Saturday, June 5, 2021

Saturday Schmatterings-Life Update

      Blogging has taken a massive backseat the last few weeks, and I miss it. Tonight I plan to spend some time organizing my blogging schedule and thinking through possible content and catching up reading blogs from my virtual friends who were my lifeline for so much of the last year. Here's just a quick schmattering of life until I can properly get back to what was my blogging norm or at least a routine.


     Thank you all for the kind words for my niece-in-law. She is still on the respirator, but recent updates are that her O2 levels are improving. They took her off the paralytic agent and she was able to blink and nod. Please keep positive energy coming.

     My son has been busy working again, but that means staying off my radar to get any real conversation. I get it and he's always been like this, but when he talks, he talks!

     DD1 still is on house hunt, but there is nothing that has worked. Over priced crap or snatched from the market before she can even view. She had to work this morning then will be with friends for rest of weekend.

     DD2 starts her Americorp position Monday and I am glad! She has been bored with so much time off after such a busy student life. She's had fun though with highschool friends including backyard fires and horseback riding and beach days. She's back in her college town this weekend for an event and to see friends working on campus this summer.

     DH's foot healed for the most part but still sore.  We're back listed to get the part needed on the boat to get the steering better but he's looking forward to his Sundays with it on the lake. We had a dock issue anyway, but should be good by Fathers Day weekend. He's got to look at his calendar and get at least one long weekend scheduled. If I can take off I will,  but minimally I'll work from the lake.


     Speaking of vacation time, I got approved to carry forward about 80 hours over July 1, but only to August 31. I'll take 80 hours in August, two weeks, plus an additional 4 days to get back to 275 at least once. 

     The major project launched Friday. I still have two more but they are more straight forward and less players to coordinate. I'm taking the week of June 20th off, as best I can. I'm feeling very supported by the new director who gives me space, but also could take things off my plate. I'm trying to do the same with people that report to me. The return to office has been pushed back another month. I'll likely do two days in office and the other days, hopefully returning to my 9/10 two week schedule, from home.


     One word - chaos. Today is home focused for laundry, superficial cleaning at least, and more purging. It's likely going to hit 98 so don't want to be in that too long, but need to do some weeding, spray paint a pot, and dig up some ferns to put in the pot. That will go on my daughters porch.


     Hah! I've dropped at night from mental exhaustion so have done little. DD1 and I went to an Improv show by our community theater and then for a drink at the brewery last night. As I shared, she had an early morning so we just had one and she dropped me off by 9:30.  Trivia starts up again Wednesday after the false start a few weeks back. We've gotten several grad party invites. Most are Saturdays so likely DH won't go with me.

     I think that covers life as I'm living it. I best get going again and make way on the chaos. Thank you for reading and enjoy your Saturday.


  1. I'm so happy to hear that you'll get a break this summer, & will be able to take time off. I've missed your updates!

  2. Thanks for the update Sam. Sounds like such a busy time but sounds as if all is working out pretty well overall. Remember to take a little time for yourself too. Enjoy the weekend!

  3. I'm so glad to hear your niece is improving, albeit slowly! Now you need to take care of Sam. But how wonderful to be "working from the lake". If you have to work, I guess you can't do much better than that eh!

  4. I am happy to hear of the increased Oxygen levels for your niece. I hope things go smoothly for you with the new work project .
    I understand completely how blogging takes a back seat to real life~!

  5. I am happy your niece is recovering. I hope she goes back to hug her kids sooner than expected. Good luck with your projects!

  6. I will pray for her recovery and I am so sorry. You are going to enjoy that vacation my friend.

  7. Keep us posted when you are able.

  8. You do sound busy! Lovely to hear from you and enjoy the warmth and sunshine, I am! xxx

  9. You had a lot of good news in your post. I hope your niece continue to recover, son keeps working, and daughter likes her job! I promised cookies to a few clients so made the dough yesterday and here at 5 AM baked them- it was still HOT! I guess I've forgotten how a kitchen can retain the heat even with central air. Today is grandson's 19th birthday and tradition says dinner at a Japanese restaurant- this will be my first meal out since early 2020. I'm not real excited but not fearful either.

  10. I am so sorry to hear about your niece, I will say a prayer for her. Hugs to you, you definitely need it!


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