Wednesday, June 22, 2022

My Wednesday Pantry- Hot, Hot, Hot Links


  Pup needs his walk, even on the blistery hot days. I like the fact we rarely have to clean up the yard because he needs to walk to complete his routine. But on these hot days, even a short walk is brutal. We go out the back right to the park, moving from tree to tree for shade. I'm trying to stretch it later, but now that we're in the long days, he can't wait until the sun starts setting. I just don't feel like eating when my body temperature rises. Normally heat doesn't bother me, but this year it has. I don't want hot food- I'd rather eat just fruit, or cold meat and cheese and crackers or made into light wraps. 

     DH comes home dripping, but also hungry. Once he cools down and hydrates, then he'll pretty much eat anything. The crockpot really needs to be my friend as the oven does not need to be on. Ravioli or crockpot lasagna, one pot chilli, sweet and sour meatballs or chicken over steamed vegetables - anything that'll yield leftovers. He will need to eat leftovers if he wants more than the girls and I are feeling.

     We're all over the place in our eating preferences right now. I'm reading my southern, west coast, and southwest blogger friends posts for ideas. Surely there's more to hot weather food than just grilling, salads, and the crockpot. What tempts your palates? Here's a few cool as cucumber ideas I found for when the temperature is soaring. I'm putting them in this post to find them again. Please link your own or ideas.

52 Summer Dinner Ideas 

Summer Chicken Recipes 

80 Light Summer Meal Ideas


  1. I made this yesterday, & thought it was lovely.

    I used fresh chopped tomatoes (had them on hand from the garden) & lots of fresh basil. The only other tweaks: tasted it before serving, & added some garlic salt. Also added a bit of butter vs the sugar it called for. I try to avoid sugar for my husband's food (due to allergies.) I topped with fresh chopped tomatoes & basil.

    We served ours over roasted spaghetti squash, which negated the not having the oven off idea, but wanted to use our first garden squash, which was delicious.

    The recipe has nice flavors of summer, and the crockpot would make it super easy to prep.

    1. When more local veg come, well feast on them. I like a good chicken dish.

    2. I read spaghetti squash can be cooked in a microwave.

  2. We try to eat what is in season as it's cheaper and tastes better. I will not eat a tomato from a grocery store but I can eat my weight in them for the 5 months out of the year that they grow here. I had my first BLT of the year the other day and it was delicious.

    1. There's no comparison to fresh and local. Soon!

  3. Grilling, salads, and crockpot seems like lots of choices. Unfortunately, we don't have a grill. However, our variety seems sufficient. LOL...maybe our demands are low.

    1. It's the same old stuff though, but I'll do better when more fresh stuff is available from local farmers. Nothing wrong with keeping demands low - easy to be happy.

  4. I make a pasta salad with peas and cheese and onion, and then add any kind of meat and it is so good. You can add tuna, chicken, shrimp, ham, bacon. A complete meal and filling. I am not fond of it with beef but I suppose it could be done. Also hard boiled eggs made into salad, or on a salad, or deviled are filling. Plates of cold meat and cheese with crackers and a salad. I love a chef salad, or a cobb salad.

    1. I made that the other day with no protein - well, cheese and peas. Hubs loved it. I'll do more often.

    2. Any dressing? I’m always looking for new recipes. Nan

  5. I had cheese popcorn for dinner so I clearly don’t have much to contribute. But I’m sick of everything! What kind of dressing do you put on the pasta salad with peas and cheese? That sounds interesting. JoAnn


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