Sunday, June 5, 2022

May Recap and June money Goals


     It's the first Monday of June so a good day to pause and recap where we are with money gosls. Here were my May goals and how we did.

  • Get work issue on paycheck resolved- This was resolved, but I'm still perplexed. We'll be made whole either through hitting my 40K cap early and in our tax return.
  • Plan for travel to Chicago and Spanish Consulate for daughter's Visa the end of June- We made the decision to drive on Thursday, head back Friday after her appointment is done. The hotels are just so expensive and to fly would cost hundreds more to essentially complete clerical steps.
  • Daughter to request and send transcript to get her scholarship frim my union payment for the 21-22 school year- Website issue needs to be resolved.
  • Also daughter, get information on her Americorps grant to use fall semester so it is taxed for 2022 not next year when she'll likely be working full time by June thus taxed higher.- Still needs to be done.
  • Update the summer budget- This will be adjusted more as inflation still rears its face in life these days everywhere.
  • Set aside money for spring and summer gift giving- it's a lot this year! - We held back some savings transfer to accommodate the needs of summer. I'll still look for deals, but most is cash giving.
     And now for June- a few carry forwards. There's so much to tackle this month and we'll need to stay focused.* Are really my daughter's tasks, but have implications for us.
  • *Daughter to request and send transcript to get her scholarship from my union payment for the 21-22 school year ( this was ordered Friday, so now needs to be sent onward once it arrives)
  • *Also daughter, get information on her Americorps grant to use fall semester so it is taxed for 2022 not next year when she'll likely be working full time by June thus taxed higher.
  • *Also daughter, apply for MN Frontline worker funds when the application opens, as she did two different eligible jobs
  • * Complete Earned Income Credit form- she got something from IRS that she may have missed a credit she's eligible for. (This was also done on Friday and mailed back, so just will wait 4-8 weeks for a response if she's eligible for a credit.)
  • *Get health travel insurance for daughter
  • *Book her flight to Spain as needed confirmed before consulate appointment.
  • Plan most cost effective route, breaks, and food for quick round trip to Chicago, while enjoying the time together in the big city.
  • Work on grocery planning, purchasing for the month to rein in wasteful spending
  • Continue to support daughter in her house hunt. She was able to deposit to her savings what she would have paid for July rent. I'm seeing each month that is delayed in finding and closing is actually a gift- no doubt she'll want or need things in her home and this savings can go towards those expenses. Things like garden hoses to door mats, to bedding for a spare bedroom. 
  • On that same train, continue to look for items from my house that can be used in hers. Win- Win. 
  • Research with son weeks that might work for him to come home. It's sort of money related as we'll co-look for the best flights, plus I'll want to budget for fun extra activities and meals out.
  • At month end, tally up our savings rate in the cash account, and how far behind we are living in just my take home. I'm take home pay too heavy the second half of the year, so still of the mindset it's doable. That will mean when DH retires, we have more flexibility to draw down from various accounts if not needed to live on.
      My daughter has another job prosect, but also decided since she likely has time, she is getting her TEFL certification so she has that under her belt for job hunting after graduation. It'll be about 120 hours, plus prep time, so can complete by mid August. There's always a need for those who can teach English to foreign learners. She'll feel more productive this summer as well. Little efforts hopefully will keep us in track.


  1. I hope you get everything you need in order. Life is a juggling act some times

    1. There's been juggling here for sure. I'm tagging along on another house viewing tonight.

  2. Whew that's a big list. Hope it all goes smoothly. You are awesome at planning. Happy Monday!!

    1. It is, but nothing should take long. It's the insurance research and the plane ticket we need to do the most planning on.

  3. Just helping the kids takes up your free time, but I think it is wonderful how you support them and help them. Kids need that.

    1. They're not kids, but don't we all need help sometimes? I wish I had some from time to time.

  4. The TEFL is TOUGH so good on your daughter for taking that on!

    1. She's plugging away at it. It's a backup/ side gig opportunity.


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