Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday Schmatterings

     I'm officially off work now until April 6th, but I just didn't get two  needed things done, so sometime this weekend or Monday I'll tackle. I had set aside two different two hour blocks, and both were  interrupted so much, I just couldn't get them finished. My daughter had texted earlier about doing a movie night, so I logged out at 5:30, made supper, and we  watched a silly movie, a bit older one, 17 Again with Matthew Perry and Zac Effron. Not in a million years would I want to go back and relive  my teen years. If there is any age range I would like, it would perhaps be my late 30's and early 40's. I had all my kids, and this would have been before my parents and FIL passed away. I'd perhaps do things different with how I spent time with them, let dumb things go. I might have made different choices with my career or in supporting my kids with things we know now. However, I tend to believe in the concept of the butterfly effect and how changes in one part of a life could ripple into others. I guess I'll just stay 55.  

      DD2 got a late start on the road, I knew she would, but made good time and was home about 9:00. She lugged a lot of things she wouldn't need again like ice skates, and her  records and turntable. She thinks the belt is broke as it is not working, so hoping we can get it repaired. This is the second one with the same problem. I know we just saw her on her long winter break and three weeks of on-line, but she seemed quite a bit different-more mature. Well, she did leave her teen years without us. We all talked a bit before my older daughter went home. They have plans together tonight. I stayed up another hour or so with her, but my body is used to being asleep by 10:30 these days. Pup spent the night in her room-he wandered out this morning, then after I took him out, he ran back up to her room again. He was very leery about her stuff-all of which, dirty laundry and all, is in the entryway still. 

     Plans today are no plans! She'll run over and see her grandma, who is leaving with my BIL/SIL and family tomorrow through Easter. It seems like it will be a nice day, and if I feel up to stores, I need to get a few bigger house plant pots and repot several. Do you remember the Aloe Vera plant she brought home, I think perhaps last spring break? It was planted in a little China sugar bowl but has grown outward. It must be doing well as there are these little shoots of new growth. 

     Then there is this monstrosity that looks like mold has taken over in the dirt. Yuck!  The last is this Spider Plant, I think it might be. You all know I know nothing about plants-I just like the green in my house. When I get new pots, I'd like to fill the old with a few new plants so may look for them as well. Other than  normal  Saturday stuff and repotting, I'll just do laundry with the kid, and we may get a bit of take out lunch and eat in a park or back home on the deck. 

     We got the word yesterday Minnesota is opening up all ages 16 and older, depending on the vaccine, beginning March 30th. I'm not understanding the logic when people ahead are still having a hard time finding the vaccines, but I think in parts of the state there is so much more capacity, either because of supply or demand being lower, getting more, any ages vaccinated, will help overall. Health clinics though are still supposed to be contacting and scheduling patients who are in higher risk and high demand vaccination centers may still have  priority eligibility only which is good. News to share-both DH and I got appointments for shot  1 next Saturday through our clinic. I read California will open up April 15 to all, and I figure I can help get my son scheduled as we are two hours ahead and I can jump on the vaccine spotter. It's looking better, and I feel more hopeful for my kids. I wish the same for you and your families. Enjoy your weekend.


  1. The plants look good, the aloe Vera plant is so cute with the little shoots. I had a plant mold once before too, but I have no idea what causes that or how to fix it though.

    1. I hope the roots are good and fresh sool is all the plant needs.

  2. I would definitely not want to go back to my teen years either! Glad your daughter made it back home safely. Enjoy your time together Sam.

    1. She drove straught through and was uneventful-which was good.

  3. Great news for your vaccine appointments! Neither of my kids will be old enough (barring a change in the age recommendations for 1-2 years), so the more adults get vaccinated, the better things will be.

    It's so interesting how people appraoch things. Sam has had three high school games. At one game, every player wore their mask. The last two games, no one on the rival team wore a mask. (It's recommended, but optional). About 2/3 of his team continued to wear their masks, and they wear it all through practice (required on school grounds).

    We have another scrimmage this afternoon, so we'll see if the kids remain masked. Mine are both required to be masked (by me). They sometimes adjust the mask during the game for breathing, as there's a ton of running.

    1. Fingers crossed all the new expansion stays from being spreader activities. We had a county that haf a huge surge traced to youth and highschool sports. No where else though.

  4. I hope you have a marvelous vacation week! And kudos for finding the vaccine.

    1. It sounds like soon sll will have it. My daughter hopes to time as soon as she's back at school as appts. Seem anunfant near her.

  5. I wouldn't want to be a teenager again either - but to be 25 again - that would be bliss. And well done on getting your vax sorted. That'll be a weight off your mind!

    1. That would be before third kid, and what if something changed? I can't imagine not having her.

  6. Hello Sam, I'm glad that the vaccine is becoming more generally available, perhaps that means it will come to Taiwan just a little sooner. Even when that happens, I will still wear a mask for a long time to keep everyone on the safe side and more aware.

    1. There needs to be international coordination and cooperation. I'll keep following guidance post vaccine as well.

  7. Tommy and I have an appointment for the vaccine on Monday back in Cullman. I may not get mine since the time got messed up.

  8. Those plants are looking fantastic, really healthy!
    I'm delighted with my present age, I wouldn't change a thing.
    Great news on the jabs! xxx

    1. I hope the mold one can be saved. It rained all day so i put off repotting.

  9. Glad your daughter is home safe and sound. My nephew just took a road trip to NYC- he is 25 but Sis was really concerned. He didn't even have a place to stay but found a motel in NJ. I just roasted a whole chicken and followed the recipe- it was perfect. I bought myself an instant read thermometer a few months ago and that is the way to go. I'll save the bones and make broth tomorrow. Now I'd like something sweet to eat Heeehee.

    1. My soup really was delicious this week.

  10. I'm several years older than you, as you know, and I can honestly say that every decade has been even better than the one before. I cannot imagine being happier than I am now. I shall be seventy this year and my seventies look really exciting from where I'm standing!

    1. I think finding the best in life is not an age thing. Maybe I could just get mt body back- less aches and pains.

    2. If you're hoping to have less aches and pains as you get older, sorry, that's not how it works!


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