Friday, March 26, 2021

What's Up Friday

     Approximately 9 hours for now I will be officially off the clock, or more like, off-line for work. I know there will be a few things I need to check in on, but  no one will be demanding an immediate response, and I plan to leave things in pretty solid shape. Until then, I'm up to my eyeballs in virtual post it notes, and scribbles in my notebook of what must get done. With that, I'll be a bit briefer than my typical Frida ramblings but here's what's going on in my world in the form of my Friday W's. 

What's top of mind: I can't help it, but the vaccines are top of mind I'm using and, and yesterday called both DH's old clinic o his behalf, since he has been there in th elast year, and where we are now registered to see if he could get a referral for his shot rather than the haphazard way I've been trying to book and coming up short. 

Where I've been:  Starting with Saturday, errands to a couple stores and walks with my friends. I've been to the lake and then more walks with my daughter, and another stop in a store. For me, that is a lot of outings beyond my neighborhood. 

Where I'm going: We've got a hefty list of places we want to visit, pretty much all outside outings. The exceptions include the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, wiht a one way traffic flow-similar to how I grocery shop. We'll of course all be masked as will other patrons. The conservatory at the zoo, and any in buildings that are open would be the other exception. We'll do take out for any melas when we ar eout and about. We've got two day trips planned-one headin gnorth, and one heading south. 

What I'm watching: With sore muscles after the long walk Saturday and a vegging night Sunday once we were home, I watched the Avenger movies I missed. Then, I started watching WandaVision. I'm a fan of MArvel, but was missing some pieces. I have to say, there were some scenes in the movies that felt oddly real in this surreal time we are living in. 

What I'm reading:  I'm a good 2/3rds through The Taster, the book club book for our April meeting. The basic premise is Magda is a taster in Hitler's kitchen. I''m not sure how much was based on real events and hw much for literary appeal, but it is interesting, though I'm not sure I am enjoying it. Just like above, it is invoking thoughts of current life, or the life of certina cult like followers tof today.

What I'm listening to: I had a couple days of streaming radio for blocks of time, BBC World News. I think it was last Friday wher ethey did an in depth multi generation interview with an Italian family and how Covid has impacted their lives, I started listening last night to a podcast called Fingerscrossed. I'm not sure it will be for me as the hosts are quite young, but seem grounded in  many of the same priorities I have, and I like listening to different generational perspectives on today's world.

What I'm eating: Another week of changin up things, but made good use of the package of chicken I cooked last Saturday-three meals and leftovers. I made a big pot of chili on Wednesday and DD1 joined us. There is plenty left over for the weekend and DD2 loves chili as well and it will be a break from her dining hall food. I'm trying to avoid the three, yes I said, three, containers of ice cream DH bought. He was in the mood for a shake on Tuesday night, so made stop for ingredients and found 3 for $10. Of course he needed all three.

Who I'm paying attention to: Needless to say, my youngest is who I am paying attention to. I'll be thinking about her form the time I learn she is in the car until she pulls in our driveway four hours later. 

What I'm planning:  It's vacation week at 5:00 so I'm both planning and not planning! I just want a very restful week off. I'm still deciding about Easter-I bought a huge ham so we'll have that but haven't decided if I'll d brunch or dinner. Brunch would be the big meal out of the way, and I could just make a salad and pick up buns for later. I may have decided while typing! 

     I just finished a massively long and head turning full staff meeting to learn all the new changes after last months fall out and the resignation by th eold Big Boss. We now have  lots of additional  execs. I know people will eye roll and think this is not a good thing-more layers, but I actually think it will be good if they are the right people. Oh, and I will have a new direct boss on April 14th, who is the colleague that recruited me  over 6 years ago, then left four years ago. We worked well together, and have met up several times for lunch and coffee over the years. I think it will work out, for me and should have some things fall of my plate. I know there are others that were happy to see her leave when she did, so that will be interesting to see. 
That's about what I have for the week.  I'm hoping to just unwind and come back next week in my work space with a clearer head, less crankiness, and more energy. I hope you have a terrific Friday and find your own down time. 


  1. Have a fantastic vacation week Sam!

    1. My kid is home so it is off to a good start.

  2. So happy you're going to get time off next week! I have today off, and I'm very much looking forward to a little schedule flexibility. M & I are going to find a place with outdoor lunch, and then go to Sam's school soccer game. He normally can't go due to schedule, so this will be great he can see one.

    1. Ahh=outdoor lunch. With our warner weather, fingers crossed, we'll get a few of them in. How fun to watch Sam's game-I hope he enjoys being back in a real game and so nice that M can see him play.

  3. It's good that you already know your soon-to-be new boss and like her. That's always a relief. Other than that, enjoy your time off - I hope the weather is kind to you!

    1. She is incredibly smart in three areas that we have more limited skill sets, so that alone will feel like we have more support. Her area where she hopefully has gotten better at is dealing with difficult situations. She was very conflict avoidance, which meant she ignored some bad habits and issues until things sometimes got out of hand. Not with me, but I witnessed with a couple others. I think there might be a couple colleagues that could do a bit of power playing with her, but I hope she has grown more back bone.

  4. Hope you have a wonderful and restful vacation! Enjoy your time with your daughter, and it sounds like you have some fun activities planned. Hope you and your dh are able to get your vaccine soon too.
    I am a Marvel fan, and I Loved WandaVision!! What a fun concept! Not so sure about Falcon and the Winter soldier, as I'm not a fan of Bucky.
    I started watching Sisyphus: the myth, and I really like it so far. Korean subtitles and all.
    Have a wonderful weekend and vacation.

    1. I still had to be reminded who people/super heroes were when I watched the last Avengers. So many! I guess I had no thought on Bucky so I'll see what happens. I like Sam.

  5. It is-but not sure I'mliking it.


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