Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thrifty Thursday- Little Bits


      It's sure getting hard to come up with things to include in my Thursday thrift post. I seem to either be spending a lot or not at all. No great wins in the shopping or budgeting department, but I mostly bought things we've needed or really wanted at the time. For example, lunch out with my daughter was a splurge, but also a pre- thank you for all the help on Saturday. I guess at least thinking thrift is a little bit of actual thrift. I came up with the following.

  • My younger daughter has free texting and WIFI which surprised me, so she's  sent a few hello's. Peace of mind is a bargain!
  • Carefully loaded the garbage cans with the extra trash, avoiding an overage fee
  • My daughter found loads of change in her sister's room
  • Trimmed pup ourselves with a rechargeable dog l groomer razer and accompanying tools. He looks rag tag but more comfortable
  • Made multiple dinners this week without another store run
  • Bought just as many flower plants as I had interest to replant. Bought some seeds for the fun of seeing if we can get some to grow. I planted in pots and planters I already have.
  • Finally broke down on a vacuum, but it was an in-store roll back price. I'll keep the old as the suction is still good so the attachments and hose work for going around base boards and high. Useful if more than one of us clean
     It's not exciting to be thrifty or economize. But it's also most often not a hardship either. We've all been impacted by the higher prices in stores, at the pump, and without most of our wages going up. It feels more manageable to get through the inflationary times when I think on the fact we have all our needs met and still enjoy the treats and comforts of life time to time. Share any successes big or small. How are you still treating yourself despite the higher costs?


  1. You had some good wins this past week.
    You have to pay an overage fee? We can put as much out as we have and schedule a bulk pickup with no extra cost. I guess every state is different.
    Have a great day Sam!

    1. It has to fit within the bin because they use a lift. Now, we've had good luck in occasion where there's been an odd bag and they'll toss it in and not charge, but I try to avoid that.

    2. I'll add, I think our rates are comparatively low compared to other cities. It's municipality by municipality in. Minnesota for trash collection.

    3. Ours is included with the property tax bill and they even provide a nice big container for recycling- no limits here. Nan

  2. We have the bin requirements here, but if necessary you can request a second bin. We do have scheduled bulk pick up also which is fantastic when you have a lot of yard debris.

    1. We have the additional yard debris pick up offered at no extra a few times a year. It helps with sprucing up.

  3. "I guess at least thinking thrift is a little bit of actual thrift." That is so true! Of course, after a while we don't have to make decisions about some things. Choosing thrifty is natural to us. It was not thrifty buying flowers. But, thrift took over and I did not buy many. Then, yesterday, I saw Stella de Oro and bought one pot. So, thrift and not thrift is a mix. I try to do my best thrift moves with eating.

    1. You do well accessing and maximizing free food which has to be a great help to your budget. Flowers, even if just a few, could be classified as a need as we all need some bright and cheer.

  4. So....what type of vacuum did you buy?

    1. Bissell Pet Max I think it was called.

  5. We haven't been frugal at all lately. Lots of summer plans getting booked, and paid for. I was able to optimize some travel to use up credits from M's missed holiday flight (COVID), so at least that was redeemed without expiring.

    1. The road trip as it seems it will be, to Chicago will not be frugal. Our other summer plans will be though. Lots of lake time.

  6. Not every week is as frugal as we want. Especially when we are so busy. My list gets pretty repetitive and boring, but I still think it is important to remind oneself to be frugal. I would have had a ball cleaning that room with the money. Can you imagine my joy?

    1. I guess frugal and thrifty is just not wasting resources and I feel I do that much better now. The money is the result of tips just tossed in her dresser, left in pockets, the usual but since nothings been cleaned in ages, lots to be found.


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