Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Positively Tuesday-Appreciation

      Happy first day of summer! While the long days working from home were getting to me, having my daughter home for the summer has been a significant change. Now, two daughters for a bit and we had our first morning of all of us here. Actually, the youngest was up and out to her 4:00 start, the older to the gym and back before 6:00, and I didn't hear a thing. It'll work fine for as long as it needs too. I had yesterday off in respect of Juneteenth. It was a quiet morning then after DH went to work. I had my bookclub book to finish, but also thought it was appropriate to read a couple essays on human rights in the US. These were book marked for sometime. 

     As it's Positively Tuesday, I first want to thank all that have fought, often with their lives, for racial and social progress, to end oppressive and discriminatory laws, and move towards a world where all humans are valued. I'm still down a bit, rough patches over the weekend, but overall I'm grateful for the life I'm able to live, and hope for new and interesting opportunities.

     I feel like much of my list if 10 joys, simple pleasures, and smiles are second hand. That's ok. To celebrate with others is part of valuing humanity. 

  1. I got through one of four dreaded meetings in year last Wednesday without added stress. I'm happy for the team I have who did a stellar job preparing for, and presenting.
  2. It sucked to have a cavity after so many years never to have one. But, I have quality insurance and the bulk is paid for. What's not, can be reimbursed through my pre-tax account.
  3. My daughter got the hammock set up. I probably won't use, but it's a simple pleasure to see her with a stack of books in the shade loving it. It's truly a simple pleasure. I'd love DH to appreciate it in a fine coolish day. He hates the heat as . much as the cold. Thank you all as I'm applying my Adsense payment to pay for it. It was not used yesterday due to the oppressive heat.
    She found a spot that's pretty much all shade. 
    Not that it mattered yesterday.

  4. It was a short stay, but we had a relaxing day at the cabin. I read, helped my niece with her kids, and had a really good lunch including burgers on the grill, pasta salad, and watermelon. It was a calm day. 
  5. My MIL seemed to really appreciate the effort my daughter and I provided to get bedding changed for her guests coming later. I was happy my daughter could do the climbing in bunks, and help me get all the sheets washed, folded, and put away. 

  6. I still haven't finished A Theater for Dreamers, but I binged The Getaway Girls for book club and enjoyed it. While the girls were 14 years older and had lives different from mine, they were relatable in a way to what I think so many women that married, raised children, and now are empty nesters feel as we age. While their adventure was highly improbable, shaping adventures just because is important. I need to think about what my just for me adventure might be. 
  7. I borrowed DHs computer, which has Word, and actually worked on the long and meandering book I started, let's see, five years ago? Longer? I'll just say it's still a work in progress but I dabbled a bit and that made me happy.
  8. Book club was fun, but both heat and lingering Covid kept us on Zoom. 
  9. Speaking of heat, yesterday's weather report was the following.  Overnight conditions have remained very warm and humid and have provided little thermal relief. Look for Monday to be dangerously hot and humid statewide. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2022/06/20/sultry-monday-thunderstorms-northwest-later. I prefer open windows and fans, but appreciated air conditioning on days like this. It hit 100F, breaking the days previous recorded high in my town of 98 in 1933. 
  10. Watermelon! I plan to get more even though it's still expensive. It was very refreshing Sunday and yesterday.
     I hope your week is a good one. If you had yesterday off from work, how did you spend it? 


  1. I deliberately did almost nothing yesterday because I am resting up for an ordeal next Monday. Still, I was exhausted. Yes, I must not do so much that I am exhausted. That said, I got 5 of the 10 gallons of vinegar that I wanted to get at a good price--$2.24/gal. We had pizza and salad for dinner. I started on the blackberry jam. And, I worked from a list.

    1. The heat everyday would get to me, but I'm not used to it. I hope you got the rest you need before your ordeal.

  2. Happy Summer Solstice! The Getaway Girls sounds like a fun read. I'll add it to my list. It's brutally hot here as well breaking all kinds of night time and day time highs. Happy to hear you had a calm day at the lake. That's what summer is all about.

    1. It's definitely a summer read breezy. I hope for more days like that as summer progresses.

  3. We had yesterday off for the first time ever, and it was really nice. I'm reading a book for a Juneteenth book club (Biased), which I've found interesting so far.

    We stayed overnight at a hotel for M's birthday, so I got up yesterday & did some free workout classes, & then we had lunch before we left the gorgeous hotel. Came home, did some chores & then M made chicken & I made a tomato salad. It was really relaxing & lovely.

    So glad you guys have the hammock! Sounds like a fabulous way to spend an afternoon.

    1. It cooked down just a few degrees and not as humid. My daughter found a spot in the late afternoon shade and vegged! Your trip sounds terrific, plus the added day.

  4. It's just too hot to get anything done here so good on you for getting so much done!

    1. I felt like I had a fair week. I'll be happy when her Visa situation is done.

  5. I like your notion of positive Tuesday.
    Watermelon! I love it so. We foolishly buy it already cut, which makes it even more expensive.

    1. I had bought a new sharp knife for the cabin as a Christmas present for all and it made slicing the melon a breeze.

  6. Watermelon sounds like the perfect splurge!
    Glad you found your joys this week!

    1. It's so messy if not eaten cut up so perfect for the lake.

  7. You know I remember as a kid that extra watermelons were considered pig food. We would eat the hearts and throw the rest to the pigs. The good old days!

    1. My nieces dog was trying to get the rinds. He loved it. My dog didn't so much as lick.

  8. Watermelon are great this year. We're on our 3rd one, so far. I would buy, regardless of cost, simply because it's not available all year round. (not good melon) I can go without something else, if that's what it takes. Ranee

    1. We hadn't had any since Memorial Day weekend. I'll buy more when we're home.


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