Friday, August 6, 2021

What's Up? the Friday W's


      Since last week, Blogger fixed my Reader List issue, so that is a good thing. Remember Martha Stewart used to have that as a tagline, "A Good Thing". I remember the Saturday Night Live skits about her shows that wasn't particularly funny, but in my head whenever I type "good thing" I think of those silly skit. 

Here's the W's of my life for this week.    

What's top of mind: Well, work reinstated the mask mandate inside the building. I wasn't surprised. That made more folk want to reduce office days even more than they had planned. We have rumor's of two possible locations hat we are moving to in January. No one shared the source or validity, but see reasonable, and  both OK options for me. I think the commute wouldn't be much different, perhaps a tad shorter. The buildings are both nice and parking would till be free. What's really on my mind though is having two weeks off work!

Where I've been:  Meals out, trivia, and walks with pup have been part of my goings this week. Our park had a police car, ambulance, and fire engine for National Night Out. Pup stole some of the thunder and the little kids wanted to pet the fully guy-who will be less than fluffy in a week. 

Where I'm going: I was going to head to the office to pack up my personal stuff, and relocate files to a central area. DD2 suggested we do her last week and she can help, plus we can get our "city" errands run. Smart kid. We're going to the lake Sunday for birthdays, coming home, but then will be back up there for several days and have friends coming a tthe end of the week. Will I go grocery shopping? Probably at some point. 

What I'm reading:  I started The Day Before Winter since it resurfaced without purging. It's the last of the Bennett's ISland books by Elizabeth Ogilvie. 

What I'm listening to: I tended to have Olympic news on in the background when not in meetings. It has been fun, but I'm ready to move on after the weekend. Winter games are scheduled for February. Does anyone know if they are still a go yet?

What I've been watching: I'm still watching a lot of the Olympic Games, and this week, Track and field and volleyball is  coming to a close. I swa Ashes to Ashes, the follow-up series to Life on Mars is on Brit Box. I don't remember if I saw it before or not. That might be on my weekend schedule, depending on weather. 

What I'm eating:   I'm still eating down what we have on hand. I've made several of the meal plan items-stuffed shells, goulash, abd  taco night. tonight maybe just ald and a take and bake pizza though. We used the fruit DD2 brought home on some smoothies and snacking, but learned kiwi does not make a good smoothie-or at least not to our taste.

Who I'm paying attention to: I'm following Florida and the political verbal spewing by their governor who will not take any responsibility for the surge in hospitalizations when his demands are so anti CDC guidelines. I'm sorry Florida, but you all know what you can do next year! I will never understand anyone using the the pandemic as a political hill to die on. Don't we want everyone healthy and safe? How can you ignore people dying in hospitals 18 months after all we have all experienced. 

What I'm planning:  I'm planning to bake the Nothing Bundt copycat and a blueberry pie tomorrow. I hope both turn out well for the birthday celebrants. I'm also planning to get ready to paint, and use items already in my house. I know you are all sick of this topic, but I am so excited to make this a reality. 

What's Making Me Smile: The thought of time off work and knowing there should not be anything so urgent these two weeks to disrupt my time. I had check-ins with all my direct reports and my boss and peers and things should be covered. I will say that again-things are covered. 

     We finally got a bit of rain! Not the soaking rain we really need, but something to clear the air. There were a many thunderstorms, so hoping that didn't also spark any  fires from lightning anywhere. I guess that storm system is going to pop up and around the next two days as well. I won't mind more rain at all over the weekend. Play along! What's going on in your life this week?

Picture to break up the boredom of this text heavy post! 


  1. School is top of mind. My daughter’s high school schedule was released yesterday and it’s not bad. A few dual enrollment classes and the rest are fairly easy. She’s more worried about lunch! She has a fast metabolism and her stomach always growls before lunch and of course, she has silent study hall right before she eats lol. We’re kind over high school. College stuff is front and center with her boyfriend leaving in less than two weeks and tours, scholarships, financial aid, my head is spinning. I’m making a large purchase this weekend of back to school clothes for my nieces, which I will get paid back for. As you know, I work retail and it’s a store that sells kids clothes. This weekend we get an extra employee discount and I’m picking up a ton of summer clothes for them insanely cheap….since they are moving to Florida. Johns Hopkins is the only hospital the country that is willing to help my sister-in-law with the delivery of her baby, who has serious birth defects and still may not make it. It’s been weighing heavy on me and I can’t pretend to even grasp how they are feeling. Just have to hope for the best. It’s been dry here and the heat has returned. Summers not over yet! I will be sad when the olympics are over and so far as I know, still on for next year. JoAnn

    1. I a hoping with you for the best! you are a great SIL to help them get prepared for school. I remember the excitement-and the feeing of the kids just wanting to be done with school. These last few years though, what other emotions are kids feeling! There is still a lot of summer. August has just begin, but I've just two weeks with my daughter at homme.

  2. My friend shared a few beachy/summer read books from her trip to Hawaii, so I've been reading those. They are really easy reads, and a good break from reality.

    Lots going on at work, and we are about to enter our incredibly busy season (through the end of the year).

    Plenty going on at home, with the kids, back to school, sports, etc. I made up a little score card last night & made everyone vote on the dinner menu for next week. Hoping to avoid drama about what's on the menu. Since I'm the chef, I don't want to hear any complaints. ;-)

    1. I've got a few of those reads piled for vacation as well. I need to be productive and also carve out time to relax. Today is regular cleaning, a bit of birthday baking, and laundry. Tomorrow officially starts hubs time off.

  3. Oh that picture is just stunning isn't it. Good luck with the rain. I'll trade you a few bucketfuls for a little sunshine!

    1. Our sunshine has been muted with wild fire haze form our poor Canadien neighbors. We are getting some rain right now-it was a tiny bit stormy overnight, but now it is a slow rain, which I hope continues all morning so it willa ctully soak into the ground and not just run off.

  4. I hope you have a great two week vacation. I would love for TheHub to take a few days off. We need to attack the downstairs den and move some things I can't move by myself.

    1. My strong daughter has been my mover! She is gne this weekend, and next weekend we have friends joining us. She is giving me a few hours on Monday night.

  5. We are going back to masks here soon I can just feel it. Dang!

    1. I've started back again myself in stores or anywhere where it is inside.

  6. Oh my gosh, that picture is beautiful! I hope you enjoy your time off immensely!

    1. She really captured the night perfectly! I want a print for my office.

  7. I never get tired of painting or fixing up posts. The picture is very artistic, great composition. I hope you have a god two weeks off.

    1. My daughter being a professional with a camera, though normally video, has a good eye for he light and angle. And this was from a cell phone!

  8. What a stunning picture!
    Enjoy every minute of your break. xx

    1. Thanks, Vix. I will enjoy the work parts as I'll feel better about the status of my home.

  9. Beautiful picture! We've had rain today, but it stopped at 5pm so I've got a load of laundry blowing on the line now. I'm hoping it will dry as there's another load in the machine.

  10. I just love these; When I write my own I think of you.


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