Saturday, March 6, 2021

Saturday Day in the Life Then and Today

      I probably shouldn't have done it as it serves no purpose but longing for before, but I took a look at my post from March 6, 2020, pre-Covid, at least in my everyday space. My younger daughter was still home for her spring break, only to end up going back for just a week. She came home for her cousins wedding on the 14th of March, I brought her back Sunday, and turned around and got her again on Tuesday. The plan was to be home for four weeks, but ended up being  the rest of the semester for on-line college. 

     I was struggling with sleep, and was waiting to be fitted for a mouth guard-of course that didn't happen, and now, I don't even know where I might be in line to get that referral picked back up. While I've had the odd night here and there of little sleep, melatonin, no caffeine after mid afternoon, and trying to  turn off devices before going to bed seems to help. 

     My older daughter had just started her home search, and now, the market is so tight she has nothing to look at. She knows a lot more now though, what she can really afford, not just in house but in  home ownership costs. She knows what she's willing to accept and what are deal breakers. She's been able to boost her savings in the last year so if she can stay in her price range, she will have more of a cushion after closing as any home owner knows, the unexpected can happen anytime, leaking bank accounts. 

     Pretty soon taking a look back at posts, the topics will be full on stay at home. I remember the sadness then, my daughter upset about her first year college experience being disrupted. It just seemed surreal-still does. I'm so glad she has been able to be on campus this year, even if the experience is different than it might otherwise have been-she's active, has her friends, and is still looking positively ahead. We've learned to adapt, are still adapting, and will for some time, or just evolve. It makes me wonder if/when we are faced with a public health crisis again, will there be automatic dial backs to limit social contact and masks will just be the norm? 

     I peeked at the Saturday post of that week as well-a post focused on my weight loss and increased physical activity goals spurred by the retirement of two colleagues-both 61, the age I hope to retire at. It is still a challenge, still a struggle. I did not lose 15% of my body weight by my 55th birthday. My readers will know I reset for 2021-I'm trying; a bit more exercise here, a little less food there, limiting those treats. The snow has melted on the roads so I can do long walks and maybe get Penny out-it's the walking paths that are treacherous with melting snow and refreeze. 

     For today, what's going on in  life? I just did my Friday W recap, but a few tad more bits.

  • I splurged on four new sets of gray towels, and today will pitch for rags, or dog washing towels the worst offenders. While I'm at it, I'll sort out the shelf in the bathroom. 
  • I've got a load of delicate sweaters, because yes, it will still be sweater weather here for a month or more
  • General house cleaning as is my Saturday pattern
  • I restocked my flour and if not today, tomorrow I am going to retry the French bread recipe
  • A very stressful  situation at work, derailed my morning yesterday, and I need to invest a few hours today or tomorrow getting caught up. I am wondering how long my 10-12 hour days are manageable-I am mentally exhausted by the time I call it quits for the day. I know I pop in and out of blogger, but you all are the equivalent of the water cooler, hallway quick chats I would have in the office for the mental health breaks in a work day. 
     That's about it. I'm looking forward to dinner at my daughters. I'll add extra blocks to my walk with pup today as well, and tomorrow, getting out of the neighborhood. Easter is in five weeks and I'm going to look for signs of spring. Enjoy your Saturday. 

In anticipation of how muddy pup will get
this weekend on our  walks. He will likely
end up in the bathtub at some point.


  1. I like hat idea of going back one year ago and looking at your blog. I am going todo that too. I hope you have good weekend.

    1. As other bloggers have daid, it is pretty much a full year-sureal is the only description. So far, the weekends been good.

  2. I have to admit I often look back at and reread some of the posts of a year ago. Just to remind me what life was like before the pandemic hit us. And yes, it often makes me feel a bit sad, but sometimes I just need to reconnect with that carefree time, if only for a minute. It's been a year now, and most of the time it still feels quite surreal! xxx

    1. Will we have carefree again, or what will tge deginition of carefree even be!

  3. You have inspired me to take a look backward also! Who would have thought things would be like they are today! I remember thinking a few weeks of shutdown might be all it took. Yeah I was wrong.

    1. My son called it- the ecponemtial spread, the political turmoil. At the time I was putting him on doomsday category.

  4. A year ago today we went to watch the Pittsburgh Penguins practice. It’s the last fun thing we really did. I remember seeing one person with a mask on and being utterly annoyed by it. Sigh. Today feels normal-ish, my son worked this morning and went for a long walk when he came home. It’s cold but the sun is shining. Husband went to get his truck windows tinted and daughter is with the boyfriends family. It’s his mom’s birthday and they are going to walk around an outdoor mall and get dinner at Bravo. His dads birthday was Tuesday and they went to Texas Roadhouse. Two sit down meals in one week sounds like luxury to me, but his parents also went out to dinner last night. They also just got their countertops and one bathroom redone and went to Florida for 11 days last month. I wonder what it’s like to have money. I’ll never know lol. So I’m home alone, cleaning, watching the hockey game, had a long phone call with my dad, shredded some paperwork, boring stuff. I need to get gas in my Jeep. I feel like there was something I needed to get at the store but can’t remember for the life of me. I’m about to make a coffee and tackle my closet before I talk myself into taking a nap. JoAnn

    1. Yes, different financial impact to be sure. You're pretty down to earth and practical- hockey sounds pretty good to me.

  5. It has been a year like no other thats for sure! I had a look back at this time last year & we had just gone under $100,000 on the mortgage & I was busy with the first few weeks of term. I hope that this time next year its getting back to normal around the world.

    1. I hope we all can soon say normal! I'll set my sites to a year out as well.

  6. I wish I had been blogging at this time last year to be able to look back, but I didn't come back until June after we were already deep into the pandemic. Enjoy dinner at your daughter's!

    1. We're home now and it was so nice! Delicious food from scratch and good company.

  7. Maybe you should cut back to your normal 8-hour workday? I have not looked back yet.

    1. That's not quite possible in a job like mine, when things have to get done and limited people. Certainly not in the current state of the world but it's a nice thought.

  8. This has been so strange and with all these new variants and #'s rising quickly in Europe again I wonder if we are in for another year.

    1. Maybe it will be learning to live differently and figure out new health norms.


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