Sunday, June 19, 2022

More Figuring Life Out Meals


    I'm no longer serving kids in the kids menu sort of way, but we've got a lot of comings and goings this week and if I don't semi prepare, no doubt take out will take over. Problem,  summer really is here, and my apathy for meal planning remains. Here's what I cobbled together the last week.

  • Sunday:Black bean and sweet potato tacos and rice
  • Monday: Odd chicken and noodle dish that was better imagined than executed.
  • Tuesday: mushroom stroganoff over penne pasta, with or w/o meatballs
  • Wednesday: Daughter worked her evening job, and we all just had fend for yourself
  • Thursday: Curry, but DH had leftover meatballs and noodles
  • Friday: Chicken Fried Rice with egg rolls
  • Saturday: Grilled bacon, cheese, and tomato sandwich, homemade potato jojo's 

Heres what the week ahead might look like

  • Sunday: Father's Day grilled hamburgers, pasta salad, fruit, 
  • Monday: Ravioli in the crockpot
  • Tuesday: Roasted vegetables, cous cous, leftover burgers
  • Wednesday:  Crockpot vegan chili with baked potato 
  • Thursday: DH and DD1?, DD2 and I:Dinner out
  • Friday: DH and DD1?, DD2 and I: On the road dinner
  • Saturday: Grad party/ wedding/family get together at lake 
     I'm going to leave extra snacks and beverages at the lake as part of DH's contribution as likely only he'll be going to the family get together to see his out of town relatives. I'm not pushing myself or daughter to go after so much driving in two days,but I'll likely get to my friends son's party. My other daughter has a friends wedding. 

     The plan is for having leftovers for DH for Thursday and Friday. Whether he eats them is a question. My older daughter will likely plan for herself around our meals. She needs to just decompress for a bit, no weird downstairs neighbor, no getting woke up every other night by upstairs immature disturbances. Who knows what July will bring, but a pause the rest of June feels like the right thing. 

     I wake up so early these days and can't fall back to sleep. Then, I fall asleep reading or watching something earlier than I intend. I might run to the store before everyone's ready to drive to the lake, but can make due if I don't. When I go, I want to grocery shop light this week, tuck in the cart just what we need. Dare I try a top off for under $35? Is that even possible now? What's on your menu? Anyone doing any road travel or get togethers?


  1. Goodness me, those kids eat more than I do! I don't think I could eat a biscuit (cookie!) after a serving of macaroni cheese!
    I'm cooking up the remnants of this week's Lidl £1.50 Waste Not box - I've baked a vegan banana loaf to share with the gang when we get to Glasto tomorrow and there's shakshuka with roasted swede and rosemary wedges for dinner tonight. For the next seven days we'll be camping so we'll be eating whatever is in danger of going off first in between serving customers! xxx

    1. Of course we American's always have too big of portions in restaurants, even children's menus. I hope the festival is a blast and success.

  2. We had a break from the hot weather yesterday, so we grilled and ate dinner outside. It was a nice way to spend the evening. Today I thawed out ground beef so we are probably having hamburgers on the grill.
    The end of July we're going to Chicago and I'm excited about that trip. I hope you both have a wonderful trip.

    1. It got to 95 today- steamy. We have a pretty fast trip, so not a lot of fun, but hope to make the most of Thursday afternoon and evening.

  3. We're planning on barbecued chicken, a few meals out, & a crockpot chicken recipe.

    1. I suppose with the boys gone, less schedules to juggle means more flexibility.

  4. I never understand what your top off is. I would call it getting milk and bananas and maybe something I forgot. But, it would not be hard to keep that under $35.

    A meatloaf is in the plans for today. Tommy will chop and cook the rest of the ground beef. There is a capon that must be cooked, also. Maybe I will make strawberry shortcake. Maybe I will made blackberry jam. Maybe I will wash my hair.

    1. Topping off would be for any fresh food from my main shop of the month, which I did last week, but also fairly large week before. Prices being what they are, I'll spend $16 just on apples, oranges, and bananas. It also would be eggs, bread, milk and juice, so add another $10-$12. Others odds and ends could easily increase to $35. Fresh food is expensive.

  5. After losing power for several days last week due to the derecho and then Bill having a weird work schedule this week I am not sure about meals. I think I might make spaghetti one night, crescent ham rollups on another night. Not sure what else.
    Have a safe trip with your daughter. We are going on vacation to the beach soon so will have to figure out meals for that week as we are traveling with extended family. Should be a good challenge.

    1. I felt so bad reading your posts, but you sure managed to save what you could. We enjoyed the lake today. I hope your vacation is terrific.

  6. Today I made cookies for the first time in so long I can't remember, using nearly all ingredients found at home. They didn't turn out well, worse luck, but it was fun to try.

    1. Cookies can be tricky- over baking or under baking easy to do.

  7. This Father's Day sort of planned itself. Son3 was here and Son2 and DIL2 came over. I had asparagus left over from the Florida trip and some new potatoes along with frozen ground chuck. It became a meatloaf meal, with a peach cobbler (frozen peaches from last summer) or blueberry cobbler (blueberries left over from Florida made because Son2 is allergic to stone fruits)
    I am making no plans for the week because as soon as I do someone will have other plans that they forget to tell me. I had rather make none then punt, instead of getting angry for not being told.

    1. That's probably a smart way of non meal planning. I'm not so great at punting. I hope you are thoroughly enjoying every minute with your family.


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