock-pot like this one. Large enough to make a meal to feed a family

  9. My half-Asian niece was being hit on by a guy at her apartment pool in Miami. The guy tried to shake her hand and she backed away and said something like I'm not shaking anyone's hand during Covid. The guy then said "but you brought it with you from China!"

    Thank you tRump. And FYI, she's half Japanese.


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