Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Positively Tuesday - New Look


     I like how Anne at Cooking and All That Jazz does her weekly joys post, capturing by day. I decided I'd give that a try. Some days I'm just kind of grumpy, down, out of sorts so knowing I need to find at least a joy, some pleasure, or something to smile about each day, might be the little continuous kick I need to feel and show gratitude. My week will be Tuesday- Monday to stay with my Positively Tuesday theme. 

Tuesday: This was a stressful day of work, ( I should have taken the whole day off) plus final things for my daughter, while trying to enjoy the last day with my son. The joy was he was able to add another day. He had an efficient flight back, and let us know he arrived home. Once my daughter's medical QR code that always entry to Spain was sent, she had a sigh of relief, and could concentrate on packing. I just hung out with her while she did that, finally crashing after midnight. 

Wednesday: Timing worked and my daughter squeezed in a final doctor video visit, got refills on prescriptions, and to the airport in plenty of time. The ticket agent at American Airlines was a gem. She was kind, patient, and humorous. I got a picture of my girl, passport in hand. I was happy to be able to track her flights, so knew she was safely on route. 

Thursday: To pick up from yesterday, I got messages to know she arrived at each leg of her trip safely. Work was stressful, but DH made a full BBQ dinner. He made too much food, but it was delicious. 

Friday: We had a quiet night at home. My night was taking a pup walk, a visit outside with neighbors, then a relaxing couple hours watching a couple episodes of Dr. Who. After a wonderfully busy weekend before, jam packed work days, it was very much needed.

Saturday: It was great not going anywhere and getting some of the house to rights. Better was a video call over WhatsApp with my daughter in Spain. I got to meet her host dad, who assured via my daughter interpreting, they would treat our girls like family. So far her experience has been good, if not a bit overwhelming.  

Sunday: It was a nice gathering for my niece and nephews birthday, followed by a Minnesota Viking win over the Green Bay Packers. Skol! Later, DH and I both took pup for a walk. He was very happy. 

Monday: Pup went beserk mid morning. The water meter guy from the city did a reading and identified we must have a leak, likely toilet. Well why is this a joy? I want the toilet replaced. DH "fixes" that thing 10 times a week, lasting five minutes. This should convince him the whole set up needs someone to either really fix, or replace. I'd opt to replace, and we can do the floor, tub, and vanity at the same time. 

     The real joy though was my daughter coming for dinner, bearing another pepper and her first couple carrots that we sauteed to go in homemade pasta sauce. We packed her a lunch meal and kept a bit of sauce for homemade pizza. She stayed over instead of driving home so that was nice. It  was getting late and we were both tired after the weekend. She's only 30 minutes away, but it saved her time 10 minutes this morning too. She had work stuff with, always prepared. 

     It's very important to me that I see and recognize all the good things in life. Attending a funeral yesterday, hearing my BIL's daughter talk about their grandma, was a good reminder of what a good life lived is all about. It's not fancy and glamorous but filled with daily things to appreciate and enjoy. Here's our weather for the week. Can't get much better, and that's a more than simple pleasure. What are your joys and simple pleasures this week? 


  1. This was a nice post Sam. The little joys in life are so important to recognize. We've streamlined our lives so much in the last 17 years and I would never have thought doing so would make us as happy as it has.

    1. Simple, drama free days and nights make my heart happy. Now ti bust clutter I'll be happier yet.

  2. I love Anne's joys posts. They are always such a great reminder that we can always find some. Yesterday, I had to go to the office on a Monday. Two joys there. 1) I used to be required to go every Monday, so it's good to remember that we are on a 3 day in person work week (vs 5) now. 2) I got to take advantage of an office gym yoga class, that I rarely go to, because it's only offered on Mondays. Different work groups are in the office on different days. It's a great class, and my body needs more yoga. 3) Sam had a minor injury at soccer on Saturday, and it reminded me how lucky we've been that the boys have stayed largely injury free during sports. Nick has had some intermittent back pain, but no actual soccer injuries or broken bones. 4) my parents leave for Hawaii this morning. We did not have a lot growing up, and it's so nice that they saved well for retirement, and really prioritize their spending, & get this opportunity together. They love it.

    1. I survived no major child injuries either. I myself had a horrible accident not sports related at 11, still have issues. I'm glad your grueling schedule gets some reprieve to work at home a few days.

    2. I started up yoga on Monday again too - I floated out of there! It's wonderful isn't it!

  3. I enjoy Anne posts also and it is a reminder to me that we have a lot more joy than sorrow. We just don't appreciate what we do have. I love your family and I don't even know them. I thought it was cute that your daughter stayed over rather than driving 30 minutes home. My kids will do that, and I just love it. Silly I know, must be a mom thing.

    1. She was so tired after her weekend so it was nice to know she just said she was staying. I'd have had to have her check-in anyway. It's a mom thing for sure

  4. This was a sweet blog post to read about your joys, Sam. I too like reading Anne’s joys on her blog each week. My joy today was walking outside to a temperature of 53 degrees. It felt wonderful!

    1. The cool mornings are wonderful. Anne is a dear.


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