Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Positively Tuesday-My Family


Someone was waiting for his kids. 

     I'm back to work today, but still a few days of happy, mostly, chaos. It was a good week off, but in typical fashion, not always a good use if time for getting things that were needed done. That's where the overwhelmed feeling comes from. My daughter left so much until the last couple days, so there's a lot in her plate today. Some things couldn't be done until today, and she knew that. Yet ... We'll get her on that plane safely and with what she absolutely needs. The rest, well, she'll figure it out 

     Not a lot of back story to tell as we all lived it. After the long few years where COVID changed everyone's life, I finally felt a twinge of normal at times, while overwhelmed with emotion. Here's a summary of the things that caused this groundswell. These are not by date or any particular order. 

  1. My daughter and had a good after shopping, then a very early dinner after wandering through IKEA.
  2. I took advantage of my daughter working her last 2nd job shift, plus a nice night weather wise to relax Wednesday night before my son's arrival and a busy holiday working. Slowing down was good. 
  3. Having my son home has been terrific. He's got to spend time with siblings, cousins, and extended family. He really has few friends in the area- he went to college 6 hours away, so we got to be greedy with his time.
  4. As luck would have it, he doesn't have to be on set until Thursday so he changed his ticket and we got an extra 24 hours. He leaves tonight. No change fee, though Delta still charges if the ticket price changes. 
  5. The weather was an added gift. It was warm and sunny, and the weekend humidity was low. 
  6. I spent loads of time cuddling the family babies at the lake. 
  7. Using peppers from my daughter's garden, we had fajitas on Sunday. Man were they good. It was fun to see her being so excited about her garden produce. She brought loads of jalapenos to share with family too. I'll be making pepper jam this weekend if I can round up enough jars. 
  8. I enjoyed lunch out with my family. My kids are going out again today while I I I'm m working. 
  9. DD1 wrangled DH into a family picture. He is such a difficult man when it comes to that. 
  10. Pup was in his glory having all the kids. My older daughter stayed over Sunday and last night. It was almost like rolling back the click 16 years!
     I appreciate the comments to my last posts. I need to read through and comment back as it looks like good conversation. I had preplanned a few posts that I added off and on to. I was probably a bit incoherent. But, life I guess gets to start forming again. It won't feel fully normal until I know my daughter is settled. I hope you have a Positively Tuesday. 


  1. Welcome back, Sam! Being with family can be overwhelming at times, but it sounds like it all worked out in the end.

    I was away also (family too!), and then came home to a tough few days as we dealt with our furry buddy's blindness. My apologies for not commenting for a bit.

    1. It was mostly good. The overwhelming was my daughter getting all the things done either she procrastinated on, or learned of just one more step. No worries about comments. I'm majorly behind reading and replying.

  2. I’m so happy you had such a good visit; that’s wonderful. As for your youngest, my son did junior year abroad in Seville. As long as she has her passport, she’ll be fine. They have stores in Spain, and FedEx delivers internationally. (Ask me how I know….). Good luck this week!

    1. I already know we'll need FedEx because we could only get a 90 day refill. Her prescriptions will have to get mailed.

  3. So happy you had a great time with your family! Sounds like a great mix of time together.

    1. It was so good to have all of us together. My daughter made DH cooperate for a picture.


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